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Two men arrested after Canadian tourist attacked with machete

Jonathan Fairfield

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It's very hard to tell from the video whether the Thai lass put up a fight or to what extent she resisted the assault. So, the Canadian may have had only two choices - help his g/f or retreat, leaving her in danger.


Thinking about my own situation, I am 99% sure that my wife would fight like a Pitbull if anyone tried to steal from her. I would not have any choice but to get between her and the thief, if only to save him from serious injury.



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We all read the reports of arrests, but it ends there..When it comes down to actual convictions..that's when the accused has a cousin in the police, or a niece that works in the mayor's office.. time after time there's no realistic jail-term handed out by the courts here.

 (Oh, I forgot to mention those brown envelopes that find their way thru' the courthouse letterbox also)  TiT.

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On 21.2.2017 at 3:58 PM, spiderorchid said:

Message to most people. Do not flaunt your wealth. Especially trinkets of gold and other small volume but high wealth objects. Wear bling. You can hand that over quite easily to low life criminals who probably don't know the difference 

wear nothing especially u are out at night ... keep a fake hundret dollar bill in ur socks just in case ...if the dildos arrive hand it over and play frightened...when they want to spend it they get <deleted> over so much is sure

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On 21.2.2017 at 5:28 PM, darksidedog said:

This is Thailand. You shoot two people you ARE going to be charged, you are going to jail.

And bail will be very difficult and very expensive.

Maybe, if you are real lucky you will get a manslaughter conviction and only do 10 years.

After waitying in jail 2-3 years for your trial to finish.

Self defense might work in England or America, but not here.

Bear in mind, you can NOT carry a gun. Even if licensed, it must be kept under lock and key, in a safe or a gun club.

This is not Rambo country.


good joke really...most thais have guns and carry them around...i once was offered a semi automatic by a cops friend ( the cop wanted to sell ) ... incl an invitation for a shooting afternoon...

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