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Most Thais believe Article 44 can help reforms succeed


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Most Thais believe Article 44 can help reforms succeed





MOST PEOPLE are confident that special powers under Article 44 of the post-coup interim charter can help Thailand succeed in national reforms, according to the results of an opinion poll released yesterday.


More than 47 per cent of respondents in the poll felt that Article 44 was associated with peace in the country. And just over half of those surveyed in the study said invocation of the controversial clause was helping the country’s fight against corruption.


The survey of 1,279 people in all regions of the country was conducted by Bangkok University’s Research Centre last week.


Full story: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30307969


-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-03-05
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Yes, it seems to be working so well at that flying saucer temple.


Most Thais are not capable of critical thinking, so this 'opinion' poll is meaningless.


Oh, what reforms?

Edited by WhizBang
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Since the coup the 'Thais' I talk to don't talk about politics much anymore. They will quicky change the subject or turn the conversation into a joke. When I ask a serious question such as "Are you happy with the army being in control of Thailand?", the response is "Don't talk about this, not good".

When I ask good friends, Thai's I've known for years if they talk about politics, the coup, the army or even taboo subjects they all say the same thing.
"Not good to talk about".

So to reply to this topic where people are polled and asked if they are happy with article 44 to bring about reform. If they asked people in my neck of the woods. Many wouldn't want to reply.

The question I have is do the people who carry out the poll take the I.D number or a photo of the person who replies to their poll? If they do, wouldn't this create a false result due to many agreeing due to fear of upsetting the military.

I would have thought the best way to ask public opinion would be through social media, where the person can remain anomynous. Thus, can reply without fear.

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This is fake news. Something the regime is making up. Do not believe it. Thais are not that stupid. There is complete censorship of the media here. The papers and the news say whatever they want them to say. About as reliable as the polls that say King Vlad has a 93% approval rating. Or the ones that say the people have complete support for the despot Kim, in N. Korea. Or the ones that say the Chinese people support the chicoms fully. Do not believe the nonsense. 


Nobody I talk to supports this regime. Nobody I talk too approves of Little P., nor the horrific job he is doing, running the country, and running the economy into the ground, and damaging the tourism industry with his disastrous visa policy, and his stunning lack of vision and intelligence. 

Edited by spidermike007
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1 hour ago, Wilsonandson said:

When I ask good friends, Thai's I've known for years if they talk about politics, the coup, the army or even taboo subjects they all say the same thing.
"Not good to talk about".

This pretty much says it all.  People will not speak their mind if they are terrified.  The good general has done a good job in making the average Thai feel terror.  Even Thais working outside of Thailand are scared to death to talk about this.  Met a few brave, intelligent women working in bars that would say things openly, but quietly. 

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1 hour ago, Aj Mick said:

Interesting how opinion polls always reflect so positively on the actions of a government that came to be without the inconvenience a poll. 

Yes, you are so right. And note that we are told that 62.2% of those polled think that reforms will succeed with the help of Article 44. Just happens to be almost exactly the same percentage of people who voted (allegedly) for the rights-shredding Constitution.


They know the results of these polls before they do them - the same as the Authorities knew the Burmese Two of Koh Tao were 'guilty of rape and murder' long before the trial judge proclaimed that 'alternative fact'.



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. . .  72 per cent admitted that their knowledge (of Article 44) was minimal.


Which means the poll is utterly meaningless. The sub editor who wrote the headline is a disgrace to journalism, as is the editor of the rag that published it.



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5 hours ago, jerojero said:

Most Thais don't even know about, nor what is Article 44.

Yes I  posted the same this morning. What a meaningless poll in fact the earlier story said something like 70% didn't know what S44 was.


I also said that article 44 would need to be reworded otherwise Prayuht would still have power even if a new government is finally elected.


Total crap

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21 hours ago, yellowboat said:

This pretty much says it all.  People will not speak their mind if they are terrified.  The good general has done a good job in making the average Thai feel terror.  Even Thais working outside of Thailand are scared to death to talk about this.  Met a few brave, intelligent women working in bars that would say things openly, but quietly. 

People should not fear their government

The government should fear the people

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