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Trump set to reverse Obama rules on transgender bathrooms


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Trump set to reverse Obama rules on transgender bathrooms

By Daniel Trotta




U.S. President Donald Trump is flanked by Ben Carson (2nd L), his nominee to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Carson's wife, Candy Carson (L), Martin Luther King Jr's niece Alveda KIng (3rd R), Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump (2nd R), and U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) (R) as he delivers remarks after visiting the National Museum of African American History and Culture on the National Mall in Washington, U.S., February 21, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst


(Reuters) - Republican President Donald Trump's administration was expected to revoke landmark guidelines issued to public schools in defence of transgender student rights, according to a draft document seen by Reuters on Wednesday.


The draft reverses former Democratic President Barack Obama's signature initiative on transgender rights, which instructed public schools to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms matching their chosen gender identity. (Read the draft here: http://tmsnrt.rs/2kMAGAS)


"I would expect further guidance to come out on that today," White House spokesman Sean Spicer told a news briefing on Wednesday.


The draft document could be subject to change before it is sent to schools across the country. Its stated purpose is to withdraw the guidance of May 13, 2016, while Trump's Justice and Education departments continue to study the legal issues involved.


Reversing the Obama guidelines stands to inflame passions in the latest conflict in America between believers in traditional values and the socially progressive, and is likely to prompt more of the street protests that followed Trump's Nov. 8 election.


Its issuance was delayed by a disagreement between two members of Trump's Cabinet, with Attorney General Jeff Sessions pushing for a repeal of the Obama guidance and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos resisting, according to advocacy groups that have been in contact with administration officials.


Spicer, however, denied any division, saying, DeVos was in agreement "100 percent."


Spicer said the White House was pressed to act because of a pending Supreme Court case that is due to be argued in March, G.G. versus Gloucester County School Board.


That case pits a Virginia transgender boy, Gavin Grimm, against officials who want to deny him use of the boys' room at his high school.


Although the Justice Department is not a party in the case, it typically would want to make its views heard. In addition to rescinding Obama's guidance, the draft document withdraws an Education Department letter in support of Grimm.


Obama's Education Department undertook the guidance in response to queries from school districts around the country about how to accommodate transgender students in gender-segregated bathrooms.


The Obama Justice and Education departments then issued the guidance last May, threatening to withhold federal funding if schools forced transgender students to use bathrooms against their will.




Thirteen states led by Texas sued to stop the Obama guidelines, calling them federal meddling in what should be a state matter, and a U.S. district judge in Texas temporarily halted their full implementation.


That lawsuit would be rendered moot by the new policy, which also allows public schools to set their own rules without fear of losing federal funds or a lawsuit from the Justice Department.


Conservatives have also raised fears about men or boys claiming to be transgender in order to spy or prey on women or girls in public restrooms.


But experts say transgender students are the ones more likely to be harassed or bullied, and that they perform better in schools where they are supported in their gender identity.


"It's the trans kids who grow up in non-supportive environments in which we see the high levels of depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety, and poor school performance," said Laura Jacobs, a New York psychotherapist who specializes in transgender youth and adolescents.


Transgender legal advocates have criticized the "states' rights" argument, saying federal law and civil rights are matters for the federal government to enforce, not the states.


"Since when does the United States make your civil rights subject to your zip code?" said Eliza Byard, executive director of GLSEN, a group advocating for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students.


The federal law in question, known as Title IX, bans sex discrimination in education. But it remains unsettled whether Title IX protections extend to a person's gender identity. The U.S. Supreme Court could settle the issue in the case due to be argued in March.


"Title IX never talked about this," Spicer said. "It was enacted in 1972. There was no discussion of this back then and to assume certain elements of the law were thought of back then with respect to this would be completely preposterous."


(Reporting by Daniel Trotta in New York and Jeff Mason and Julia Edwards Ainsley in Washington; Editing by Jonathan Oatis and Lisa Shumaker)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-02-23
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People who have the misfortune to be transgender (it isn't a choice) aren't any risk to anybody in a public toilet. 


They just want to be accepted by others, as the gender they identify as. 


It does not help anyone to think of them as predators of some sort. That's pure bigotry. 

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1 hour ago, Tapster said:



People who have the misfortune to be transgender (it isn't a choice) aren't any risk to anybody in a public toilet. 


They just want to be accepted by others, as the gender they identify as. 


It does not help anyone to think of them as predators of some sort. That's pure bigotry. 


That has never been the issue.


The risk comes from letting men into womens rest rooms/changing facility.


These risks outweigh any benefit of letting the extremely small minority of transgenders in.


Sanity prevails.

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15 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:


That has never been the issue.


The risk comes from letting men into womens rest rooms/changing facility.


These risks outweigh any benefit of letting the extremely small minority of transgenders in.


Sanity prevails.

Better start with stopping the president visiting changing rooms for woman/ teens if you are that concerned.

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24 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:


That has never been the issue.


The risk comes from letting men into womens rest rooms/changing facility.


These risks outweigh any benefit of letting the extremely small minority of transgenders in.


Sanity prevails.

No, sanitary prevails

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41 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:


That has never been the issue.


The risk comes from letting men into womens rest rooms/changing facility.


These risks outweigh any benefit of letting the extremely small minority of transgenders in.


Sanity prevails.

It is letting transgender in NOT men. You are mixing up rapists with transgender.

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People seem to be missing the point.


Last year, Obama admin wrote a letter to several state legislatures instructing them to let students who claim to be transgender use whatever bathrooms, locker rooms and showers they want, based solely on which gender they feel they are. States that refused to comply were threatened with a cutoff of federal funds.


That is insanity.


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2 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:


That has never been the issue.


The risk comes from letting men into womens rest rooms/changing facility.


These risks outweigh any benefit of letting the extremely small minority of transgenders in.


Sanity prevails.

And this BS-argument has been refuted time and time and again!

It gets really boring to discuss these issues with people, who lack the mental capacity to understand, that MEN are and will not be allowed into women's restrooms!

Please point out JUST ONE valid statistic, that shows, how many transgender people have been part of sexual assault on women in...forever!

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5 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:


And to protect women and children.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


absolute rubbish, it has nothing to do with that. that is just a convenient soundbite, to try and legitimize bigotry.


You actually think geezers will suddenly be dressing as girls to get access to women's bathrooms, that is beyond deluded and just plain asinine 


And that is without looking at the fact that the majority of sexual assault and violence happens to women by men they know. 

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3 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:


That has never been the issue.


The risk comes from letting men into womens rest rooms/changing facility.


These risks outweigh any benefit of letting the extremely small minority of transgenders in.


Sanity prevails.

You mean there are men out there who have no problem breaking a law that says 'don't rape little girls', yet these men willingly obey a law that says 'don't go into the wrong bathroom to rape little girls'?


If that's what you mean, then I don't think sanity is prevailing.

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3 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:


That has never been the issue.


The risk comes from letting men into womens rest rooms/changing facility.


These risks outweigh any benefit of letting the extremely small minority of transgenders in.


Sanity prevails.

Lets look at this in depth shall we?

A Female Transgender using the Ladies room is in fact not effectively a male.

The same with the opposite transgender sex using the mens room.

Ergo, there is no risk of what your post says.

To suggest that Transgender people, and in this case, children, are only saying they are Transgender so they can perv in a toilet or changing room is absurd.

Given also that the instigator behind this potential change of policy is a self confessed "Pussy Grabber", he is the one ladies should be more concerned about.

It takes a progressive mind to move a civilisation forward.

This is a step back towards the unlightened Dark Age, which says much about the mentality of the people behind it and the people it is designed to keep happy.


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Mens rooms for Men, and Womens room for Women.....its worked for a very long time, no need to change that, just get the freaks out of the wrong bathroom. We aren't mind readers, you could identify as anything you want, but don't expect the rest of us to live with your delusions.

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1 minute ago, ocddave said:

Mens rooms for Men, and Womens room for Women.....its worked for a very long time, no need to change that, just get the freaks out of the wrong bathroom. We aren't mind readers, you could identify as anything you want, but don't expect the rest of us to live with your delusions.

Freaks, huh?

The tolerance in your post is overwhelming. 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Freaks, huh?

The tolerance in your post is overwhelming. 

Tolerance of delusional people who can't tell what is swinging between their legs, or not? Its easy, look between your legs, if there is a penis, you can go to the mens room, not the womens room.

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3 minutes ago, ocddave said:

Mens rooms for Men, and Womens room for Women.....its worked for a very long time, no need to change that.


Blacks in the back of the bus, whites in the front.  It's worked for a very long time, no need to change, right?


Nobody is asking you to live with delusions.  We're only asking you to try your very best not to think about using the bathroom as a sexual experience.  Can you do that?

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Just now, ocddave said:

Tolerance of delusional people who can't tell what is swinging between their legs, or not? Its easy, look between your legs, if there is a penis, you can go to the mens room, not the womens room.


Do you have separate men's and lady's rooms in your home, too?

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Just now, attrayant said:


Blacks in the back of the bus, whites in the front.  It's worked for a very long time, no need to change, right?


Nobody is asking you to live with delusions.  We're only asking you to try your very best not to think about using the bathroom as a sexual experience.  Can you do that?

When White people identify as Black people, should we give them preferential treatment for jobs, and offer our condolences for slavery, or should we think this thru?! Wake up, you are as delusional as they are!

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Just now, ocddave said:

Tolerance of delusional people who can't tell what is swinging between their legs, or not? Its easy, look between your legs, if there is a penis, you can go to the mens room, not the womens room.

Actually, the discriminatory laws directed at transgender people usually specify that the person must only use the facilities of their BIRTH gender regardless of where they are on a transition process. 

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5 minutes ago, ocddave said:

No, but I don't let my male neighbors enter the bathroom when my young daughter is in there either.......are you for real?!?!?


You're starting to get it, I think.  Maybe there is hope for you.  Now just teach your daughter not to let strange men into the bathroom stall with her, and we're problem-free.


You're the one who's delusional if you think that losing the right to use the lady's room is going to deter a rapist from committing his crime.

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1 minute ago, attrayant said:


You're starting to get it, I think.  Maybe there is hope for you.  Now just teach your daughter not to let strange men into the bathroom stall with her, and we're problem-free.

You still don't get it, do you? You are so delusional it's almost pathetic, actually its sad.

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