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Senior U.N. official quits after 'apartheid' Israel report pulled


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On 3/18/2017 at 0:50 PM, dexterm said:

so that Israel remains a Jewish majority state

Not sure where you used to live outside of Thailand, but I am sure you'd want minorities to control your country's policies lol :)


So be it...

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2 minutes ago, AGLV0121 said:

Not sure where you used to live outside of Thailand, but I am sure you'd want minorities to control your country's policies lol :)


So be it...

Nobody complains about the approximately 50 nation states with majority Muslim populations, and many other states with majority Christian or Buddhist populations, but weirdly the Israel demonization agenda is obsessed with having a problem with there being the ONE nation state in the world with a Jewish majority demographic, Israel. Yes, Israel to be Israel needs that to continue. They're not trying to Berkeley, California. 

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On 3/18/2017 at 0:15 PM, Dumbastheycome said:

the illegal  acquisition  of  territory


What illegal?

1/ Jordan invaded the part that was 'granted' to Israel in 1948 pre-independence, and

2/  Jordan attacked Israel on June 5, 1967, Israel decided NOT to retaliate until Jordan bombed west Jerusalem. Just Google six day war.

And that's called a 'counter-attack' (unlike other countries seizing their southern neighbor in a 'greedy attack' for land), 

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The west bank settlements are generally considered to be illegal internationally. The settlements close to or in Jerusalem may sometimes be more of a grey area.

There is no doubt that Israel expanding west bank settlements does not encourage two state solution negotiations but neither do waves of Palestinian terror attacks on civilians.  

Illegal or not, they are certainly bones of contention going forward.

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Conveniently failed to mention that large portion of the Arab world attacked Israel right after statehood refusing to accept Israel in any borders. Criticize Israel go ahead but enough with the absurd one sided narratives.

Conveniently failed to mention that Jews have no entitlement to statehood.

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16 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

Conveniently failed to mention that Jews have no entitlement to statehood.

There it is. Denial of the right of Israel to even exist in any borders. Hateful. 

It's poison like that which makes peace so much harder. How can you reasonably negotiate with forces that don't accept your right to exist? 

BTW, your honesty about the EXTREMISM of your anti-Israel sentiment is appreciated. It's easier to deal with than with people playing games like saying I'm not anti-Israel, I'm anti-Zionist. Often they're just as extreme but try to mask it.

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7 hours ago, AGLV0121 said:

Not sure where you used to live outside of Thailand, but I am sure you'd want minorities to control your country's policies lol :)


So be it...

You have just proven the whole point of the OP apartheid report.


You see, Palestinians are not the minority...Israeli Jews are! Palestinians are the majority in Palestine. That's the whole reason Israel needs to use apartheid to keep the majority in check.
Palestinians in Israel, West Bank, and Gaza = 6.5 million (+ another 6 million forced into the Palestinian diaspora elsewhere)
Israeli Jews = 6 million.


Israeli Jews can only manage artificially to maintain their dominance by applying different laws to Jews and Palestinians.(= the main conclusion of the OP report on apartheid)


1. Israel allows unlimited Jewish immigration and automatic citizenship. Ivanka Trump could move there if she liked, since she converted to Judaism, even though she may never have set eyes on the place before.


2. But restricts the same right to Palestinians by different sets of rules:

i) Israeli Palestinians cannot enjoy family reunification or marry (to live together in Israel) non Jews from the West Bank or Gaza or a long list of other Muslim countries (supposedly for security but really dog whistle racism to prevent Palestinian numbers increasing).
ii) West Bank and Gazan Palestinian refugees are not allowed to return to their ancestral homes within Israel, even though they still have the documentation and keys to their homes.
iii) Diaspora Palestinians, some in refugee camps in surrounding countries, are not allowed even to live in the occupied West Bank, let alone Israel.


That's how Israel does it. Besides doing lots of other nasty things, mentioned in the OP report and quite often on this forum, to oppress the Palestinian population who protest this situation, in order to encourage Palestinians to leave, then steal their land, establish Jewish facts on the ground, so that when peace negotiations eventually happen, they can say "How can we posssibly turn back the clock? How can we possibly evacuate 500,000 settlers?"


If Israel cannot maintain itself as a Jewish state without resorting to all these malpractices of demographic engineering and oppression to retain dominance, then maybe its telling you there's something wrong about the business plan of Zionism and that it's ultimately unsustainable.


So perhaps they should start working out ways of gradual integration of native Palestinians back into their ancestral homes in a single secular truly democratic Israel
 as an interim (decades?) measure a just 2 state solution, where the two peoples get used to living and prospering together in peace as neighbors.


Like Trump, I personally don't mind which.The right wing in Israel at the moment seem to have the upper hand, and they are blindly pushing Israel towards a single state by formal annexation, without addressing the problem what to do with the Palestinians they inherit.

Without giving them equal citizenship, it would be a more blatant case of apartheid than at present.

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3 hours ago, dexterm said:

You have just proven the whole point of the OP apartheid report.


Funny rhethorics. You want to convict convince me?





>>> single secular truly democratic Israel,


I always knew it is that "Jewish thing" that bothers so many lol

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5 minutes ago, AGLV0121 said:


Funny rhethorics. You want to convict convince me?





>>> single secular truly democratic Israel,


I always knew it is that "Jewish thing" that bothers so many lol

They're not fooling anyone. 
Everyone knows that an Israel without a majority demographic of Jewish people would sooner or later (sooner) stop being Israel. That's the Israel demonization agenda in a nutshell. Never accepted the existence of Israel in the first place and continuing to work for it's destruction. 

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31 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

They're not fooling anyone. 
Everyone knows that an Israel without a majority demographic of Jewish people would sooner or later (sooner) stop being Israel. That's the Israel demonization agenda in a nutshell. Never accepted the existence of Israel in the first place and continuing to work for it's destruction. 

>>Everyone knows that an Israel without a majority demographic of Jewish people would sooner or later (sooner) stop being Israel.

...precisely...an artificial gerrymandered majority demographic. That is why Israel needs to apply apartheid to prevent the loss of the power of their artificial majority.


Israel cannot remain a majority Jewish state unless it puts all the Palestinian majority into separate boxes, and applies different rules to keep them in their boxes so they can never join together into a majority to challenge them.


That is the in built flaw in Zionism: that mainly European Jews colonized a land where the majority were non Jews and still are. But through money, power, organisation, oppression and international influence they succeeded. But it was a phony process achieved through violent repression of the majority.


If an end to apartheid means an end to the manufactured Jewish dominance of the state of Israel so be it. Get over it.


Just as white South Africans, the Jim Crow south, White Australia, gerrymandered Protestant Northern Ireland had to come to terms with changing times. It's called progress.


Clearly many Jews including yourself, don't want to get over it to face reality and will resist change. But the genie is now out of the bottle and thanks to the OP report we can see how Israel manages its artificial dominance.

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43 minutes ago, dexterm said:

>>Everyone knows that an Israel without a majority demographic of Jewish people would sooner or later (sooner) stop being Israel.

...precisely...an artificial gerrymandered majority demographic. That is why Israel needs to apply apartheid to prevent the loss of the power of their artificial majority.


Israel cannot remain a majority Jewish state unless it puts all the Palestinian majority into separate boxes, and applies different rules to keep them in their boxes so they can never join together into a majority to challenge them.


That is the in built flaw in Zionism: that mainly European Jews colonized a land where the majority were non Jews and still are. But through money, power, organisation, oppression and international influence they succeeded. But it was a phony process achieved through violent repression of the majority.


If an end to apartheid means an end to the manufactured Jewish dominance of the state of Israel so be it. Get over it.


Just as white South Africans, the Jim Crow south, White Australia, gerrymandered Protestant Northern Ireland had to come to terms with changing times. It's called progress.


Clearly many Jews including yourself, don't want to get over it to face reality and will resist change. But the genie is now out of the bottle and thanks to the OP report we can see how Israel manages its artificial dominance.

Total rubbish. You twist and turn like a snake. 

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It's been an education my 3 years on TV. Most of the time I have found myself distracted by the regular Zionist tactics of deny, deflect, obfuscate, besmirch from the usual suspects...the pseudo history pedlars, the wonderfully perfect Israeli narrative mythologizers, the verbose death by boredom obfuscators of minute details, and of course the downright rude who aren't bright enough to address the OP, and so resort to ad hominem attacks.


But the OP report crystallizes everything for me now.
It's all about divide and conquer.


 Israel needs all these distractions for those who disagree to focus upon, while they divide and conquer their critics, foreign governments who are appeased with pretend peace negotiations so they turn a blind eye to apartheid atrocities, and of course all the while compartmentalizing Palestinians to maintain the phony Jewish demographic majority.


But now that the cat is out of the bag with the OP apartheid report I can now see the bigger picture.


Let's hope the report, temporarily censored by UN Sec Gen succumbing to the vested interests of outside pressures (Israel and USA), will see the light of day again in the General Assembly for open consideration.

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On 3/18/2017 at 11:15 PM, Dumbastheycome said:

The  link  you  offer suggests the idea  Israel is benificient to all inhabitants. But  what  concerns  many is the illegal  acquisition  of  territory that  is not of  genuine  right. And in that  acquisition by use  of military  action defend  it  by claiming defence against  offense ! The  situation  demonstrates another absurdity  in  UN  resolutions .

But the "report" discussed in the OP does not relate solely to Israel's practices in the West Bank (which are certainly objectionable). It goes way further than that. in a manner which seeks to de-legitimize Israel's existence. Rejecting the "report" is not tantamount to embracing all of the Israeli government's policies or saying all is well in Israel.

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On 3/18/2017 at 11:50 PM, dexterm said:

Every single one of Jake Beaumont's so called 10 Reasons Israel is not an apartheid state is spurious from #1 onwards

#1  All people living in Israel have full equal rights.


Not true. I suggest you view www.adalah.org/en/content/view/7771


"In March 2013, Adalah launched the Discriminatory Laws Database, an online resource that collects more than 50 Israeli laws enacted since 1948 that directly or indirectly discriminate against Palestinian citizens of Israel in all areas of life, including their rights to political participation, access to land, education, state budget resources, and criminal procedures."


Jake Beaumont in the Huff Post simply cherry picks a few token examples in order to sweep under the carpet the main instrument of apartheid as mentioned in the OP report...demographic engineering..attempts in various ways to restrict Palestinian population growth so that Israel remains a Jewish majority state.


Beaumont no more cherry picks than you do, in your many posts. It is an attribute of the fanatic to disregard anything which does not match his beliefs, agenda or narrative - while amplifying anything supporting it.

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On 3/19/2017 at 0:21 AM, Thorgal said:


New UN chief Guterres 'a friend of Israel' :

Quote from link :

"His stances reflect those of the world. The world's view of Israel is that it hopes to see a different Israel."


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On 3/19/2017 at 0:28 AM, dexterm said:

Explains his motivation on the censorship of the OP report.


"The world's view of Israel is that it hopes to see a different Israel."

..Amen to that!



The new UN chief does not identify with your extreme views, hence he's suspect. The "report" is commissioned by an openly biased body and authored by openly biased people - but that's not an issue, as it falls in line with what you support. Same old double standards fail.

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On 3/19/2017 at 4:39 AM, notmyself said:


I saw a video on a news report the other day were 10s of thousands of Israelis took to the streets demanding an end to settlement building... oh... that might have been a dream. It is interesting to note JT that you say west bank settlement expansion rather than the illegal under international law settlements themselves. I presume you are happy with the settlements as is but not the expansion of them? 


Yeah, that would be the sort of contrived "informed" comments expected. Denying there's an opposition in Israel to government policies in the West Bank is not factual. Obviously, such "informed" views could cite mass demonstrations in support of peace taking place on the Palestinians side.


Expansion does indeed carry a double meaning in this case, as it can apply to either construction of new settlements or building within existing ones. Personally, I don't like either option. If it's a matter of priorities, dealing with the former is more germane.

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Disregarding the standard diatribe, I'd like to address the gem referring to the integration of the Palestinians into a "single secular truly democratic Israel".


How does this "option" relates to a fair number of people on both sides being of a religious bent? How would some a merger be undertaken considering that concessions to religious sentiments are already in place on both sides? And why would such an imaginary construct would be even called Israel?


For someone going on about the evils of "demographic engineering", there seems to be little care that the very same is employed in your own posts, if in another direction.


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  The new UN chief does not identify with your extreme views, hence he's suspect. The "report" is commissioned by an openly biased body and authored by openly biased people - but that's not an issue, as it falls in line with what you support. Same old double standards fail.



There are no secrets by telling that UN Antonio Guterres is 'a good friend of Israel'.


Looking to his political past which was given by the link in my previous post. It's known that nowadays Portuguese political landscape is influenced by Sephardic lobbyists since it became a republic. Even so, under Portuguese kingdom Jewish demand to attack Muslims in Jerusalem was not an exception.


Gutierres' personal political career skyrocketed after many visits and training s in Israel since early '90s.


No problem if this feedback is not relevant for you.


But it's relevant to understand his prompt cancellation of the UN apartheid report...


The report was actually cancelled not by its content, but rather by lack of hierarchical consensus.

Non resignation of the original authors -in case of biased content- is the thin red line for Mr. Guterres...



Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


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1 hour ago, dexterm said:

It's been an education my 3 years on TV. Most of the time I have found myself distracted by the regular Zionist tactics of deny, deflect, obfuscate, besmirch from the usual suspects...the pseudo history pedlars, the wonderfully perfect Israeli narrative mythologizers, the verbose death by boredom obfuscators of minute details, and of course the downright rude who aren't bright enough to address the OP, and so resort to ad hominem attacks.


But the OP report crystallizes everything for me now.
It's all about divide and conquer.


 Israel needs all these distractions for those who disagree to focus upon, while they divide and conquer their critics, foreign governments who are appeased with pretend peace negotiations so they turn a blind eye to apartheid atrocities, and of course all the while compartmentalizing Palestinians to maintain the phony Jewish demographic majority.


But now that the cat is out of the bag with the OP apartheid report I can now see the bigger picture.


Let's hope the report, temporarily censored by UN Sec Gen succumbing to the vested interests of outside pressures (Israel and USA), will see the light of day again in the General Assembly for open consideration.


You're a regular hero of the cause.


Amazing how someone employing all the negative descriptors and practices riled against and attributed to others can be so blind to his own faults. Of course, that is not the case at all - you have previously admitted that you are not participating in these topics with an intention to present a balanced, or even objective position - but to advocate an extreme ideological-political view.


The UN secretary general rejecting the report is an indication of "vested interest". The report being commissioned and authored by openly biased parties - quite legit. That's about the level of reasoning and discourse expected,


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1 hour ago, Morch said:




Disregarding the standard diatribe, I'd like to address the gem referring to the integration of the Palestinians into a "single secular truly democratic Israel".


How does this "option" relates to a fair number of people on both sides being of a religious bent? How would some a merger be undertaken considering that concessions to religious sentiments are already in place on both sides? And why would such an imaginary construct would be even called Israel?


For someone going on about the evils of "demographic engineering", there seems to be little care that the very same is employed in your own posts, if in another direction.


Nothing wrong with a single secular truly democratic state. Happens to be the norm in most of the western world. Achievable through the eventual separation of religion from lawmaking and from the present segregated K-12 public education system as in many constitutions, including the USA. An admirable goal for Israelis and Palestinians to aspire to.


The OP apartheid report is about civil rights. If it involves dismantling the Zionist ideology's artifcial demographic engineering through their discriminatory immigration, residence, and marriage laws, so be it. They should not have imposed such laws in the first place, simply to achieve dominance of one racial/religious group over another. 

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1 hour ago, Morch said:


You're a regular hero of the cause.


Amazing how someone employing all the negative descriptors and practices riled against and attributed to others can be so blind to his own faults. Of course, that is not the case at all - you have previously admitted that you are not participating in these topics with an intention to present a balanced, or even objective position - but to advocate an extreme ideological-political view.


The UN secretary general rejecting the report is an indication of "vested interest". The report being commissioned and authored by openly biased parties - quite legit. That's about the level of reasoning and discourse expected,


Para 1 ad hominem sarcasm..par for your preambles.

Para 2 One man's ideological-political view is another man's objective analysis.

Para 3 The vested interests are those of USA and Israel who have been able to pressure the UNSG to censor the report.


I notice none of the actual issues and discriminatory laws raised in the report have been addressed by Israeli apologists yet. Just the standard fare of deflect, obfuscate, besmirch.

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1 hour ago, dexterm said:

Para 1 ad hominem sarcasm..par for your preambles.

Para 2 One man's ideological-political view is another man's objective analysis.

Para 3 The vested interests are those of USA and Israel who have been able to pressure the UNSG to censor the report.


I notice none of the actual issues and discriminatory laws raised in the report have been addressed by Israeli apologists yet. Just the standard fare of deflect, obfuscate, besmirch.

Your last paragraph brings up a point that is not only relevant to this thread, but to the shameful topic itself.

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1 hour ago, dexterm said:

Nothing wrong with a single secular truly democratic state. Happens to be the norm in most of the western world. Achievable through the eventual separation of religion from lawmaking and from the present segregated K-12 public education system as in many constitutions, including the USA. An admirable goal for Israelis and Palestinians to aspire to.


The OP apartheid report is about civil rights. If it involves dismantling the Zionist ideology's artifcial demographic engineering through their discriminatory immigration, residence, and marriage laws, so be it. They should not have imposed such laws in the first place, simply to achieve dominance of one racial/religious group over another. 


Deflect away.


The question raised had nothing to do with this being a worthy goal or not. Rather, it addressed the real existing conditions, which you glossed over, and continue to gloss over. 


The biased "report" is neither gospel, nor does your answer refer in any way to the point made - which was the issue of your own views incorporating the very same elements riled against.


Try again.

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1 hour ago, dexterm said:

Para 1 ad hominem sarcasm..par for your preambles.

Para 2 One man's ideological-political view is another man's objective analysis.

Para 3 The vested interests are those of USA and Israel who have been able to pressure the UNSG to censor the report.


I notice none of the actual issues and discriminatory laws raised in the report have been addressed by Israeli apologists yet. Just the standard fare of deflect, obfuscate, besmirch.


lol troll....


Your own post was a denigrating about any poster who criticized or disagreed with your extreme views. Somehow worthy when you dish it out, not so keen on receiving, it seems. The same goes for accepting other posters points of view as legitimate, that to seems like something reserved only for your own musings. Ignoring that the countries sponsoring the "report", as well as its authors posses an openly biased, not to say vested interest, is the expected denial of fact and reality often present when nothing better to spew.


I notice that you exhibit the usual imaginary perception skills. The "report" was discussed on two parallel topics. This one actually deals with the aftermath, rather than the "report" itself. Claiming that the either OP wasn't addressed is an outright lie.

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16 minutes ago, Morch said:


Deflect away.


The question raised had nothing to do with this being a worthy goal or not. Rather, it addressed the real existing conditions, which you glossed over, and continue to gloss over. 


The biased "report" is neither gospel, nor does your answer refer in any way to the point made - which was the issue of your own views incorporating the very same elements riled against.


Try again.

The report for me crystallized some very important points about how Israel's apartheid operates and its overall aim to achieve racial dominance over others, which I outlined above. 
Whether you regard the authors or the report itself as biased, I notice you haven't addressed any of the main issues raised in it yet. Much easier to sweep it under the carpet with the usual obfuscation.


As far as I am concerned Zionists deliberately got themselves into this mess with their greed for land but an unwillingness to recognize the rights of the people already living there, so it's up to them to get themselves out of it.


There are many people of goodwill willing to help resolve the problem peacefully. There are many bigots willing to help Zionists dig themselves into a deeper hole too.

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18 minutes ago, dexterm said:

The report for me crystallized some very important points about how Israel's apartheid operates and its overall aim to achieve racial dominance over others, which I outlined above. 
Whether you regard the authors or the report itself as biased, I notice you haven't addressed any of the main issues raised in it yet. Much easier to sweep it under the carpet with the usual obfuscation.


As far as I am concerned Zionists deliberately got themselves into this mess with their greed for land but an unwillingness to recognize the rights of the people already living there, so it's up to them to get themselves out of it.


There are many people of goodwill willing to help resolve the problem peacefully. There are many bigots willing to help Zionists dig themselves into a deeper hole too.


So you still have nothing meaningful to say about the  relevance of the "single secular truly democratic Israel", and the Palestinians supposed integration therein. No surprises.


Accusing others of sweeping things under the carpet, while ignoring relevant points made is rich. You may repeat the same cut and paste phrases ad nauseam, and it still wouldn't make the "report" less biased, or the identities of its authors and commissioning body less relevant. It will also not make your blatant lies about not addressing things any truer. There is no obligation to accept the framework, integrity or conclusions of the "report", thus some of the "main issues" you raise are not taken at face value, and are not seen as meriting response.


The authors of the report are not people of goodwill, and the same goes for you. Zero interest in anything that resembles peace through mediation, compromise and acceptance. Automatically defining all of the other side in the terms employed makes this crystal clear.

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5 hours ago, dexterm said:

It's been an education my 3 years on TV.


It's a common trait I found in people like him around the globe: a compulsive obsessive behavior that brings them to sift through the news and after finding 'something' that may support their obsession, they spend hours to write r a hundred lines of text to 'offer an explanation - which no one needs btw - to rationalize it. Am not sure that pharmaceutical products  may help...

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54 minutes ago, AGLV0121 said:


It's a common trait I found in people like him around the globe: a compulsive obsessive behavior that brings them to sift through the news and after finding 'something' that may support their obsession, they spend hours to write r a hundred lines of text to 'offer an explanation - which no one needs btw - to rationalize it. Am not sure that pharmaceutical products  may help...


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1 hour ago, Morch said:


So you still have nothing meaningful to say about the  relevance of the "single secular truly democratic Israel", and the Palestinians supposed integration therein. No surprises.


Accusing others of sweeping things under the carpet, while ignoring relevant points made is rich. You may repeat the same cut and paste phrases ad nauseam, and it still wouldn't make the "report" less biased, or the identities of its authors and commissioning body less relevant. It will also not make your blatant lies about not addressing things any truer. There is no obligation to accept the framework, integrity or conclusions of the "report", thus some of the "main issues" you raise are not taken at face value, and are not seen as meriting response.


The authors of the report are not people of goodwill, and the same goes for you. Zero interest in anything that resembles peace through mediation, compromise and acceptance. Automatically defining all of the other side in the terms employed makes this crystal clear.

It would be very helpful to the discussion if rather than calling the report biased, you actually pointed out errors in any of the main laws that Israel uses to implement apartheid (as highlighted by the report).


Two simple ones...
1. Do you believe that any Jew in the world should have the right to migrate to Israel and be granted citizenship?
2. Do you believe that Palestinian refugees who were born in Israel should have the right to return to live in their homes in Israel? 

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10 minutes ago, dexterm said:

It would be very helpful to the discussion if rather than calling the report biased, you actually pointed out errors in any of the main laws that Israel uses to implement apartheid (as highlighted by the report).


Two simple ones...
1. Do you believe that any Jew in the world should have the right to migrate to Israel and be granted citizenship?
2. Do you believe that Palestinian refugees who were born in Israel should have the right to return to live in their homes in Israel? 


It would be very helpful for the "discussion" if you'd stop trolling. The "report" was commented upon on the parallel topic. Contrary to the above, there were reasons given for this assessment. That you choose to dismiss them out of hand or ignore them, means less than little.


I'm not obligated to play your definition games, or address loaded arguments. For someone dodging direct answers (as exemplified above), you are in no position to dictate questions, nor to determine the scope of the argument.

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