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Americans oppose bathroom laws limiting transgender rights - poll


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96.2% of the U.S is heterosexual. 3.8% are LGBT ...and of that 3.8% number, 0.3% identify as transgender. The world does NOT revolve around the LGBT community or ANY other minority unlike what the MSM, Hollywood, and liberals want us all to be lied and propagandized into believing.

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I like David Letterman"a take on it... 


“Look, you’re a human, I’m a human. We’re breathing the same air. We have the same problems. We’re trying to get through our day. Who the <f word deleted> are you to throw a log in the road of somebody who has a different set of difficulties in life?”

Edited by sfokevin
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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

So you're obsessed with transgender women's toileting activities but don't care about transgender men's toileting activities. Hilarious.

You're making stuff up. Pure fear mongering. Shame on you for spreading hatred and ignorance.

Scapegoating is UGLY. 

Women and children are not in danger from transgender women using women's facilities. In trump's America, it's the transgender women and men that are in danger from bigoted laws and bigoted people that now feel it's open season on minorities.  

Says a male.  Maybe the women and children should speak for themselves.

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2 minutes ago, sfokevin said:

I like David Letterman"a take on it... 


“Look, you’re a human, I’m a human. We’re breathing the same air. We have the same problems. We’re trying to get through our day. Who the <deleted> are you to throw a log in the road of somebody who has a different set of difficulties in life?”

He's no Johnny Carson.

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4 hours ago, stander said:


 I do not care how people dress or what they call themselves. It is a free country. But letting men use the women's bathroom is an idiotic invitation by society to sexual predators that directly puts women & little girls in danger. 


Gals with dicks - scary
Muslims - scary
Mexicans - scary rapists
Gays - scary pedos
Doctors who perform abortions - scary murderers
Angry autocrat with 7000 nukes - cuddly friend.




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5 minutes ago, stander said:

Supposedly transfolk have been using their choice of bathroom for decades with no one realizing. If that is true, why are they screaming about it now? I think it is all political. Despite the snowflake hysteria there just aren't that many transgender people.

It's a thing now because bigots started making laws about it. Duh. 

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36 minutes ago, stander said:

96.2% of the U.S is heterosexual. 3.8% are LGBT ...and of that 3.8% number, 0.3% identify as transgender. The world does NOT revolve around the LGBT community or ANY other minority unlike what the MSM, Hollywood, and liberals want us all to be lied and propagandized into believing.

I guess you're not familiar with the concept of civil rights for minorities. It's a thing.

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1 hour ago, stander said:

96.2% of the U.S is heterosexual. 3.8% are LGBT ...and of that 3.8% number, 0.3% identify as transgender. The world does NOT revolve around the LGBT community or ANY other minority unlike what the MSM, Hollywood, and liberals want us all to be lied and propagandized into believing.

You probably didn't mean to, but you're actually making the case for minority rights. If they were in the majority, society would be very different and it would be people like you and I who would be begging for understanding and acceptance.

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1 hour ago, stander said:

96.2% of the U.S is heterosexual. 3.8% are LGBT ...and of that 3.8% number, 0.3% identify as transgender. The world does NOT revolve around the LGBT community or ANY other minority unlike what the MSM, Hollywood, and liberals want us all to be lied and propagandized into believing.


Since you don't provide any sources for the numbers, we can assume you pulled them out of your ass.


If you are LGBT then much of the world pretty much revolves around your community, just like any other group of historically oppressed people.


Anyway, you forgot the bi ladies and lads in your 'tyranny of the majority' argument.

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Just now, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


That's what happens when women have to put up with mansplaining. Really pisses a lot of people off.

I'd be afraid to go to the bathroom with her.

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2 minutes ago, oxo1947 said:


You Brits are still struggling to keep up I see. Despite plenty of coverage in your press.


Facebook's 71 gender options come to UK users



You talk like an old straight man. Afraid that you are in a minority. There are more people in the world who are not old straight men, so you should be careful about trying to define others.

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4 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


You Brits are still struggling to keep up I see. Despite plenty of coverage in your press.


Facebook's 71 gender options come to UK users



You talk like an old straight man. Afraid that you are in a minority. There are more people in the world who are not old straight men, so you should be careful about trying to define others.

How many recognized by science?

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5 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

You talk like an old straight man. Afraid that you are in a minority. There are more people in the world who are not old straight men, so you should be careful about trying to define others.

Well I am an old man Tawan---managed to reach the biblical age---as I hope you will do some day.

Straight--if that means I do not want to stick it up some man's Bum...yep you have got that one right also.


Being in the minority --well that one isn't going to keep me awake all night--


To be honest Tawan--I really don't have a dog in the race-- spent a lot of my time on the continent , where as Roblok & others will tell you, bars there only have 1 toilet---even back in the 50s--60s.


It was put there as a pun-- but  If you find it offensive-- PM me I will remove.....:coffee1:

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28 minutes ago, oxo1947 said:

Well I am an old man Tawan---managed to reach the biblical age---as I hope you will do some day.

Straight--if that means I do not want to stick it up some man's Bum...yep you have got that one right also.


Being in the minority --well that one isn't going to keep me awake all night--


To be honest Tawan--I really don't have a dog in the race-- spent a lot of my time on the continent , where as Roblok & others will tell you, bars there only have 1 toilet---even back in the 50s--60s.


It was put there as a pun-- but  If you find it offensive-- PM me I will remove.....:coffee1:


No offense of course. I do find it odd that a Brit talks so much about toilets. Even though the WC was invented by a Brit (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Crapper), you didn't have inside toilets until, well - your generation. I also think this trans thing is more US-centric and ideological, so is quite removed from the average Brit. After all, female impersonators have a very long tradition there as apolitical entertainers.


So I won't pull your chain any more, pun intended. Can't say the same about the right wing old fart Yanks though.

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21 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

Trump and the old white straight bigots who voted for him are again on the wrong side of history. Muslim bans being challenged by an increasing number of States, Obamacare Repeal and Replace a mess, Administrative cock ups on a daily basis and lunatic tweets of fringe conspiracy theories. Most Americans support LGBT equality. Most Americans support marriage equality. Now most Americans support transgender dignity. The toothless old reactionaries can do no more than make weak, stale and infantile 'jokes' to hide their psycho-sexual dysfunction about toilet issues, a remnant of their traumatic potty training.


Millennials and forward thinking people on the right side of history just need to wait until later 2018 to start reversing the destruction of values by the nihilist trump fanboys.

Hahah it is true. I could care less who someone marries but use the bathroom you are supposed to.

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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah, just force the "freaks" to hide out at home because they aren't allowed to use public facilities that are most logical and least publicly disruptive for their gender identity/presentation.

No one is forced. Use the bathroom for the designation on a birth certificate. 

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57 minutes ago, USPatriot said:

Hahah it is true. I could care less who someone marries but use the bathroom you are supposed to.


I thought you said some time back that you were a Brit living in America, somewhere along the border. If so, then I guess you have taken up American vernacular. http://learnersdictionary.com/qa/I-COULDN-T-care-less-or-I-COULD-care-less


Using the bathroom that you are 'supposed' to is too broad and general a statement in this context. Some states allow trans people to change their birth certificates. Do that mean you accept those trans people in bathrooms with which they identify? What's with the birth certificate crap anyway? Hospitals have no idea of the future gender identity or sexual orientation of new borns. Genetics has demonstrated that these cannot be discerned by observing sexual organs alone.


If you are scared of trans men using the mens room, then use a stall. Problem fixed.

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34 minutes ago, Gary A said:

I wonder what muslim men would think if a man dressed like a woman came in the restroom with them. That could get quite interesting.



Read and learn. LGBT people have existed from the dawn of the homo sapient species. I have no idea bout Neanderthals or Homo Ecrectus but you can be sure we have been around as long as non LGBT people. Why the Muslim slant? You are obviously baiting.

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17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

So you're obsessed with transgender women's toileting activities but don't care about transgender men's toileting activities. Hilarious.

You're making stuff up. Pure fear mongering. Shame on you for spreading hatred and ignorance.

Scapegoating is UGLY. 

Women and children are not in danger from transgender women using women's facilities. In trump's America, it's the transgender women and men that are in danger from bigoted laws and bigoted people that now feel it's open season on minorities.  

you need to think sometimes . What stander says or means is that a man who wants to use womens toilets for immoral purposes just has to dress like a woman  and he`s in .
 I would not be very happy with men using the same toilets as my daughters . period

Edited by dazzz
not finished
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where were these polls taken, san francisco?, oakland,? chicago,?los angeles,? other homosexual enclaves? the real American people, (south) northeast, midwest, have made their opinions known long ago when the parasite was in the white house! the democrats will go to no end to justify their perversion!

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23 minutes ago, captspectre said:

where were these polls taken, san francisco?, oakland,? chicago,?los angeles,? other homosexual enclaves? the real American people, (south) northeast, midwest, have made their opinions known long ago when the parasite was in the white house! the democrats will go to no end to justify their perversion!


These "real Americans" ought to live In the real world.



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you need to think sometimes . What stander says or means is that a man who wants to use womens toilets for immoral purposes just has to dress like a woman  and he`s in .
 I would not be very happy with men using the same toilets as my daughters . period

Not that old chestnut, again!
Some men have had "immoral puposses" before and went through with them, without putting on dresses! In a court of law, you would have to do a little more, than saying "but...but... I feel like a woman, your honor!" This argument has been debunked and called out for utter stupidity over and over and over and...

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect
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Funniest comment, I've seen in a while: 
"This offends me as a vegan transgender hipster Native-American-Indo-Chinese hybrid alien agnostic-atheist German engineer who vapes fairtrade organic decaffeinated compressed and hydrated extra-protein soy breast milk on the regular and does Hindi Kama Sutra naked crossfit yoga 5 times per week I'm also a nonbinary trigender genderqueer male feminist and identify myself as a pastafarian pansexual genderfluid Apache helicopter dog of mega multi alpha beta gamma delta omega combo god of hyper death who's in a polygamous polyamorous relationship to the chihuahua which helped me cross the border of Mexico because it hates Donald Trump. My dog also walks me to the park and doggy styles me, if you find that weird you're an ignorant arrogant homophobic gender-assuming globaphobic  "bloodthirsty gun-loving cisgender pansexual bestial sexist racist incestuous white-previlege misogynistic biased objectified raped privileged Nazi slave owner terrorist lesbian."

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