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Obama denies Trump claim he wiretapped him during campaign


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So you're saying that an FBI tapping under FISA was ordered by Obama?




The DoJ and the FBI probably would have requested a FISA warrant.


I doubt either were ordered to do so by Obama; more likely they were following the trail of Russian activity.


I would assume Obama was briefed on the activity - he probably read his intel briefings and listened rather than tweeting?


That's in addition to the countless other country's intel services which may have been eves-dropping on Russians and Trump's "plumbers".

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This is another classic case of trump style DEFLECTION. He wants to change the discussion to be about his lying charges against Obama to deflect against all the real revelations about the connection between the trump campaign and Russia. 


It's worth looking at the media that trump hates the most, such as CNN. They are calling out the TRUTH. He can't handle that.


trump is biggest liar in presidential history. It's shameful and embarrassing for MOST Americans. 




Trump's baseless wiretap claim


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California Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, which is also probing the scope of Russia's influence on the US election, said in a statement Saturday afternoon in reference to one of Trump's tweets: "If there is something bad or sick going on, it is the willingness of the nation's chief executive to make the most outlandish and destructive claims without providing a scintilla of evidence to support them.
"No matter how much we hope and pray that this President will grow into one who respects and understands the Constitution, separation of powers, role of a free press, responsibilities as the leader of the free world, or demonstrates even the most basic regard for the truth, we must now accept that President Trump will never become that man," Schiff said.
Opinion: Trump traffics in conspiracy theories
And that is from a Republican, not CNN ot NYT. Is that "fake news" or "alternative facts?"
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Exactly. He will never change. He's 70. There will never be a pivot. If anything he's going to get much crazier. It's time for even trump supporters to step up to the plate, ADMIT electing him was a tragic mistake, and get on board with the resistance movement to force him to resign or impeach him. 


The optimistic part for conservatives is that he will be replaced by a sane person, Pence, that actually has a well formed very right wing ideology. trump doesn't really have a core ideology except for his own diseased EGO.


Progressives are screwed regardless but ALL Americans should be horrified by having a MADMAN in the oval office. 

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2 hours ago, bubba said:

Have a look at this article. I am sort of amazed at how there are so many loose ends that once tied together, could really become government shaking scandal of bigly proportions.




"It’s almost as if investigating collusion between a hostile foreign power and a candidate for president of the United States to (hypothetically!) traffic in stolen information and use it to injure a second candidate for president of the United States is worse than actually colluding to do so! At least if you are Breitbart." (or most Trump supporters evidently. Now THAT is sad)

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Pigs squeal louder the closer they get to the abattoir.


The President (Mr. Trump) was briefed on the FISA warrants months ago. The fuss now? Dots joining up. National Security Advisor gone in disgrace for lying. Attorney General gone for lying under oath. Pigs squeal louder the closer they get to the abattoir - especially if they thought they were simply at the trough.

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A wee bit of needed levity - which aptly/worryingly describes the mental state of the actual President Of The United States:

Stephen King hilariously jabs Trump: The wiretaps are coming from inside the house...

“Trump should know OBAMA NEVER LEFT THE WHITE HOUSE! He’s in the closet! HE HAS SCISSORS!”



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7 hours ago, binjalin said:

Well he was elected President of the United States so he can't be that much of a fool.  Your personal hatred is a bit OTT and many millions of Americans support him so maybe things will calm down and none of us know how this will turn out

Pick pockets work in pairs, while one bumps , and distracts you the other takes your wallet.

With the distractor in chief in office,I would  keep a close eye on my wallet.

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12 hours ago, rooster59 said:

the former president had wiretapped him in October during the late stages of the presidential election campaign

Everybody is overlooking who else might have wiretapped Trump. And that someone doesn't need legal approval to do so:


The Russians are more than capable in wiretaps and no doubt have access to professional surrogates who can perform wiretaps.  Russia keeping "tabs" on Trump to assure his narrative of rapprochement with Russia remains one of the foundations of his foreign policy would be good insurance.

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10 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

In spite of what many people think Donald Trump is a very insecure person emotionally .

He shows the classic symptom of the fat rich boy in school with no friends who  imagines any opposition to him s conspirouscy  against him personally.

Unable to deal with rejection, he thinks everybody is out to get him, never considering  the  possibility that he may be at fault,



Indeed. Here is the US President (I wince as I type this!), with the nuclear bomb codes in reach, who is Tweeting emotional raves at 4 and 5 in the morning.


Can the US Presidency be left in the hands of a man who [1], thinks it's appropriate to use Twitter to level such charges against Obama – without a shred of evidence. And then [2], seemingly bored, or perhaps believing the issues are of equal gravity, he was tweeting again: "Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't voluntarily leaving the Apprentice, he was fired by his bad (pathetic) ratings, not by me. Sad end to great show."


Surely this self-obsessed man/child can't last in office. If he does, God help us.

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12 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Not disparaging.  It's the truth.  Trump makes it disparaging and untruthful.  If he stops with the lies, everybody will respect him more.  Sadly, it appears that will never happen.

Craig opines; "If he stops with the lies, everybody will respect him more. "

Boomer responds:  Craig's too nice.  If Trump stopped the daily lies, I would still be miles away from having a modicum of respect for him.   He's got a litany of character flaws longer than my right arm, small font.  He's also planning to trash the EPA.  He's gearing up to do as much damage as possible before he's forcefully booted out of office.


11 hours ago, binjalin said:

It's bizarre the latest Trump claim and he'd better have evidence to back it up or he'll look a fool 

.....and he doesn't already look like the biggest fool east of the Mississippi?  Newscasters and their on-air guests are now giggling - when Trump tweets are mentioned.  Next, we'll have the cameramen and grip holders giggling.  Soon after that, foreign leaders will be giggling at just the mention of his name.  He's becoming a walking talking parody of himself.  I wouldn't be surprised if Melania giggles derisively each time Trump starts some bedroom talk.  No surprise why she stays a hundred miles away from him.

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An interesting take on trump's latest insane twitter rants:





Why Trump’s Latest ‘Raving’ Tweets About Obama Wiretap Might Be His Worst Blunder Yet
His series of spectacularly raving tweets on Saturday made clear not only that the U.S. president has no intention of behaving reasonably and responsibly, but the increasing pressure of his so-called Russiagate affair is making him go bonkers more than ever before.


It’s tempting to say that Trump, in his mindless impetuousness, has hurt himself. Instead of trying to shift the media’s focus from his Russia ties to other matters, he has now ensured that it will intensify, get ugly and stay around much longer. But there’s always the possibility that Trump knows very well that this affair isn’t going to go anywhere until it is resolved and until it exacts its toll, which, in this case, could be his presidency.




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"Reports concerning potentially politically motivated investigations immediately ahead of the 2016 election are very troubling," Spicer said in a statement on Twitter. "President Donald J. Trump is requesting that as part of their investigation into Russian activity, the congressional intelligence committees exercise their oversight authority to determine whether executive branch investigative powers were abused in 2016.” Until that is carried out “neither the White House nor the president will comment further.”


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The only thing more predictable than Trump making an outlandish and unfounded claim to try to distract from his own bad press is the fact that his fan base will find ways to defend it. Was Trump Tower wire tapped? Who knows? But if he was it was part of an FBI investigation and it was not something ordered by Obama. Trump seems to lack a basic understanding of the office that he holds.

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13 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

 But if he was it was part of an FBI investigation and something ordered by Obama. 

The President is not anything to do with an order to 'wire tap' anyone, he cannot order it. Wire tapping is a legal procedure that requires specific evidence and/or reason and is 'ordered' by a Judge who considers the request from the intelligence/law enforcement agencies. If Trump was wire tapped then this is going to get a whole lot juicer because he clearly does not grasp either how or why he was wire tapped.


Where are all his close circle senior advisors now? Oops Banner, Kushner and Conway have no legal or Government experience! Epic FAIL !

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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

The President is not anything to do with an order to 'wire tap' anyone, he cannot order it. Wire tapping is a legal procedure that requires specific evidence and/or reason and is 'ordered' by a Judge who considers the request from the intelligence/law enforcement agencies. If Trump was wire tapped then this is going to get a whole lot juicer because he clearly does not grasp either how or why he was wire tapped.


Where are all his close circle senior advisors now? Oops Banner, Kushner and Conway have no legal or Government experience! Epic FAIL !

Exactly. If there was a wire tap it would show there was reasonable cause to put one there. In his effort to distract people from the Russian probes he's not only made himself look ridiculous with yet another unfounded claim (similar to his voter fraud one), but in the event that he was wire tapped, it shows that the FIS court deemed there to be probable cause for the taps which is going to do the exact opposite of what he hopes. 

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3 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

Exactly. If there was a wire tap it would show there was reasonable cause to put one there. In his effort to distract people from the Russian probes he's not only made himself look ridiculous with yet another unfounded claim (similar to his voter fraud one), but in the event that he was wire tapped, it shows that the FIS court deemed there to be probable cause for the taps which is going to do the exact opposite of what he hopes. 

JC it gets better, have a search. It seems there was also a request to tap/investigate the server in Trump Tower that was connected only, directly to Russia!!! Something huge is cooking and Trumps BS is not going to save him.

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The fog of "war" and trump tweets. 




One of President Trump’s most consistent rhetorical maneuvers is a fairly basic but often highly effective one—the diversionary reverse accusation. When he is accused of benefitting from “fake news,” he flips the neologism on its head; suddenly CNN, the Times, and the rest are “fake news.” When Democratic politicians such as Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi call for investigations of his campaign’s contacts with Russian officials, Trump posts pictures of those critics meeting publicly with Vladimir Putin and calls for an investigation. This happened on Saturday. He fogs the language and clouds the issue.



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One interesting question.  Why was Hilary tweeting in October about a computer in Trump Tower being investigated? This is going to be huge.
Comey is already floundering.

This may answer your question.


Sent from my SM-A500F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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21 minutes ago, alanrchase said:

Interesting. Trump servers in communication with two Alfa Bank servers during the election campaign. Alfa Bank owned and operated by Russian oligarchs. A unique coincidence.

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16 hours ago, kevkev1888 said:

The evidence is the FISA order. There is a paper trail that Trump was wire tapped and nothing was found to link Trump to Russia.

Now let's investigate Obama's wire tapping.

The Democrats are OFFICIALLY DONE after this. GAME OVER.

We're talking about indictments of the former sitting President and his staff.

if that is true where is it?  if there is a papertrail all the 'know-it-alls' on here are going to look pretty 'FOOLish'

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18 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

His actions, irrational tweets, extraordinary behaviour at press conferences and general demeanour scream fool, regardless of what position he has been elected to.

i resepct your posts normally but if it turns out there is evidence of the wiretap then his comments on same are hardly foolish. He is a meglomanic not a fool in my view.

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