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Two Lao-americans Murdered In Ubon Ratchathani

sriracha john

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Bit of info....

People we call Eskimos originally came from Asia across a land

bridge (which no longer exists) into northern North America (now

called Alaska).

They gradually spread across the Arctic regions of

the continent.

Eventually they came to live in four countries: (1)the Soviet Union; (2) the United States (Alaska); (3) Canada; and (4)Greenland.

Bunch of Thais on a day trip a long time ago.........who got lost....... :D


Actually they were pre-mongolians on a centuries-long trip. And they eventually split and settled in parts of North, Central and South America to become the only hominids in the western hemisphere. Ever notice how Eskimos and indiginous Peruvians look exactly like people from central asia? They are!


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Cant help thinking how hard it would be for the police to track down the suspect.

About 5 foot something

Slim Build

Black Hair

Black eyes

Asian apperance

wearing sneakers

Possibly rides a motor bike

Posseses a firearm...................

Motive ????

These Loa/American nationals have it tought.

Most of the people with power in Laos ( and many that are not ) dont like the good old USA for what happened there during the Vietnam war. Even the Pro USA people of that time have ill feeling towards the yanks, not that there was many left. You have a country full of people that have a major resentment for yanks... Motive for sure but could even be the killings were a political statement or just to make an example.

Then you have on the other hand "The Yanks". Could be they have concerns of espionage, a matter of state security or the CIA not wanting to take any chances with anything at all. Laos, Communist, China ........... plain old paranoia would do it let alone facts. (I recon the CIA would still be embedded in that area like ticks in a Kangaroo).

They were not the first and are unfortunately not going to be last Loa/ American nationals executed in that part of the world and if they are innocents they have my deepest sympathys.

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Removed duplicate post. Not sure how it happened. it may have something to do with the speed of this site, were I am it takes a very long time to open a page. The connection speed is ............................ bad and has been for a few weeks now.

Edited by Artfullmover
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Cant help thinking how hard it would be for the police to track down the suspect.

About 5 foot something

Slim Build

Black Hair

Black eyes

Asian apperance

wearing sneakers

Possibly rides a motor bike

Posseses a firearm...................

Motive ????

These Loa/American nationals have it tought.

Most of the people with power in Laos ( and many that are not ) dont like the good old USA for what happened there during the Vietnam war. Even the Pro USA people of that time have ill feeling towards the yanks, not that there was many left. You have a country full of people that have a major resentment for yanks... Motive for sure but could even be the killings were a political statement or just to make an example.

Then you have on the other hand "The Yanks". Could be they have concerns of espionage, a matter of state security or the CIA not wanting to take any chances with anything at all. Laos, Communist, China ........... plain old paranoia would do it let alone facts. (I recon the CIA would still be embedded in that area like ticks in a Kangaroo).

They were not the first and are unfortunately not going to be last Loa/ American nationals executed in that part of the world and if they are innocents they have my deepest sympathys.

You're joking, right? Half of Lao is receiving finacial assistance from there American relatives. Who Laos doesn't like are Hmong, Royalists, and any group who woukd seek to overthrow the current government. I think you'll find the 2 dead guys in there somewhere.

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  • 1 year later...

recent, additional information found on this and the other previously linked thread regarding the leading police investigator in this AFAIK unsolved double murder...

Police Lieutenant-General Priewphan Damapong, is the older brother of Pojaman Shinawatra, the wife of Thaksin Shinawatra, and thus ex-Prime Minister Thaksin’s brother-in-law.

- Alan Potkin, PhD, Adjunct Consultant, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University

Council on Thai Studies Conference, Northern Illinois University, October 24, 2008

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recent, additional information found on this and the other previously linked thread regarding the leading police investigator in this AFAIK unsolved double murder...

Police Lieutenant-General Priewphan Damapong, is the older brother of Pojaman Shinawatra, the wife of Thaksin Shinawatra, and thus ex-Prime Minister Thaksin’s brother-in-law.

- Alan Potkin, PhD, Adjunct Consultant, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University

Council on Thai Studies Conference, Northern Illinois University, October 24, 2008

I could of course not find the paper online as academia still fears disclosing its thoughts to the public, academia being the last bastion of the scared and the profane dichotomy (hoping that they could all write their papers in some dead language) but the title of the paper by Achaan Potkin “The Phrakaeo Morakot [Emerald Buddha] and the Assassinations in Nongkhai of the Pretenders to the Lao Throne: A Hypothetical Linkage” should give any thinking person pause here.

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So wot about Eskimos...?

They Injuns, therefore Native Americans. :o

That term (Eskimo) would be fighting words with Alaska natives who prefer being called Inuit or Yupik for the most part.

DEFINITELY not Native Americans.

That's lower 48 talk.

Alaska Native will get you by if you're in Alaska.

End of PC lesson for today.


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So wot about Eskimos...?

They Injuns, therefore Native Americans. :o

Injuns? Didn't slur that go out with John Wayne? Methinks you ought to lay off the steady diet of 40's and 50's Westerns.

and yes, ovenman, in 2006... that term is considered a vile racial slur.

worth repeating in 2008 for those that are unaware...

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SJ, don't you think you watch too many TV series? When you talk about Thaksin, your posts really read like a TV program. First "Criminal minds", then "Prison Break" and now "Cold Case"...

Exposing the depths of his involvement in so many different spheres of criminal behavior is noteworthy, in my opinion, and spreading the news of it is a worthwhile endeavor, in my opinion.

It (an internet forum) is not something that was available when I lived through the regime of his predecessor despot Marcos, which was a shame, as so much of it was not made public.

Welcome to the Information Age... :D Don't forget to buckle up.... :o

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not sure how this works as I'm new to the TVF site, but I've just uploaded the core text files, with illustrations, of the paper discussed below. It's a PDF of about 2.5 MB. The entire publication is a CD-ROM e-book, available now as a disk, which I'll provide on request, at no charge, but I'll need a snailmail address. Contact me through this site.

I should note here that I didn't intend to imply either that Priewphan or Thaksin were involved in the Som Ock/McRowan murders, only that Pol Lt-Gen Priewphan was immediately put in charge of the investigation.



"...recent, additional information found on this and the other previously linked thread regarding the leading police investigator in this AFAIK unsolved double murder...

Police Lieutenant-General Priewphan Damapong, is the older brother of Pojaman Shinawatra, the wife of Thaksin Shinawatra, and thus ex-Prime Minister Thaksin’s brother-in-law.

- Alan Potkin, PhD, Adjunct Consultant, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University

Council on Thai Studies Conference, Northern Illinois University, October 24, 2008

I could of course not find the paper online as academia still fears disclosing its thoughts to the public, academia being the last bastion of the scared and the profane dichotomy (hoping that they could all write their papers in some dead language) but the title of the paper by Achaan Potkin “The Phrakaeo Morakot [Emerald Buddha] and the Assassinations in Nongkhai of the Pretenders to the Lao Throne: A Hypothetical Linkage” should give any thinking person pause here.

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The plot thickens.

And Thaksin's familiall fingers seem to be sliding around the edges.

Not to say he was specifically involved before hand, but the clean up,

got pretty darned high up attention didn't it?

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