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U.S. Republicans unveil plan to dismantle Obamacare, critics pounce


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More about clueless poor, sick trump voters that voted AGAINST their own self interest. 




Very Sad.



In a place of need, an unhealthy contradiction

They are poor, sick and voted for Trump. What will happen to them without Obamacare?



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It's interesting that trump has failed to aggressively push this bill himself. He seems to be putting that mostly on Paul Ryan. There has got to be reasons for that. He's got to know this bill represents breaking his campaign promises to take care of everyone. He's also got to know it might fail. But if he pushed it and knew what he was talking about and it was actually a good bill, presumably it would have a better chance of passing. This way if it fails to pass he can distance himself from that and avoid badly weakening his entire presidency. 

Normally, a normal president would be aggressively trying to persuade the public about such a major piece of legislation. trump hasn't and I now wonder if he ever will. He can't honestly say it fulfills his promises (not that he's ever cared about honesty) and there's also the matter that he obviously doesn't even understand the health care system so all he say are the idiotic platitudes (it's terrific! you're gonna love it!) which are not going to wash with anywhere near the majority of the public. 

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