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Canada, U.S. join forces on tackling border asylum-seekers


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Canada, U.S. join forces on tackling border asylum-seekers


By David Ljunggren




The former border crossing used by refugees as they walk from the United States to enter Canada at Emerson, Manitoba, Canada February 25, 2017. REUTERS/Lyle Stafford


OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian and U.S. officials are working on a plan to tackle asylum seekers crossing into Canada illegally, with American officials keen to discover how they entered the United States in the first place, said a source familiar with the matter.


U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly is set to visit the Canadian capital Ottawa early this month for talks on the border and the influx of people, said the source, who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.


Hundreds of people, mainly from Africa but also the Middle East, have walked across the Canadian border, seeking asylum. They are fleeing President Donald Trump's crackdown on illegal immigrants, migrants and refugees agencies say.


It is not common to have so many asylum seekers based in the U.S. looking for refuge in Canada over such a short period.


The influx poses a political risk for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who faces pressure from both the left, which wants him to let more in, and from the right, which is fearful of an increased security risk. At the same time, he must ensure the issue does not complicate his relations with Trump.


Experts say the asylum-seekers could pose a threat to national security if the flow is allowed to continue unchecked.


Canadian and U.S. officials speak daily about the border crossers and law enforcement agencies from both nations met in Montreal last month to plot strategies, the source said.


The U.S. side asked Canada to provide details of the asylum seekers, in particular, how they had entered the United States and what their status was there.


The summit grouped representatives from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the Canada Border Services Agency, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency.


RCMP spokeswoman Annie Delisle confirmed the meeting took place, saying the two sides agreed on an "action plan which outlines a collaborative approach to dealing with the influx of asylum seekers."


Canada's justice and immigration ministries were also represented, as well as the federal public prosecution service and police from the province of Quebec, destination for many asylum-seekers.


The crossings are very limited and do not represent a major security concern, said an official in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.


"Frankly, it is far more embarrassing to this country than it is threatening," said the official, speaking on the condition of anonymity.


The official, and a second person directly involved in border affairs, said U.S. authorities had not mounted a major effort to beef up security along the Canadian border, in part because they lack manpower and equipment.


A senior Canadian security source classified the risk as medium- to long-term, since it was likely that those crossing the border really were seeking asylum.


Vast stretches of the 5,500-mile (8,900-km) frontier are unguarded and the more images spread of people walking across, the more vulnerable Canada could become, said the source.


"If we keep this up for a while, and it becomes known that the border really is porous, then people will use it as an opportunity to put (operatives) in," said the source.


Exact numbers are hard to calculate, since not all authorities are releasing details. In January and February, 143 mainly Somali people walked illegally over the border into Emerson, Manitoba, local police said.


As of Feb. 13, some 3,800 people had made an asylum claim in 2017, up from the same period last year, said a federal government official. That number, though, includes all people seeking asylum, not just those who crossed the border, and the government would not break down the figures.


(Additional reporting by John Walcott in Washington; Editing by Chris Reese and Sandra Maler)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-03-02
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A lot of people in the US illegally, enter legally and then overstay their visa.   Many of them do not apply for asylum and do not attempt to legalize their stay.   For many, they would not be able to do so.  


For many, if they get the name, they can figure out how they got in.  Others have been smuggled by crime syndicates, human traffickers, etc..   No doubt some of them have been involved in crimes and would not be allowed to stay.  

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9 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

If I was a desperate young man from one of those countries, I'd want to get my butt to Canada also.  If I was a desperate young woman, I'd want to marry Trump, ha ha ha ha.

If they applied for asylum and are awaiting screening, they have absolutely no reason to run.   If they have been screened out, then there are various appeals and some may come from places where it isn't possible to repatriate them, so they will be allowed to stay for the time being.  


If they are hiking it out of the country, there is probably some less-than-legal things in the background.  


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As an American, I'm so happy that Canada is trying to make the USA look bad by taking in refugees...the USA acquires about 2,000 illegal immigrants a day...so let Canada pretend they are open hearted by taking a couple of dozen...if Canada is so open and liberal, please consider taking in a few hundred thousand next year...open your hearts Canada!!!  Let's see how your moralistic superiority works for you in a few years...


the USA spends about 200 billion dollars annually dealing with illegals in the country...if liberals wish to provide services to illegals, they must first take the money away from legitimate citizens...there are more illegals in Los Angeles than in the entire country of Canada, so they can pretend that they are kind and permissive...how permissive will Canadians be when they have to actually make a choice who is more important...Canadians or illegals?  Only so much money to go around...and liberals simply think you can steal it without consequences, by taxing honest working people...


between law enforcement, food, welfare, education, medical care...the average amount spent on one illegal is between 10,000 and 15,000 per year...there are about 20 million of them...this is enough money to grant free health care to every citizen in the USA...or pay for tuition...or completely fund the UN (sorry, I forgot the USA already does that one, for the most part), or any number of schemes liberals always want but can only fund with taxes...


so Canada...Please...Please...Please...keep your open heart, and take all the refugees from racist America...Trump will probably pay for their bus fare to the border.

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12 hours ago, Scott said:

If they applied for asylum and are awaiting screening, they have absolutely no reason to run.   If they have been screened out, then there are various appeals and some may come from places where it isn't possible to repatriate them, so they will be allowed to stay for the time being.  


If they are hiking it out of the country, there is probably some less-than-legal things in the background.  


Some have already applied in the US and have been turned down. As they were not taken into custody immediately and deported they worked in the US illegally. Now Trump is dropping the hammer many are leaving and reapplying in Canada. They will be able to squeeze another 3-5 years waiting exhausting various appeals before then going underground. If they can lay low a few more years (very likely) they will then be able to appeal on compassionate grounds. They will be good for at least 10-15 years before deportation but most likely will never have to leave.

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hdkane, as a Born and bread Canadian, I am pissed at your insinuating, that I or other Canadians want any refugees, or illegal immigrants, anymore than the USA does. Take your arrogence and shove it where the sun does not shine.       Canada's Prime Minister is called the marshmellow man for a big reason. He has very little substance, and put a fire under him, he turns to goop.      A lot of Canadians cannot wait to get rid of him in the next election, just as many Americans feel the same way about Donald Trump.      I hope that both Canada and the US put a stop to these Africans, who should be back in Africa.


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9 hours ago, webfact said:

American officials keen to discover how they entered the United States in the first place

None of Canada's business - you think?

Maybe the US should interdict asylum seekers before they leave the US for Canada.

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6 hours ago, hdkane said:

As an American, I'm so happy that Canada is trying to make the USA look bad by taking in refugees...the USA acquires about 2,000 illegal immigrants a day...so let Canada pretend they are open hearted by taking a couple of dozen...if Canada is so open and liberal, please consider taking in a few hundred thousand next year...open your hearts Canada!!!  Let's see how your moralistic superiority works for you in a few years...


the USA spends about 200 billion dollars annually dealing with illegals in the country...if liberals wish to provide services to illegals, they must first take the money away from legitimate citizens...there are more illegals in Los Angeles than in the entire country of Canada, so they can pretend that they are kind and permissive...how permissive will Canadians be when they have to actually make a choice who is more important...Canadians or illegals?  Only so much money to go around...and liberals simply think you can steal it without consequences, by taxing honest working people...


between law enforcement, food, welfare, education, medical care...the average amount spent on one illegal is between 10,000 and 15,000 per year...there are about 20 million of them...this is enough money to grant free health care to every citizen in the USA...or pay for tuition...or completely fund the UN (sorry, I forgot the USA already does that one, for the most part), or any number of schemes liberals always want but can only fund with taxes...


so Canada...Please...Please...Please...keep your open heart, and take all the refugees from racist America...Trump will probably pay for their bus fare to the border.

First of all, refugees and immigrants who have entered the US without documentation or have overstayed their visa are two separate issues. Refugee status in the US is very hard to obtain, taking 1.5-2 years of vetting before being allowed into the US. There are not 20 million undocumented immigrants in the US. There are probably about 11 million which is still a large number, however immigration from Mexico has been steadily decreasing over the past several years. As to the financial burden of undocumented immigrants, conservative media and think tanks will talk about the expense without figuring in the benefits. Undocumented immigrants do much of the work which American citizens will not do. Take the undocumented immigrants out of the West and you will find yourself without American grown fruit and vegetables in your local grocery store. Many undocumented immigrants are also paying payroll taxes and will never be able to collect on the benefits they are paying for so the cost of this immigrants is offset by the benefits they provide to Americans. Unfortunately, Republican politicians have blocked all attempts to rectify the situation and even refused to pass their own bi partisan immigration reform bill in 2009 because they were upset that Obama won the White House. As for Canada which is taking in 25,000 Syrian refugees without complaint, I supposed they should build a wall on their southern border and make the US pay for it as Trump has said he will do to Mexico....

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4 hours ago, kamahele said:

First of all, refugees and immigrants who have entered the US without documentation or have overstayed their visa are two separate issues. Refugee status in the US is very hard to obtain, taking 1.5-2 years of vetting before being allowed into the US. There are not 20 million undocumented immigrants in the US. There are probably about 11 million which is still a large number, however immigration from Mexico has been steadily decreasing over the past several years. As to the financial burden of undocumented immigrants, conservative media and think tanks will talk about the expense without figuring in the benefits. Undocumented immigrants do much of the work which American citizens will not do. Take the undocumented immigrants out of the West and you will find yourself without American grown fruit and vegetables in your local grocery store. Many undocumented immigrants are also paying payroll taxes and will never be able to collect on the benefits they are paying for so the cost of this immigrants is offset by the benefits they provide to Americans. Unfortunately, Republican politicians have blocked all attempts to rectify the situation and even refused to pass their own bi partisan immigration reform bill in 2009 because they were upset that Obama won the White House. As for Canada which is taking in 25,000 Syrian refugees without complaint, I supposed they should build a wall on their southern border and make the US pay for it as Trump has said he will do to Mexico....

American citizens will do any kind of work that pays a fair and livable wage, it is you and many others that think a fair and livable wage should not be paid for lower end jobs. I am willing to pay more for my fruits and vegetables if it means my neighbor's and fellow countrymen have a decent life. You?

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13 hours ago, hdkane said:

As an American, I'm so happy that Canada is trying to make the USA look bad by taking in refugees...the USA acquires about 2,000 illegal immigrants a day...so let Canada pretend they are open hearted by taking a couple of dozen...if Canada is so open and liberal, please consider taking in a few hundred thousand next year...open your hearts Canada!!!  Let's see how your moralistic superiority works for you in a few years...


the USA spends about 200 billion dollars annually dealing with illegals in the country...if liberals wish to provide services to illegals, they must first take the money away from legitimate citizens...there are more illegals in Los Angeles than in the entire country of Canada, so they can pretend that they are kind and permissive...how permissive will Canadians be when they have to actually make a choice who is more important...Canadians or illegals?  Only so much money to go around...and liberals simply think you can steal it without consequences, by taxing honest working people...


between law enforcement, food, welfare, education, medical care...the average amount spent on one illegal is between 10,000 and 15,000 per year...there are about 20 million of them...this is enough money to grant free health care to every citizen in the USA...or pay for tuition...or completely fund the UN (sorry, I forgot the USA already does that one, for the most part), or any number of schemes liberals always want but can only fund with taxes...


so Canada...Please...Please...Please...keep your open heart, and take all the refugees from racist America...Trump will probably pay for their bus fare to the border.

these numbers about the costs of undocumented immigrants are mostly nonsense from the Heritage foundation and the lack. For a rational discussion of the costs Wikipedia is a good place to start


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1 hour ago, bangkok101 said:

ever notice that the loudest mouthpiece in the bar is always the arrogant american talking BIG about everything. The yanks are disliked in every country I worked in. The canadians were ok, got along with everyone. I worked north sea with some canuck fellows, they were reliable and likable.

Ever notice that the most obnoxious person on a web forum is one who characterizes people by their ethnic affiliations or nationality?  I'm guessing you haven't.

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2 hours ago, Grubster said:

American citizens will do any kind of work that pays a fair and livable wage, it is you and many others that think a fair and livable wage should not be paid for lower end jobs. I am willing to pay more for my fruits and vegetables if it means my neighbor's and fellow countrymen have a decent life. You?

And yet Trump opposes raising the minimum wage.

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Make it a felony to hire illegals. Problem solved. These phony American politicians on both sides have their own reasons for wanting illegals in their country so all these silly bugger arguments are presented. Amnesty is on it's way. 

Geeser, Justin is in for 4 terms. Get used to it. Harpo killed Cons chances for a long, long time. Unfortunately Thomas Mulclair got squeezed out by the J.T. personality cult  election.

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