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State of Hawaii to challenge Trump's new travel ban


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State of Hawaii to challenge Trump's new travel ban


Hawaii to seek temporary restraining order on US president's order restricting travel from six Muslim-majority nations


WASHINGTON: -- The state of Hawaii has said in a court motion that it intends to seek a temporary restraining order on Wednesday against President Donald Trump's new executive order restricting travel from six Muslim-majority countries.


The Trump administration this week issued the revised immigration order replacing an earlier, more-sweeping one which had been blocked in court.


The new measure prevents citizens of Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen from obtaining US visas for at least 90 days. It also suspends the refugee resettlement process for 120 days.


Full story: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/03/hawaii-challenge-trump-travel-ban-170308014610629.html


-- AL JAZEERA 2017-03-08

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54 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

Not enough homeless in the Parks and on the Sidewalks

of Honolulu....let's add about 200,000 immigrants to this


Why don't you do something useful about the problem by helping to build more homes for these refugees fleeing war zones thanks to US intervention in the first place? 

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4 minutes ago, aslimversgwm said:

Why don't you do something useful about the problem by helping to build more homes for these refugees fleeing war zones thanks to US intervention in the first place? 

I think many of those 'refugees' would have tried to move to Hawaii, before any 'US intervention'.


Hell, I'll go if you'll build a home for me.  

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7 hours ago, bangkokorbust said:

For a while there he was unchallenged and up pops Hawaii. If they succeed trump will look silly, he is like a dog with a bone and won't give up till he "wins."

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

Which he will. Anyone can see through these anarcos.

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1 hour ago, little mary sunshine said:

Not enough homeless in the Parks and on the Sidewalks

of Honolulu....let's add about 200,000 immigrants to this


Not to mention the danger to local life and limb. Also all those bikini clad bodies could cause problems.


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Hawaii, what a joke!  The furthest land mass away from anywhere.  As if people from Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen will bother to even go there. They need to shit the <deleted> up and get their own State sorted.  Outrageous Homelessness, water shortages, unemployment, crime, drugs among many other issues. Aloha bro!

Edited by metisdead
Profanity removed.
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1 hour ago, aslimversgwm said:

Why don't you do something useful about the problem by helping to build more homes for these refugees fleeing war zones thanks to US intervention in the first place? 

Safe Zones are being constructed in their Own

Countries at the cost of  millions and millions of

dollars to the US taxpayers....

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This is all a sideshow.. Even if allowed to go thru it solves nothing. People intent on doing harm will find a way. Trump is using this to divert the American people from those things they so desperately need and that is a real universal healthcare plan that guarantees coverage and everyone can afford it; where is the $trillion infrastructure bill that he says will put so many Americans back to work; where is the tax cuts he promised and the reform of the tax code.  He is wasting his time and America's money on deporting  Mexican labor that is needed and will waste more billions on a useless border wall.

I honestly don't know how Trump ran a business- lots of smoke and mirrors but now he has the whole American Nation and the World watching him and what I see is a liar and an incompetent as President surrounded by a small team that is manipulating this country with an agenda most Americans oppose.

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20 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

This is all a sideshow.. Even if allowed to go thru it solves nothing. People intent on doing harm will find a way. Trump is using this to divert the American people from those things they so desperately need and that is a real universal healthcare plan that guarantees coverage and everyone can afford it; where is the $trillion infrastructure bill that he says will put so many Americans back to work; where is the tax cuts he promised and the reform of the tax code.  He is wasting his time and America's money on deporting  Mexican labor that is needed and will waste more billions on a useless border wall.

I honestly don't know how Trump ran a business- lots of smoke and mirrors but now he has the whole American Nation and the World watching him and what I see is a liar and an incompetent as President surrounded by a small team that is manipulating this country with an agenda most Americans oppose.


He used a successful business model, don't pay your contractors and workers, take students big money and give them nothing.


Most of us have better morals.

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3 hours ago, Thaidream said:

I honestly don't know how Trump ran a business- lots of smoke and mirrors but now he has the whole American Nation and the World watching him and what I see is a liar and an incompetent as President surrounded by a small team that is manipulating this country with an agenda most Americans oppose.

The guy is worth about three and a half billion dollars, and you think he got there by smoke and mirrors? In the cutthroat and extremely competitive world of business? He won the election lawfully, and yet you feel most American oppose his putting into action the agenda he set forth during the campaign... huh???

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23 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

The guy is worth about three and a half billion dollars, and you think he got there by smoke and mirrors? In the cutthroat and extremely competitive world of business? He won the election lawfully, and yet you feel most American oppose his putting into action the agenda he set forth during the campaign... huh???

        He's worth about a tenth of what he shouts he's worth, at most; a bit under 1 billion.

He didn't get there by smoke and mirrors.  He got there by inheriting 200 million dollars, then big loans from his dad, then bigger loans from banks co-signed by his dad.  Then more loans, many of which he reneged about paying back, while concurrently avoiding paying contractors who worked on Trump enterprises.


Oh, and he won an election, .....with help from his lies, from the Russians, and from FBI's Comey.


Let's see those taxes, Don.  And don't bother telling us about auditing.  There are tax statements from years prior to 2016 we'd like to see.   

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        He's worth about a tenth of what he shouts he's worth, at most; a bit under 1 billion.

He didn't get there by smoke and mirrors.  He got there by inheriting 200 million dollars, then big loans from his dad, then bigger loans from banks co-signed by his dad.  Then more loans, many of which he reneged about paying back, while concurrently avoiding paying contractors who worked on Trump enterprises.


Oh, and he won an election, .....with help from his lies, from the Russians, and from FBI's Comey.


Let's see those taxes, Don.  And don't bother telling us about auditing.  There are tax statements from years prior to 2016 we'd like to see.   

Give that inheritance to 99.9% of TV bar stool business analysts would have bought a big big boat and sailed away. Not the wrong thing to do but let's not pretend we would have tried to do what the Donald did with it and then become president to top it off.

Seriously guys take a look at your own bank accounts and the lazy ass life you lead before starting to point fingers lol

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

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I can picture Bannon and Trump snickering about Hawaii;  "Lots of brownies at that little place. Why don't they just go surfing or go to a Looaow, and leave important matters to us."

trump knows all about Hawaii from his several years leading the racist birther movement.
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Just now, Ramen087 said:

He won the election lawfully, and yet you feel most American oppose his putting into action the agenda he set forth during the campaign... huh???



I'm guessing you don't read too much... :whistling:


A new poll shows a surprisingly big public swing against Trump’s travel ban


"A new Quinnipiac poll finds — as other polls have — that majorities oppose all of President Trump’s recent immigration moves. Americans oppose the ban on travel from select Muslim-majority nations by 51-46; they oppose the ban on refugees from all nations by 60-37; and they oppose the ban on Syrian refugees in particular by 70-26."


"But here’s perhaps the most striking data point of all: There has been a 12 point net swing against the general idea of the travel ban in the last month."


"By the way, the new Quinnipiac poll also finds:

— Only 40 percent of Americans think Trump’s policies will make the country safer from terrorism, versus 41 percent who say

they will make us less safe and 16 percent who say they will make no difference, a total of 57 percent who don’t accept the story Trump is telling."




Poll: Trump Should Have Scrapped Travel Ban

Just 38 percent of the public was in favor of the president issuing a new executive order revising a ban on travelers from Muslim-majority nations.


"Ahead of the rollout of President Donald Trump's new executive order banning people from certain majority-Muslim countries from traveling to the U.S., half of Americans said he should have moved on after courts blocked his original effort, and a similar percentage said the initial ban was a bad idea in the first place."




Poll: 46 percent of Americans disapprove of Trump's job performance


"A plurality of Americans, 46 percent, disapprove of President Donald Trump’s job performance six weeks after his inauguration, while 43 percent approve of it, according to a new poll."


"The survey also touched on several policy issues, including Trump’s original temporary ban on immigration and travel from seven predominantly Muslim countries. Forty-nine percent of those surveyed by Monmouth said the ban was a bad idea, while 39 percent described it as a good idea."



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9 hours ago, rijb said:

I think many of those 'refugees' would have tried to move to Hawaii, before any 'US intervention'.


Hell, I'll go if you'll build a home for me.  

It may have escaped your notice that before the US (and coalition) intervention in 2003 and the subsequent destruction of other's sovereign territory, there were very few refugees trying to get anywhere, especially Hawaii .

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I note a number of off-topic posts.  One has been removed.    The topic is about Trump's new Travel Ban and Hawaii's challenge to it.   Also, please note this from the OP:  

prevent..... from obtaining US visas for at least 90 days. It also suspends the refugee resettlement process for 120 days.


I doubt that Hawaii takes a lot of refugees, but it certainly does depend on the tourist business and this travel ban is bad for tourism.   It seems that a lot of people from countries unaffected by the ban are reluctant to travel to the US.  


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21 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Not enough homeless in the Parks and on the Sidewalks

of Honolulu....let's add about 200,000 immigrants to this


Jeez, the locals resent the howlies.  Just want to thumb their nose at Trump. 

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I accept the fact Trump won the election but he used lies; deceit; and playing upon people's fears and prejudices. In addition, he was up against a poor candidate. 

Most of Trump's 'election promises'  are not only the wrong approach but will set America back and cost jobs not provide them.

1.  Building a wall along the border will cost several Billions of Dollars and not keep a committed terrorist out -but will keep out Mexican labor who is needed to harvest crops; work in processing plants and do general labor work. Americans won't do these jobs because they are minimum wage. Mexico will fight back- it will stop buying American products and seek alternatives. Mexico is America's 3rd largest trading partner and is predicted to have the 9th largest economy by 2030. A real business man would already know this and realize that what America really needs is an Immigration policy that legalizes the vast majority of the illegal immigrants and provides a work Visa program that allows legal entry. Even Thailand has figured this out and provides legal entry to millions of labor from surrounding countries.


2.  Deportation-  Everyone wants people convicted of a felony deported- rapists, murderers etc. However, what is now happening is that people with no arrest record and children are being picked up and sent for deportation and parents being separated from their children.  This so called program is not what the American people want nor voted for Trump to do. Trump's deportation system will cost the US taxpayers many Billions of Dollars and separate children from parents and this is cruel and inhuman.

3.  Repeal of Obama Care-  Instead of taking Obamacare and fixing its problems- he is repealing  it and replacing it with a plan that will cost more and throw about 10 million currently insured back into the uninsured. His new plan is disliked by hospitals and doctors as well as members of his own party.

If he had any ethics or 'guts' he would declare healthcare a human right and go to a single payer system in the same manner that every other industrialize country in the World has. That would be universal healthcare and would be paid through payroll deductions for those working and free to the unemployed and those over 65. This would immediately lower prices .

4.  Where is the $trillion dollar infrastructure project?- Trump said this was a done deal and America's roads; airports; bridges etc would be upgraded and Americans put back to work.  Seems his Republican House and Senate don't want to fund it.

5.  Where are the jobs that he is bringing back to the US from abroad?  I don't see the I phone which is made in China bringing production back to the US or the so called trillions of dollars parked offshore by greedy big business moving into the US. Where is the tax reduction program.

Instead- Trump is feuding with Arnold S about nonsense; telling us the media is an 'enemy'; and now accusing President Obama (who actually was a real President) of taping his phones and office without any proof .  However, that is how this man operates- he is a congenital liar and a meglomaniac narcissist that seeks only his own selfish aims and he is destroying the values of the American Nation .

The people who voted for him were sold a bunch of crap and those that didn't vote for him almost 3 million more votes than he got knew exactly what he was. Oh . I forgot, Donald says he actually won the popular vote because almost 3 million illegals were allowed to vote and all voted against him. 

Good Lord- can it get any worse?


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15 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

The guy is worth about three and a half billion dollars, and you think he got there by smoke and mirrors? In the cutthroat and extremely competitive world of business? He won the election lawfully, and yet you feel most American oppose his putting into action the agenda he set forth during the campaign... huh???

There are many people who are worth millions and built their business by leveraging and borrowing. Trumps has a long history of bankruptcy. So there are good businessmen and women out there,  Trump is not one of them even though he is a billionaire. Yes he got there by smoke and mirrors, failing to pay thousands of contractors after they did completed the  work. I'm sure you know about his shady business practices. 

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I am afraid that it will get worse. The sad thing is that there are real solutions that will work and will alleviate the problems of a declining middle class and affordable healthcare. None of them will ever be presented by Trump or is inner circle.

Bernie Sanders had the right plan which was a redistribution of American wealth away from the 1% back to the 99% through a reform of the tax code. Sanders would have provided free tuition to university students instead of allowing universities to charge absurd tuition amounts and then making the graduates in debt for 20 years becoming indentured servants to the State

Health care is a human right- every industrialized country in the World provides it through a National Health Care plan financed through affordable taxes and run by the National Health Service . Trump's so called health bill will place millions who were insured into the uninsured ranks.

I cannot imagine Hillary Clinton deporting illegal immigrants who have no criminal record and separating from their children. I can imagine she would have pushed for an immigration bill that would provide amnesty and provide real Visas for much needed labor to help America's industry.

Trump's 'America First' refrain is another of his playing to the neglected middle class and poor.   What Trump is really saying is that the wealthy will remain first and if there is anything left the other 99% may be given a 'taste'. 

One thing we can depend on is that Trump will continue to be what he is and eventually his own words and deeds will doom him because he can't ever see that what he says and does is wrong.

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53 minutes ago, mike324 said:

There are many people who are worth millions and built their business by leveraging and borrowing. Trumps has a long history of bankruptcy. So there are good businessmen and women out there,  Trump is not one of them even though he is a billionaire. Yes he got there by smoke and mirrors, failing to pay thousands of contractors after they did completed the  work. I'm sure you know about his shady business practices. 

Absolutely hilarious response; thank you.  I haven't laughed so much and had a smile on my face while typing this in at least a decade. He's not a good businessman (uh, rrrright), but he turned two hundred million dollars inherited from his dad (as per previous post claims) into THREE POINT SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS. Yup, he sucks at it.

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If he is so wonderful at business why won't he release his tax returns for the last 20 years so we can all see how much he has made and from whom.  I would venture to say his returns will show he is not as wealthy as he says he is and some of his business dealings are with people or countries of questionable status and reputation.

Frankly speaking- there are many people on the board who could take $200 million and turn it into a lot more than Trump has.

I actually don't care how much he has but he has a reputation of using bankruptcy laws as they were not intended; not paying debts to contractors or severance to his workers when he declares bankruptcy; using the eminent domain laws to force elderly people out of their homes and generally lacks anything that resembles ethical behavior.

To me and many millions of other- he is downright a lousy human being and does not represent the values of the majority of the American people. I am not alone in this belief- Trump lost the popular vote by almost 3 million showing he has no mandate for his presidency.

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11 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Absolutely hilarious response; thank you.  I haven't laughed so much and had a smile on my face while typing this in at least a decade. He's not a good businessman (uh, rrrright), but he turned two hundred million dollars inherited from his dad (as per previous post claims) into THREE POINT SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS. Yup, he sucks at it.

Actually, it's been pointed out that had he invested his inheritance in index funds, that's about as much as he would have today.  Also, how do you know that Trump is worth 3.7 billion dollars? Have you seen his tax returns?

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