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Trump opens door to immigration reform in speech to Congress


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6 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

He's figuring out how to act presidential, with an emphasis on the word 'act.'  Much of his income, prior to entering politics, was acting.  Acting, salesmanship, and borrowing money, those are his strong points.  In different venues, he'll go back to his more comfortable role of bully, like when he keeps calling journalists, "the most dishonest people in the world."


He's in his 70's.  He's not going to all of a sudden become a decent person.  He will, however, continue acting and reading teleprompters of words written by others.


When I saw all those brown-nose Republicans clapping, including Ryan, it became crystal clear: DEDICATION TO REPUBLICAN PARTY IS MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN DEDICATION TO COUNTRY, .....or morals, or decency, or truth, or responsibility, or fairness or inclusiveness, ..... . . . . . . .


Daayum son…..you sure got the next 8 years cut out for you.

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It was trump's best speech in that it mostly wasn't crazy but it was still full of lies and lacked any details of how he will accomplish his agenda. So yes it was another sales campaign speech but toned down. That is an improvement.

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There is no way Trump will ever be re-elected and he is already in trouble for the Senate/House elections of 2018- The Bernie Sanders faction is working overtime to take control of the Senate. Once they do this Trump and his alt right ideas are finished.  Anyone who could spend billions on a border wall that will serve no real purpose and increase the defense budget by $54 while  Americans still struggle with Healthcare; college costs that make them indentured servants of the State for 20 years and wants to pay for his outlandish budget excess by slashing social programs is headed for the trash bin of history.

He might be able to read from a prompter and sound like he cares but the man is selfish to the core and cares only about one thing- his own persona.

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This man is scary, egocentric, and well, there are too many other adjectives I would like to include, but I'll let your imagination  take over.

It's amazing how blind the American people are/can be. It's just unbelievable - and scary - that this man is the most powerful man on the planet (so to speak).

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This man is scary, egocentric, and well, there are too many other adjectives I would like to include, but I'll let your imagination  take over.
It's amazing how blind the American people are/can be. It's just unbelievable - and scary - that this man is the most powerful man on the planet (so to speak).
Yes and most decent Americans are embarrassed by having him as president.
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RT----- A Russian Television news channel did a hour long analyses of exactly why and how restricting low skills  immigrant workers from entering the U.S will raise the cost of labor and therefore restrict U. S competitive  costs n comparison with other countries.

But why talk to a stone wall anyhow, it can't hear you, and even if it was the President it would do no good.




Edited by IMA_FARANG
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2 hours ago, Thaidream said:

I watched the whole speech from when he entered to when he left. This was the best speech he has given yet because he stuck to the script; however, very short on any real details as to what he is really going to do. Everyone wants jobs; safe places to live and affordable healthcare. However, his inner circle of Bannon, Miller Preibus are ultra conservatives who really don't care about how the common person is suffering. In addition, Paul ryan, Speaker of the House has his own agenda regarding a balanced budget. The only way Trump can get a $54 Billion increase in the defense budget which is already the largest in the World is by gutting other programs which are related to healthcare and social programs for the poor.

He sounded like he knew something about budgets and programs but in reality he sees everything from the aspect of how much can be saved and how much can be made. He has never had to work hard like the majority of Americans; walk to work because he couldn't afford a car or make a choice between paying for medicine or eating.

Many of the pundits say he sounded Presidential- but as one poster stated- give anyone who can speak publicly a speech written by someone else and they would sound the same. I will believe it when he stops using Twitter in the middle of the night; stops denigrating thiose who have a different vision than he and when he stops attacking the media and providing his 'alternate facts as the truth.

The one thing I heard that may make some sense is he knows Ameerica needs a new Immigration policy-but  not more Visas for computer specialists from Pakistan and India but Visas for those who work the fields and all the other labor jobs that Americans refuse.  To solve the technology worker shortage- he might want to think about incentives for HIgh School Grads to enter the field by providing free tuition or job guarantees.


Why is it that almost every day now somebody has to come along and make sense. Oh my aching head. 

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The American people are suffering from the excesses of Wall Street and the wealthy which drove the US economy into the ground in 2008/2009 . The wealthy did not suffer because all of their corporations were bailed out by the US Government and not one went to jail. So many people lost their jobs; their homes; their savings it was unbelievable and America is still in a recovery mode. Actually, Obama's policies saved America from default and utter chaos.


Along come Trump- singing the song that the  common man has been forgotten; that America has been taken advantage of and that foreigners are taking the jobs and illegal immigrants are killing everyone, In addition, he had a weak candidate in Hilary Clinton who did not understand the depth of depression that the American middle class was feeling. Trump has lied about the cause of America's decline and lies about the cures. He appeals to not only the downtrodden but also to the fringe racists and fascists who want an America that looks only like them.

Trump is dangerous in that he uses basic truths (Americans are suffering) but blames the wrong cause which leads everyone to the wrong solution. Then he goes after the media who reports the truth using  the term 'alternate news'.


It is absolutely essential to defeat this man and get someone in power like Bernie Sanders who knows the real cause and solution. the massive shift of wealth from the 99% to the 1% is the cause and the solution is shifting the burden back to where it belongs. Trump would have us believe that the fault lies in poor Mexican illegals who come to America and make minimum wage. Utter nonsense. However,  in the short term he will use the wealthy CEOs of companies to stop sending jobs abroad so he can take credit for his agenda but it is utter bait and switch to soften the American public to more drastic  cuts in the American safety net for the most vulnerable.


It's similar to going to Soi Cowboy and walking the street when the girls tell you what a handsome man you are and smiling wide showing a little skin to further get your attention. The same advisory prevails- hold onto your wallet and run like hell.

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8 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

Terrible immigration policy.  Anything to avoid closing the H-1B visa loophole.  America needs migrant workers for low-skill jobs.  It doesn't need cheap Indian computer programmers.  Total fail.

Amazing thing about India their GDP is over 7% about the highest in the world and they still cannot keep the streets free of human excrement. They have a PM who dresses like a fashion plate while everyone else is dressed in rags. They have old trains going back to when the British still ruled. Raise the canopies here comes another cattle car. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Yes and most decent Americans are embarrassed by having him as president.

8 minutes ago, rijb said:


Poll: Majority finds Trump 'embarrassing'

President Trump has a 41 percent job approval rating, according to a McClatchy-Marist poll released Thursday that finds 58 percent of Americans are embarrassed by the new administration.


More like an indecent number of Americans.


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5 hours ago, muffy said:

Donald Trump is the greatest U.S.A :shock1: president ever , and works for free . 

             If that's a joke statement, then it's rather lame.  Trump is taking advantage of the office to make added money, hand over fist.  He doubled the dues at Mar a Lago to $200,000/year.  Members are hoping to rub shoulders with Trump (and whisper wish lists in his ear) by buying memberships.

          Trump's kids are flying around the world doing Trump businesses, all the while getting very expensive security paid for by US taxpayers.   Trump has spent more in traveling in his first month than Obama did in an entire year, and Trump hasn't even gone overseas.   Costs for keeping Mrs. Trump in NYC are staggering, particularly as Trump quintupled the rents on his Trump Tower apartments, and Secret Service are obliged to stay in some of those rooms.   Trump is soaking tens of millions from the Federal budget for his personal expenses, directly and indirectly.


               And all the while, he continues to lie about releasing his tax statements. "I would love to release my tax statements, but I can't because........"   BS upon liquid BS, and Trump fans continue to suck it all up by the mouthful.

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14 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

Terrible immigration policy.  Anything to avoid closing the H-1B visa loophole.  America needs migrant workers for low-skill jobs.  It doesn't need cheap Indian computer programmers.  Total fail.

They can always import as many low skill jobs they need and they can decide who and from which country with what qualification. So if they are hard on immigration right now I fell it is not a big deal.

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There are a lot of problems with trying to expel all illegal immigrants.   Many entered the US legally and for a variety of reasons their status has changed.   This includes people who entered as a spouse/fiance and were abandoned by the US citizen or the US citizen died.   Their status then changes.   It does not mean they can't remain in the US, but the visa they entered on is no longer valid.  


US citizen children who have a parent who is not legal are entitled to stay, but again, their visa status has changed and the process has to begin again.  


There are a lot of things which happen to people which do not fit nicely or easily into a category.   This is the reason that in the past even some of the most conservative presidents have provided  an amnesty and a path to citizenship.  


Those who have snuck across the border and have no close family connection with US citizens or those who have committed serious crimes are pretty straightforward cases for deportation, but the many who are directly responsible for the care and maintenance of US citizens are a different matter.   Immigration laws should not be detrimental to US citizens, in as much as possible.  

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15 hours ago, Thaidream said:

He has never had to work hard like the majority of Americans; walk to work because he couldn't afford a car or make a choice between paying for medicine or eating.

He may not have HAD to, but he has worked hard his whole life. 

Same with his kids, very strong work ethics in that family.

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18 hours ago, jippytum said:

I thought it was one of the best speeches by a US president since Ronald Regan and i hope 'The Donald 'comes up Trumps with his manifesto promises.

Yes, and funnily enough Reagan had to be told what to say, too.



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The speech has been great for the markets, the Dow through 21,000, and up about 1400, 7%+ since his inauguration.   That's not bad in about six weeks.


I bet the Democrat investors are loving it!!

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17 minutes ago, Chicog said:

Yes, and funnily enough Reagan had to be told what to say, too.



One should not regard the presidency as a person, but as an institution. I never liked Reagan, but you can't say his presidency didn't do some good.

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40 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


The speech has been great for the markets, the Dow through 21,000, and up about 1400, 7%+ since his inauguration.   That's not bad in about six weeks.


I bet the Democrat investors are loving it!!

This Star Trek drama queen is not loving it...



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46 minutes ago, rijb said:

You know, the only times I see "drama queen" used in this forum is about one poster known to be gay and now about George Takei. Can you go any lower? I'm betting you can.

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

You know, the only times I see "drama queen" used in this forum is about one poster known to be gay and now about George Takei. Can you go any lower? I'm betting you can.

You're out of line.  That's how he refers to himself.  


You hypocrites use lots of names for Trump, his supporters, and accused supporters.



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His speech was written by a speechwriter.  Nothing unusual in that as that is the way it always happens with all Presidents.  Clearly they have to try and gag his standard ranting and he behaved impeccably in reading from the script.  Is this a turning point for Trump?  Will he ditch all his bizarre commitments and have a go at being a proper POTUS?  Time will tell but let's see what happens when he starts Twittering again.

And tiger cannot change his stripes. His ego and narcissism will always get the better of him, hands down.
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1 minute ago, jerojero said:

And tiger cannot change his stripes. His ego and narcissism will always get the better of him, hands down.

Hilariously, he has stopped his crazy tweets since the speech. Clearly some sane handler directed that. But how is he going to resist some wacky comment about Jeff Sessions and Russia? 

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Pro-Trump town riled up after immigration officials arrest popular restaurant manager


"WEST FRANKFORT, Ill. –  A southern Illinois community that solidly backed President Donald Trump has rallied behind a Mexican restaurant manager who doesn't have legal permission to live in the U.S. and has been detained by immigration officials."


"Letters of support for Juan Carlos Hernandez Pacheco have poured in from West Frankfort's mayor, police chief, high school athletic director and the county prosecutor. They describe Hernandez as a role model and praise his robust civil involvement, including funding school scholarships, benefit dinners for families in need and hosting a law enforcement appreciation event."


"Though the community largely backed Trump — who has made an aggressive stance on immigration central to his agenda and has promised to deport millions of immigrants who have no permission to live here — many residents of West Frankfort said Hernandez' case has complicated their views on immigration policy." :whistling:



Fancy that.

Some of the Lemmings have "complicated" views...

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