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Police warn teens going "Live on Facebook": behave obscenely and you could face jail


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“Police warn teens going "Live on Facebook": behave obscenely and you could face jail


This is Thailand. You are only allowed to behave obscenely in the privacy of a bar, hotel room, brothel or while performing your high level job. Then you can deny it and not lose face. No matter how obscene or illegal the act is. 

Edited by jaltsc
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2 hours ago, jerojero said:

Dancing not allowed. Where's Kevin Bacon when you need him. Don't the police have better things to do. Sheesh!

Remember the poor boy who got arrested for eating a sandwich (deemed as a sign of silent protest) and playing the Marseillaise on his phone? It is not only the police but also the majority of the Thai people to blame who let these things happen.

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Come on, Guys! What would you prefer to do all day? Run after crooks and go through companies financial records, or look for those filthy dancing videos of girls dancing all day with a glass of beer in your hand?


Now, about the uniform, I think those tight police uniforms to be much more disgusting than that, especially when they are flaunting beer drinking, which would follow if you are sitting in front of a computer all day. looking at women dancing. 


Finally, about the dancing, I would like to know how little skin was showing. 5 years in jail? Wow! In Thailand? I can see if women were taking their clothes off, but I don't think that is even close to what is taking place. I think they should spend their time catching bigger and meaner fish.



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3 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

The Thai police are really the laughing stock of all police forces in the world, they think that they can write their own laws.

Even here, the police do not write the laws--however, they may choose which ones to enforce. The law, according to the article, is statute 14(4) of the criminal code.

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4 hours ago, Thechook said:

Just a wee bit over the top.  The Junta wants to completely rule every single aspect of people's lives, the have to act, think and speak in accordance to Prayuth's rules or you will be imprisoned but the elite are free to live their lives however they please.

It's soooo good to be elite!!  or is it privileged?  Doh!

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This song is really all about this.






Pink Floyd message to all of the elites of the world and their bodyguards


Pigs (Three Different Ones) (Waters) 11:26 

Big man, pig man, ha ha charade you are.
You well heeled big wheel, ha ha charade you are.
And when your hand is on your heart,
You're nearly a good laugh, 
Almost a joker,
With your head down in the pig bin,
Saying "Keep on digging."
Pig stain on your fat chin.
What do you hope to find.
When you're down in the pig mine.
You're nearly a laugh,
You're nearly a laugh
But you're really a cry.

Bus stop rat bag, ha ha charade you are.
You <f_____d> up old hag, ha ha charade you are.
You radiate cold shafts of broken glass.
You're nearly a good laugh,
Almost worth a quick grin.
You like the feel of steel,
You're hot stuff with a hatpin,
And good fun with a hand gun.
You're nearly a laugh,
You're nearly a laugh
But you're really a cry.

Hey you, Whitehouse,
Ha ha charade you are.
You house proud town mouse,
Ha ha charade you are
You're trying to keep our feelings off the street.
You're nearly a real treat,
All tight lips and cold feet
And do you feel abused?
.....! .....! .....! .....!
You gotta stem the evil tide,
And keep it all on the inside.
Mary you're nearly a treat,
Mary you're nearly a treat
But you're really a cry.



Edited by EnlightenedAtheist
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1 hour ago, edwinchester said:

Dancing provocatively in a school uniform whilst picking wild mushrooms and drinking a bottle of Chang whilst streaming to Facebook could easily earn oneself a life sentence.

Brilliant, Edwinchester. That really made me laugh out loud. 


But it goes further than that: if a person were caught doing those heinous things you mention, not only would they be deemed by the virtuous police and junta as deserving a lifetime prison sentence, but also, after death, centuries of damnation in one of the coldest of Buddhist hells to cool down their sexual passion!

Edited by Eligius
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3 hours ago, jackinthebox said:

are they really going to

1. contact facebook for the IP and then

2. force the Telecom-Provider to issue the contact-data / adress of the culprit?

3. crack a nut with a sledgehammer

(or "riding an elephant catching grashoppers" in thai)

And what if they just log in to facebook via public networks or free WiFi?


Oh, and by the way - there is also a MV from Thai LugThung-singer "Thai Orathai" about a "professionally" dancing girl in MathajomTon (DaoTen MooTon):


screenshot 18.jpg

There's a major gap in the evidence needed to prosecute.  Facebook has no record of live video feeds.  Unless someone records it, the evidence of the crime doesn't exist.

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4 hours ago, Thechook said:

Just a wee bit over the top.  The Junta wants to completely rule every single aspect of people's lives, the have to act, think and speak in accordance to Prayuth's rules or you will be imprisoned but the elite are free to live their lives however they please.

I saw this coming last year "Shut  up or go to jail" No freedom here in the name THAILAND 


This is what you voted for under the constitution Live with it.


So sad 

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Teens going live on Facebook to dance or behave provocatively have been warned their actions could land them in jail.

On the other hand Thai law exempts anyone under the age of 10 from criminal punishment.

Except when NCPO decides differently such as in the arrest of two eight-year old girls for violation of the Referendum Act


(PS: Thai police operate under auspices of the NCPO)

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26 minutes ago, realenglish1 said:

I saw this coming last year "Shut  up or go to jail" No freedom here in the name THAILAND 


This is what you voted for under the constitution Live with it.


So sad 

I'm with you, Realenglish. 'Thai-land' literally means (so we are told) 'Free Land'. What a joke!


On the Constitution point: we must never, ever, forget that we only have the unelected, mendacious junta's word for it that the majority of Thais did vote for that rights-stripping document. There is not a shred of actual evidence that 62% of voting Thais actually underwrote their own legalised slavery in this way! After all, those 'people'  who are prepared to hold a country to ransom at gunpoint will not hesitate to lie about it all without a blush or second thought!

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3 hours ago, Alan Deer said:

Says more about the psyche if the officers concerned than the kids on the net.

Actually, the near-unapposed disapproval here of an attemt to shut down their potential source of degenerate entertainment might just say more about the psyche of the average TV commenter...

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

Here in Thailand, they have like millions of criminal codes, but not so many policemen

to enforce most of them....

I wanna see the police starting to chase FB offenders now, like they don't have

their hands full with other much more serious crimes that they can hardly keep

up with, good luck guys...


The number of police officers in Thailand is almost twice the number of police officers in UK police forces. The countries have similar size populations. Now which would you consider to be the most effective and/or efficient?


Doesn't come down to the number of officers or the BiB would be twice as efficient.

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Just now, johnhw said:

Actually, the near-unapposed disapproval here of an attemt to shut down their potential source of degenerate entertainment might just say more about the psyche of the average TV commenter...

If you really think this is a serious attempt to rationalise the sex industry or "morals" in Thailand I think you need a rethink.

I certainly agree that many of the TV members are regular users of sex-workers and the industry and are very uncritical of themselves - however this is more an example of how the police are inept at dealing with this sort of stuff and that the basic culture that prevails  towards sex within the police is unhealthy and inappropriate. 

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There, I totally support that meaningful action and decision and am proud to add on more achievement to this already extraordinary Government...


Addition to the awesome list of awesome achievment:

-  No more girls gyrating in school uniform on Facebook...


They really nailed that one....  Cos you know, it's 2017 now, we can't have teenagers gyrating like this ... :passifier::clap2:

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