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Tourism minister hopes more Muslim visitors will be lured to Thailand


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Who is left to entice as tourists to the country, even the Chinese are showing signs of going elsewhere like all the others who once visited these shores but for some unknown reason do not come back any more. So Muslims not a problem, unless they are ISSI on vacation

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The muslims who come to Thailand as tourists are not looking for an halal experience, rather they want haram and lots of it.  The idea of " luring" them to Thailand with halal hotels and designated bathing areas is absurdly ridiculous. Make the place alcohol free and see how many bookings there are from muslim countries !

I think all religious people should be made to take their holidays in designated countries  like Italy, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. 

Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam should be designated as only available to the heathen and maybe a few druids like myself.   

Edited by Rajab Al Zarahni
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18 hours ago, sawadeeken said:


19 hours ago, thai3 said:
19 hours ago, Docno said:

. I'm no fan of Islamic ideology (by far!), but people like her represent the silent majority of Muslims who get little press coverage because they are simply living their lives...  

People like her are totally relevant as while they might not be aiding the Islamic movement as such, they do nothing against the horrors committed in it's name. Where is the worldwide Islamic peace movement, where are the Islamic demos riots and threats when  jihadist slaughter in the name of her god? There are moderates but no matter how many there are is not important, none of them have ever changed a line in their hateful, violent divisive Koran, and non intend to either.

Edited 10 minutes ago by thai3


I'm not sure what happened to Thai3's post (seems to have gone AWOL), but it was a reasonable comment worth remarking on...


There are big challenges when it comes to organising a reformation of Islam.


First, it's simply the case that radicals are more likely to organise than moderates because they are more focused on their goals (think of anarchists, Nazis, and Bolsheviks); moderates typically just want to get on with life.


Second, it's dangerous to spearhead a reformation movement; millions died in Europe during the reformation of Christianity, whether in warfare or on flaming pyres set up by Church authorities.


Third, the Quran itself poses a challenge in that, unlike the Bible, it is said to represent the literal word of God. It's much more consistent than the Bible because it was written by one person rather than several (in the case of the Bible, the Gospels were written many decades after the death of Jesus by several people who had not even seen the Messiah). When you're dealing with (supposedly) the literal word of God, you don't have much room for re-interpretation or 'softening'. And, of course, the Quran is much more violent than the New Testament (though less violent than the Old Testament).

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Lured to Thailand...I like that ...sounds devious...Lured to Thailand...

And then ..and then, after 1 week in Thailand and all the FUN to be had the silly Muslims could easily recognise the error of their ways and never want to go back to living their ridiculous  Muslim / Islamic lifestyle ever again.

Thank you Thailand ...Thank you Buddha....lol

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On 14/02/2017 at 7:28 AM, ratcatcher said:

Maybe like this?dive.jpg

One O&G facility I worked in had a swimming pool built and paid for by the UK Oil company. The day after it was finished a large sign was posted saying locals only. After a few days of soap being used plus some washing powder for the shirts etc the filter systems gave up and within two weeks the whole thing had turned green.  It was padlocked and closed and just slowly fell apart.

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