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Best Thai bank for internet/mobile banking

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Although I've lived and worked in Thailand since 2002, and have a bank account with Bangkok Bank since that date, they consistently refuse to allow me to use internet or mobile banking. I have established that they consider me still to be a tourist, (because that is what I was when I opened the bank account in 2002), and for some reason, tourists are not allowed internet banking (according to their Silom Road HQ where I hold the account).


YMMV re getting mobile banking, of course.


Now I'm working temporarily in Myanmar, and I've opened a share dealing account with KT ZMICO in Bangkok to 'store' my salary and earn a little long-term interest from investing in Thai ETFs.


I hand-carry my USD to Bangkok and then deposit it into my Thai bank account, but need to use mobile/internet banking to transfer the funds to my KT ZMICO account, because I cannot guarantee to still be in Thailand at that time, and thus without access to the bank's ATM to effect the transfer.


I'm sick and tired of Bangkok Bank's excuses!


Can anyone suggest which Thai bank will provide mobile banking to a foreigner who presents a Thai Elite visa and a few hundred thousand baht when opening an account?  I heard that Kasikorn were fairly open to this?







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Happy with TMB, StanChart and Bangkok Bank. 


Would suggest you speak to Thai Elite and/ or someone more senior in Bangkok Bank.


If need be you should be able to open a new account with BBL and present all your current documents, showing you're not a tourist, and open internet banking same time. That's just crap someone is fobbing you off with at the moment.

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Would suggest you speak to Thai Elite and/ or someone more senior in Bangkok Bank.



Tried that on several occasions.  Thai Elite speaks to Bangkok Bank HQ on Silom Road, where I have had a savings account since 2002.  Bangkok Bank says 'no can do', and Thai Visa copy that email back to me.


I was in the bank in January to try again.  I spoke with a senior manager and he said that you do not have a work permit, so he will not change my account status from 'tourist'.


IMHO, Bangkok Bank service totally sucks, (YMMV), and so I'll be visiting Kasikorn Bank in April when I'm over from Myanmar on a visa-run, (and flush with USD).


Update - there is a possible reason that I've just thought of why BB wants to play silly buggers with me.


Around 1988, I had 100,000 baht stolen from my BB account after I used a BB ATM outside a 7/11 on Sukhumvit Road, where a hacker had installed a fake keyboard and card-reader.  (I'm usually pretty good at spotting these devices, but this device looked just like the real thing).


After the money was stolen,  BB acknowledged the loss, but refused to refund me.  They very kindly offered to give me a new ATM card at no charge!


But a few months later, karma struck back.  BB accidentally credited my bank account with 80,000 baht after a cashier/teller typed in the wrong account number when another person was depositing funds at a bank branch.


BB contacted me and said that they were not allowed just to take the 80k from my bank account without my permission.  I had to sign a document authorising the debit of the 80k.


Remembering the incident with the ATM, I refused to sign the document and kept the 80k, (I reminded BB of the incident...)


Maybe BB remembers this incident (although I find it a bit hard to believe that BB would use this incident to deny me internet banking - surely they would just ask me to close my account and bugger off elsewhere).

Edited by simon43
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Kasikorn or SCB are both on the ball and will let you have internet banking irrespective of visa type - even a visa exempt will do. The issue can be that some branches apparently just don't think it is worth their trouble.


The easiest way is if you have some kind of recommendation from someone to a particular branch. It doesn't need to be much, maybe another customer that is known to them. Otherwise just talk to them, tell them you are going to make a reasonably substantial deposit but need internet banking. I would be surprised if you don't succeed with either KBank or SCB.


Bangkok Bank is too bureaucratic. Dealing with them reminds me of visiting my local amphur. Same mindset. 

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2 hours ago, simon43 said:


Tried that on several occasions.  Thai Elite speaks to Bangkok Bank HQ on Silom Road, where I have had a savings account since 2002.  Bangkok Bank says 'no can do', and Thai Visa copy that email back to me.


I was in the bank in January to try again.  I spoke with a senior manager and he said that you do not have a work permit, so he will not change my account status from 'tourist'.


IMHO, Bangkok Bank service totally sucks, (YMMV), and so I'll be visiting Kasikorn Bank in April when I'm over from Myanmar on a visa-run, (and flush with USD).


Update - there is a possible reason that I've just thought of why BB wants to play silly buggers with me.


Around 1988, I had 100,000 baht stolen from my BB account after I used a BB ATM outside a 7/11 on Sukhumvit Road, where a hacker had installed a fake keyboard and card-reader.  (I'm usually pretty good at spotting these devices, but this device looked just like the real thing).


After the money was stolen,  BB acknowledged the loss, but refused to refund me.  They very kindly offered to give me a new ATM card at no charge!


But a few months later, karma struck back.  BB accidentally credited my bank account with 80,000 baht after a cashier/teller typed in the wrong account number when another person was depositing funds at a bank branch.


BB contacted me and said that they were not allowed just to take the 80k from my bank account without my permission.  I had to sign a document authorising the debit of the 80k.


Remembering the incident with the ATM, I refused to sign the document and kept the 80k, (I reminded BB of the incident...)


Maybe BB remembers this incident (although I find it a bit hard to believe that BB would use this incident to deny me internet banking - surely they would just ask me to close my account and bugger off elsewhere).

Great Karma LOL


Would suggest you just look at other banks anyway given your experiences. I don't use BBL much these days as I don't get the service I do at Stan Chart or TMB. It's useful to have an account with one of the big4 banks though as occasionally when paying things only the big4 are options.


Might as well look at SCB and Kasikorn if you're looking for new banks that are not BBL. Krungthai make up the big4 but their service and outlook reflects the bureaucracy of state holdings. Worse than BBL.


Main reason I wouldn't bother with StanChart if starting from scratch is the takeover by Tisco of their retail business, so would suggest SCB and Kasikorn. 


Edited by fletchsmile
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Been with Bangkok Bank since 1994 and used their internet banking since it first started even when I was on a 30 day visa free entry as I was working abroad. The key was that I had a savings account here so they gave me internet banking. Never had a problem with it and I use it 24/7 to pay bills, the children's university fees etc. With Bangkok Bank, transfers to other accounts held at Bangkok Bank Bangkok, such as my wife and children, are still free.

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Bangkok Bank did not want to give me internet access either even though I had account for years there but they did let me submit an application. At the bottom of the application I wrote that if this request was not approved I will change banks. 5 days later I received e-mail with internet screen name and password.

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I have had internet banking with Bangkok bank for many years now.. it was open on tourist visa with a thai person that was already customer to refer me.


 later, but still many years ago i open an internet banking account, you should be able to activate it through the ATM i think. 


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I have had internet banking with Kasikornbank for 16 years with no problem. I pay my apartment rent on line and regularly transfer funds from overseas. On the odd occasion when I have rung their help line the consultants speak excellent english, are polite and very helpful despite my pitiful understanding of the internet workings when I first started. 


One great aspect is that if you are unable to get the one time password by text (out of the country e.g) they will issue a permanent second password for you to use. 

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I've been doing internet banking with the Krungthai Net Bank.  Mixed views on it.  If you provide a phone number for validation purposes you best be sure that nothing is going to happen to that Thai number. Just arrived in Thailand again and bought the first simcard that was offered to me.  I got a Tourist phone off DTAC valid for 10 days for around 350 400 baht.  Worst purchase I have ever made. Useless for making phone calls - there was only 15 baht on the phone side - which is why you need a phone.  I lose that number in 3 days time on my return to UK.  Thought I could do internet banking from abroad but net bank makes it difficult for you to do this.  From UK I could accesss my account but could do little with it!  ok in Thailand when it is pretty good.  This year Netbank has made it possible to do it from your phone.  Its a good application provided of course you are in Thailand.  Rocks

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1 hour ago, Roger Rocks said:

I've been doing internet banking with the Krungthai Net Bank.  Mixed views on it.  If you provide a phone number for validation purposes you best be sure that nothing is going to happen to that Thai number. Just arrived in Thailand again and bought the first simcard that was offered to me.  I got a Tourist phone off DTAC valid for 10 days for around 350 400 baht.  Worst purchase I have ever made. Useless for making phone calls - there was only 15 baht on the phone side - which is why you need a phone.  I lose that number in 3 days time on my return to UK.  Thought I could do internet banking from abroad but net bank makes it difficult for you to do this.  From UK I could accesss my account but could do little with it!  ok in Thailand when it is pretty good.  This year Netbank has made it possible to do it from your phone.  Its a good application provided of course you are in Thailand.  Rocks

Not sure what you messing up and buying the wrong sim has to do with KrungThai bank's online banking.

Their Net Bank service is clearly aimed at people in Thailand.  Most Thai internet banking relies on them being able to send you an SMS to a Thai number so if you don't live here and maintain a Thai number all the time, then you will have problems when you are travelling outside Thailand.   

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Lucky enough to have Bangkok Bank, SCB and Kasikorn with internet access.


Kasikorn was first in 2009 as a tourist.

At this time it took 20 min to have account and internet access.


Bangkok Bank and SCB opened on entry with Non O-A in 2011.


User interface (site design) is OK both on Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn. SCB is a bit confusing to me.


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I have a Bangkok Bank Savings account.

Last month I downloaded their free App onto my iPad (and iPhone) from iTunes store.

I set up the online Banking functionality at a regular ATM machine which then gave instructions on how to activate the App on my iPad (and iPhone).

Once set up I then also linked to my Bangkok Bank Visa credit card in the App.

All very simple really ... just follow the instructions in the ATM machine.

Information in the App is very clear and comprehensive .. also lots of functionality to transfer money, pay Bills etc.

Kudos to Bangkok Bank.


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I'll chime in with kasikorn. No problems whatsoever since 2007, I've used the netbank all the time. The virtual web visa card they offer is sometimes handy, too.


Bangkok Bank has always struck me as a government bureau. That ilk is best avoided as much as possible.

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I set up the online Banking functionality at a regular ATM machine which then gave instructions on how to activate the App on my iPad (and iPhone).


Yes, it all sounds very easy.  My problem started when I tried to activate mobile banking from the ATM and the message displayed was 'no can do - please contact your bank'.


After I contacted my bank in person, it all started to go round in circles.


Now Bangkok Bank refuses to communicate with me by email on the progress of getting my account activated for mobile banking - citing security reasons. They tell me to call the bank from Myanmar.   Am I being naive in thinking that such an international call will keep me on hold for ever and ever... ?


No thanks - I'll go with Kasikorn when I'm in town.

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I am using Bangkok Bank and SCB with both internet banking. No issues whatsoever for both but i find the SCB bit confusing too. I opened these accounts without work permit but i have a Non O visa 1 year so might help.
Actually today, as I was in Bangkok (also bring USD cash from Myanmar), i open an account at Krungsri Bank. Of course the first question was "do you have work permit?" But once I explained them that I am not working in Thailand, but in Myanmar and have a Non O 1 year based on my son...they opened the account, give me a debit card and internet banking. All was done and activated within an hour including the internet banking. So you might give a try with them.

Sent from my SM-N920C using Tapatalk

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On 2/26/2017 at 6:57 PM, jphasia said:

I am using Bangkok Bank and SCB with both internet banking. No issues whatsoever for both but i find the SCB bit confusing too. I opened these accounts without work permit but i have a Non O visa 1 year so might help.
Actually today, as I was in Bangkok (also bring USD cash from Myanmar), i open an account at Krungsri Bank. Of course the first question was "do you have work permit?" But once I explained them that I am not working in Thailand, but in Myanmar and have a Non O 1 year based on my son...they opened the account, give me a debit card and internet banking. All was done and activated within an hour including the internet banking. So you might give a try with them.

Sent from my SM-N920C using Tapatalk

went to 3 banks on Monday 2 said no way to open an account krung Thai, ( wife has account there) and Kasikorn ( wife has account and i am on a joint account) then Krungsri ( no accounts there) yes no problem,  documents i had, letter from Mataphut immigration,(500 baht) wife house book, wife ID card, marriage certificate, walked out with bank book, atm card, declined internet banking. very helpful staff new building, parking underneath, not busy. another Australian guy came in same docs as me no problems for him wither, he had also been refused at 2 other banks in Ban Chang. On non imm 'O' visa



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went to 3 banks on Monday 2 said no way to open an account krung Thai, ( wife has account there) and Kasikorn ( wife has account and i am on a joint account) then Krungsri ( no accounts there) yes no problem,  documents i had, letter from Mataphut immigration,(500 baht) wife house book, wife ID card, marriage certificate, walked out with bank book, atm card, declined internet banking. very helpful staff new building, parking underneath, not busy. another Australian guy came in same docs as me no problems for him wither, he had also been refused at 2 other banks in Ban Chang. On non imm 'O' visa

Yes it's very depend on each Branch and staff, managers I guess.
I open my account in Krungsri at Central World in Bangkok last Sunday. Only with passport and Non O (based on Thai child).I was alone. No others documents requested, no residence certificate... I never been to that branch before as i actually live in Phuket. I opened Saving MTD account, got a debit card and internet banking without question and immediately.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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