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More Raids as Push Continues to clean-up Pattaya’s Image

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1 hour ago, zorro1 said:

I don't understand. How is having sex with a cute 20 year old =no moral values?

A lot of the guys living here no longer have sex with their wives. They are in different universes and have no common ground, common interest and the spark dies within a few short years emoji30.png

Now that's what I would call no moral values.. Stuck in a shitty marriage lying to yourself and your partner but to scared to go it alone.., 50% of posters are going through it. Now this is where the downward spiral really begins!!


I rest my case emoji3.png

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It will depend on what you call moral values, and after reading your post I already have that clear.
As you surely understand it will be many on this forum that agrees with you, but that does not mean it is the general way of looking at moral values.

Most of the people in the world would say that having sex with a cute 20 year old is totally okey, IF you are not at the same age as her grandfather.
Off course you will make a comparision with staying in a bad relationship, and try to pin that as something that has to do with moral values. If somebody choose to do that, it has only to do with bad self confidence, and the joy of messing their life up and feel the pain everyday.

Thanks, for the update too. I know it was bad regarding marriage and relationship as everybody is talking so much about it, but that 50 % of all poster are having problem was something new. If that is true, I just want to tell everybody to stop hurting yourselfs.

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This isn't about morality- it is about business. If a 20 year old has a 70 year old customer and they agree- there is no force- it is a verbal contract. That is their business. I have no problem with it either way. This will always exist. Goodle Sugar Daddies in the US and you can get another eye opener on the realities of life.

In Thailand girls enter the business because of lack of education; lack of opportunity and pressure from families to help them. Most of the working girls are not into sex- they don't like it and they are great actors. If they stay in the business long enough they become hardened and have a real dislike for their customers.

My take is simply the Government is trying to get more control of it  and gentrify certain areas because they know the type of tourist is changing as well as what they want to experience in a vacation.

If I had money invest- the last thing I would put money into would be a bar or GoGo  or massage business in Pattaya.


If they want to attract more Chinese guys, they need to start opening some Karaoke places on Walking street.

Could make a few bob doing it [emoji1303]

42 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

All of Beach Road at one time was lined with bars that catered to the Western tourist as well as beer bars on Pattaya 2 Road. They are gone  and replaced by hotels; restaurants or shops.

Most of the goGos are either on Walking Street and Sois 6-8.  Walking Street is the real target because of the waterside areas that have been encroached upon. The occupiers have fought the ouster orders for years but their time is up. The new sheriff in town figures this is a good time to  get rid of the GoGos and overt sex on Walking Street and want to turn into more shopping;  restaurants and much more family oriented entertainment.

If you have been in Thailand a long time all of this is visible and obvious. The shift away from Pattaya is towards the Jomtien area and I predict eventually it will head to the darkside where it won't be so visible to the real tourists that Thailand wants- Chinese and middle class to upper class Thais.  Westerners bring too much trouble- they use drugs;  get drunk to the point of being obnoxious; fight with others and don't spend all that much money. So- in the Thai mind- if the changes cause less Westerners to come- let it be.

Hmmm so In Jomtien there will rise another walking street?thats basically ur message.


No, my message is that GoGo bars are not a lucrative business any longer as there is way too much overhead; too hard to staff and not liked by the new sheriff. I doubt there will ever be another Walking Street as it exists now. There is plenty of space in Jomtien for bars but they will be more controlled with less in your face sex.


11 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

No, my message is that GoGo bars are not a lucrative business any longer as there is way too much overhead; too hard to staff and not liked by the new sheriff. I doubt there will ever be another Walking Street as it exists now. There is plenty of space in Jomtien for bars but they will be more controlled with less in your face sex.


Well more of a diversity is welcome and walking street can need a reducement of bars.And pattaya beachroad became somewhat industrial with that highway run besides it.

2 minutes ago, DSJPC said:

there ain't enough soap in the world to "clean up Pattaya's image"!!!

am I the only person here that would never step foot in pattaya just based on its image alone.  listen blame the americans didnt this all get started in Vietnam war

5 minutes ago, DSJPC said:

there ain't enough soap in the world to "clean up Pattaya's image"!!!

True,   and I hope they never find enough in the  future.

But this stuff maybe useful  on a few people on Tv :jap:




9 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Good luck to The Army...there are sections of Pattaya that are disgusting 

and cater to the losers of the World....clean up these sections and these

trash losers will move out and make Pattaya a nicer, safer place to live.


Oh Little Miss Mary, you are just upset you missed out on the sex toy and jacuzzi fun.


From the Bible:


You therefore have no excuse, you who pass judgment on another. For on whatever grounds you judge the other, you are condemning yourself,because you who pass judgment do the same things.


I may be a "trash loser" living in Pattaya but I thank myself a million times I am not you.

5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

The RTP themselves are the biggest embarrassment in the country. They are incompetent, indifferent, and corrupt beyond imagination. And it is so obvious why nothing is done about it. This is a big dog and pony show. Nothing whatsoever is meant by it. No doubt they are focusing on the establishments that are in arrears to the collection fund. It means nothing to anybody. 


I think the RTP do a phenomenal job. They are very good at working in grey areas and resolving problems. Pattaya has a very low crime rate despite hundreds of thousands of year round residents and millions of tourists from all counries. The system works great.


Can't help but wonder if they are cutting of there noses to spite there faces. I love Thailand in all its glory. When I first came if not for the bars and shall we say the bars entertainment I doubt that at the young age I was that I would ever have come back to visit which I did many many times. After a while the wild nights became the same day after day and the seed of travelling around Thailand formed in my mind. So when I came the next time instead of bars everyday I took 3 weeks traveling leaving a week to enjoy the night life.

Whilst it's not everyone es cup of tea, the night life in Pattaya/Bangkok are fantastic (still enjoy a few days holidays there). 

If they cut this completely whilst I know there is much more to Thailand. The average Joe blogs has no idea and come for the very diffrent night life. If this us done away with I fear tourism would nose dive in Thailand. 


I hope they understand that the more they do this the less tourists. The less tourists the less money in pocket

9 hours ago, Havrum said:


I think the RTP do a phenomenal job. They are very good at working in grey areas and resolving problems. Pattaya has a very low crime rate despite hundreds of thousands of year round residents and millions of tourists from all counries. The system works great.


And do you attribute the low crime rate to the deterrent factor? Or is it the rather good character of alot of Thai people? I think it is the latter. Nobody is afraid of the cops here. Nobody. Especially when it comes to traffic safety. The last grey area I experienced in Pattaya was a 400 baht fine for touching the crosswalk line with one inch of my front tire of my scooter. Yeah, that is real law enforcement. Would make any nation proud. 


I can't wait for them to destroy soi 6 , that would be a lot of fun to watch . It will happen before the year is over. 



Just now, balo said:

I can't wait for them to destroy soi 6 , that would be a lot of fun to watch . It will happen before the year is over. 



Shame on you.

Its the best Soi in Pattaya.


1 hour ago, balo said:

I can't wait for them to destroy soi 6 , that would be a lot of fun to watch . It will happen before the year is over. 



Why has you been hurt or ripped off in there. Why would someone love to watch something like that it beggers belief.


Having heard a lot and read a great deal on the possibility of the gambling laws being reformed. It makes some sense to clean it up  a tad but if the gambling industry does decend on Pattaya the girl ratio will go through the roof. This time they will be casino babe's. 

9 minutes ago, Gonefortea said:

Having heard a lot and read a great deal on the possibility of the gambling laws being reformed. It makes some sense to clean it up  a tad but if the gambling industry does decend on Pattaya the girl ratio will go through the roof. This time they will be casino babe's. 

Any future Casino will be absolutely nowhere near the bar area or anywhere in Central Pattaya.

1 minute ago, Lovethailandelite said:

Any future Casino will be absolutely nowhere near the bar area or anywhere in Central Pattaya.

We will see. My take on it a big one will be located where Walking street is now. But time will tell. In the meantime I'll hang onto my Condo there, in the hope prices will go through the roof. 

Just now, Gonefortea said:

We will see. My take on it a big one will be located where Walking street is now. But time will tell. In the meantime I'll hang onto my Condo there, in the hope prices will go through the roof. 

It will be North of Jomtien. There is already one built and ready to go and has been locked off ever since. Why do think the Ambassador Hotel was built all them years ago, which at the time was in the middle of nowhere with over 4000 rooms?

2 minutes ago, Lovethailandelite said:

It will be North of Jomtien. There is already one built and ready to go and has been locked off ever since. Why do think the Ambassador Hotel was built all them years ago, which at the time was in the middle of nowhere with over 4000 rooms?

As I say time will tell. Speculation is rife. On a major brand name trying to buy out Walking street.

Just now, Gonefortea said:

As I say time will tell. Speculation is rife. On a major brand name trying to buy out Walking street.

A Casino would never be built where there is other distractions for people to spend there money. They don't want you in other bars or hotels but to spend your money with them and while staying there.

Just now, Lovethailandelite said:

A Casino would never be built where there is other distractions for people to spend there money. They don't want you in other bars or hotels but to spend your money with them and while staying there.

As I keep saying we will see. Why wouldn't they want a nice casino on a prime waterfront location close to other established venues. We will see

18 hours ago, Thaidream said:

All of Beach Road at one time was lined with bars that catered to the Western tourist as well as beer bars on Pattaya 2 Road.


No, there was lots of other stuff & vacant spots.



They are gone  and replaced by hotels; restaurants or shops.


No, some are gone but plenty are left, more than enough to handle the demand, which has decreased in accordance with the decline in the numbers of Golden Egg Layer tourists who frequent beer bars. As some were replaced by, say, Central, they moved and more beer bar complexes arose.



 Most of the goGos are either on Walking Street and Sois 6-8.


No, you've ignored LK Metro and Soi Buakhao. Far more there than Sois 6-8.



Walking Street is the real target because of the waterside areas that have been encroached upon. The occupiers have fought the ouster orders for years but their time is up.


No, this is merely one of those TVF rumors, like the raising of the baht bus fare to 20 baht, that have become part of the narrative, the "known facts," among our experts.



The new sheriff in town figures this is a good time to  get rid of the GoGos and overt sex on Walking Street and want to turn into more shopping;  restaurants and much more family oriented entertainment.


No. No need to resort to the mythical Central Planning, The Authorities, we love so much here. Long before the new Don, Bangkok-based businesses realized that Pattaya presents some good hitherto unexploited market opportunities. Nobody ordered them or particularly encourged them though once there was interest in investing, say, 5 billion baht (Central), of course the local authorities welcomed the expansion of the tax base, as do the thousands of Thais working in the new jobs created thereby. Ultimately it's simply been market driven. Obviously the development increased rents along Beach Rd. There's been no persecution of the beer bars as our paranoids like to believe. In fact the new development expanded the total number of bars along w/ everything else.



If you have been in Thailand a long time all of this is visible and obvious.


I've been in Thailand a long time. Some things are certainly visible but you have to be able to see them, like the go-gos on LK Metro you can't see. Many times what's "obvious" here is just what some authoritative keyboard warrior wants to think is obvious, as in your case. :)


Tourism is shot to pieces...Finished, over. Look how dead suvarnabhumi airport was last night at 22.30 with people complaining about the time taking to clear immigration. The TVF  Tourist Planning committee needs a new plan!





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