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Midweek rant: In Defense of Thai Men


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6 hours ago, Get Real said:

Not totally untrue, but after soon 17 years in Thailand not even this article is going to change my opinion of the thai man.

There are of course men that are ok, and I have many thai friends too.

What is the problem is that too many people are scared of a discussion when you must solve a dispute with words. Istead they resport to violence as a quicker and more easy way to get rid of the problem at the moment.


Of course it depends on what you compare with. If that i Monaco, then it´s a catastrophy. If you compare to Libya it´s like heaven on earth.


You seem to not get or learn anything from the above since you just reproduced same ignorant prejudices and generalization toward others. How many Libyan have you lived with?

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After the first 4 paragraphs, i got so bored with this article.Just another ferang in defense of the over sensitive, easily angered, fragile  ego, murderous,given to rape when rejected by a female, or even handing out a beating to a young girl.The 10 -1 majority, liked by Thais when facing a single entity.

My opinion of the Thai male is best kept to myself, because i do not want to go on a holiday.

I live in a Thai village, i have made several friends, and the ones i know are not to bad, but when at a street party, where the booze flows freely, their personalities change, and they resort to type.Even my wife cannot abide them. I suppose i am lucky because my wife's uncle is  high up in the city police.I know i am out of bounds to the would be street Rats here in the village, and for that i am grateful.

I have been in this country for 17 years, and i am sorry to say that, the Thai male,and his ego, has not changed.

To fly the friendship flag, is usually done by people who have a few Thais who, they think, like them, but they don't realise how many, thoroughly hate them.

And in a way, can you blame them?

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I'm consistent. I don't trust EITHER of them. Thai men and women totally deserve each other.

The fruits of a libertarian society where all must fend  for themselves. Compassion and regard for 

justice does not grow in an environment where there is no social contract between the state and the 

individual. Western mixed economies and outright welfare states are the only places you will find men

and women who understand true equality and the necessity of working together to achieve common


Edited by Chip Allen
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Thai men are violent? Some posters wrote. I have been to countless Thai weddings, funerals, songran, new year, going to be a Monk, bless the new house, birthday, business parties. Very, very rarely has anything violent kicked off. But nearly every time I've been to Ko sarn road, pattaya or Nana I've seen westerner's who can't handle their liquor causing trouble and fighting.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

In this it is the classic behavior of the bully – they hide behind their keyboards spouting some kind of western superiority.

Give me a moment I am trying to remember the last time any of my critical posts ever injured someone physically or put them into the hospital. I think this article is flogging a dead horse. I have bumped into so many Thai ladies that say right up front that they would not consider a Thai man as a mate under any circumstances and I have seen the results of their feral approach to relationships and marriage. My g/f's family is a classic example she has me and two of her 3 sisters are with foreigners. 

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2 hours ago, wirat69 said:

Who? A guy who's been here only 40 years, never met a policeman but who suffers from SWS (small willy syndrome)


having said that I have been here as long, or longer, met a very broad cross section of Thai society and have to agree that there is an issue with many Thai men... but then men are only small boys in long pants....

I probably have been here a lot longer than you and I agree entirely with what the guy wrote. You probably live in Pattaya Or some such farang ghetto. I find Thai Men far man far more decent  in many ways than the average Farang here, Many of whom are ill educated, uncouth, Ill mannered low life. You probably don't like what the guy wrote because he's referring to people like you.

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3 minutes ago, gamini said:

I probably have been here a lot longer than you and I agree entirely with what the guy wrote. You probably live in Pattaya Or some such farang ghetto. I find Thai Men far man far more decent  in many ways than the average Farang here, Many of whom are ill educated, uncouth, Ill mannered low life. You probably don't like what the guy wrote because he's referring to people like you.

I day in Thailand without fat farangs and their fat wallets would be interesting. Like the US a day without Mexicans. 

Edited by elgordo38
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5 hours ago, DrTuner said:

The stereotypes don't just drop from the sky. They tend to emerge from experience. The decent bloke type is the minority around here.

you mean decent farangs are in a minority

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13 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Give me a moment I am trying to remember the last time any of my critical posts ever injured someone physically or put them into the hospital. I think this article is flogging a dead horse. I have bumped into so many Thai ladies that say right up front that they would not consider a Thai man as a mate under any circumstances and I have seen the results of their feral approach to relationships and marriage. My g/f's family is a classic example she has me and two of her 3 sisters are with foreigners. 

when you say Thai ladies. I presume you mean bar girls. I don't think a decent Well educated Thai lady would take a second look at the average farang living here nowadays.

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3 minutes ago, gamini said:

when you say Thai ladies. I presume you mean bar girls. I don't think a decent Well educated Thai lady would take a second look at the average farang living here nowadays.

Just to set the record straight none of these girls were EVER bar girls. Use a double think process the singular is not working for you. 

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May 22nd 2017  will mark the 3rd year anniversary that a rag tag bunch of military dictators took over the whole

of Thailand & have no intention of freely giving it back


Not one Thai man has tried to take their mother land back

This alone is proof enough that there is not one "good" Thai man in Thailand


Lots of nice ones I agree & am related to a few

but sorry embarrassingly spineless when it matters most.

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3 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

Interesting stats here regarding violent crime nation/per capita etc. Whilst not gender specific it does give us an insight, given that world wide most violent crimes are perpetrated by males.



Very misleading as the full chart puts Thailand at 94 in the world. I dont have enough experience to make a comment on the OP story however.

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7 hours ago, cooked said:

There is a real divide between people that live (actually WANT to live!) in places like Pattaya and Phuket and those of us that live out in the sticks. Consider the kind of remark you occasionally see excusing the writer from learning the Thai language, along the lines of "They only say bad things about us so why bother?". 

I myself have even been insulted for trying to live like a Thai because I have a few animals about the place. I take advantage of what Thai society has to offer as far as I can and that includes finding out who to trust and who not.

Thai Men? I met just as many, if not more, a*******s in Farangland as I do here. They are different, that's for sure.

unfortunately, a lot of farangs judge Thai men by those they meet in places like pattaya. Such places attract the worst type of people and  is nothing like the rest of Thailand. When I go there. It seems like  another planet, and certainly not Thailand. Personally I prefer the company of Thais, Rather than uncultured Farangs whose conversation is limited to bar girls, bikes, football and  beer

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9 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Probably the same wherever you go, however, only the bad, usually, gets the publicity.

agree, but the bad in Thailand seem to be worse than in most other countries - and may be the percentage of the bad ones is higher

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There is good and bad in all races.

Thai men, in most of our opinions, are worse than average. There are good ones but a lot of bad ones. Supply and demand has created the Tom boy so Thai women have an alternative!

And to be fair, there are a lot of bad farang men in Thailand too. Some that truly make me ashamed the way they treat the women; on a par with their Thai equivalents.

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have you seen the video where the Thai husband beats up his wife by kicking her head and down on the street, only she came back from market with the wrong food??

nobody interfered just kept on walking past, absolutely disgusting, also that video where they played having a domestic on the street and again nobody did a thing, this is Thailand the ugly side, where people get beaten to death for what???

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Some interesting pov's here not totally sure what the thai guys in my village really think of me ,friendly enough to my face who knows.What about you long term falangs living here ,have male thai attitudes changed much over the years.I certainly agree that some of the younger thai guys dont come across as too friendly .Only lived here for 10 months but learn quickly its no where near the same as holidaying.

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Interesting article, what's next, telling us corruption isn't that bad here? I thought this was interesting:



They have almost no contact with the Thai middle class, let alone the hi-so elements who they tar with the same brush even though they have no contact with them either. And as referred to earlier – they trust the views of Thai prostitutes as somehow representative of the opinions that Thai women have of their men.


Surely he's not suggesting hi-so Thais are morally superior to the unwashed masses? There's been no shortage of hi-so's killing people and getting away with. Also all the corruption, I suppose it's being done by working girls and building workers? 


I'm surprised he didn't mention that his wife was uni-educated Thai-Chinese.


The article has almost no facts, research has been done showing Thai men's attitudes to women, marriage, corruption etc. and they didn't come out looking so great.

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Aside from the topic of the article being way to general and unspecific to ever be able to make a good or interesting point within the scope of a short opinion peice, the OP's point that all of these farang need to go make some friends with Thai men, is a rather thoughtless and naive dismisal of a whole social phenomena, that would make a more interesting piece. Sorry that the writer is too blinkered by his annoyance with fat wife beater wearing half-drunk racist slobs or whoever it is he imagines to be behind these keyboards blasting the world with drivel to have seen the opportunity there.


You could interview people, both Thai and farang, as to why they don't have any  friends in their respective groups  and perhaps come to some interesting provisional conclusions or at least notions. Its better than just making unqualified declarations about how prejudiced and racist all the western expats are that they see Thai men negatively. It may be as much that Thai men don't want any farang friends that we never get to see how wonderful they are, it is not fair or logical to blame crappy western expats without any specifics to go on. You almost never see Thai and western men hanging out together aside from company functions or family events. Why not? It ain't just me because I am some kind of racist that I don't have male Thai friends and don't hang out with Thai men. 

Edited by Shaunduhpostman
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Is this the sort of nonsense The Nation is going to be posting here?


I have one word for the OP : Statistics


Westerners are not the problem here. We're observers. Nothing more. We have nothing to do with your shocking alcoholism rates, being #1 in the world for infidelity, the endless violence against each other and woman, the fits of drunken rage, the mindless heavy foot drivers running everyone off the road, and so on and so forth.


Thai men made their bed, now they can lay in it. If the good Thai men (and there are plenty) have a problem with that, then they need to deal with the bad Somchais and leave us out of it. But of course... blame the farang because Thais couldn't possibly be in the wrong.

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I also have been here for a long time, about 20 years, and I have witnessed far too many Thai men fitting neatly to their stereotype. Decent Thai blokes are very hard to find. I find the basic problem, so many many times, is that they just don't respect other people. I know people can say this is wrong, but why do I continually see this?

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My problem is men THai farang all types and why Well you only have to look at the driving here - male ego leading to road rage - leading to self-righteousness and unapologetic

Easy to conclude that the world's problems 98% are caused by men

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I was married to a Thai man, I am not Thai or a bargirl in any country...


He didn't do drugs, but as I discovered gambled-yes, was lazy-yes, valued the latest much have item too much-yes, he did work but also tried to mooch of me-yes, and cheated on me multiple times-yes  I could go on...


I'm sure the stereotypes aren't true for all but they exist for a reason. 

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19 hours ago, webfact said:

The comments seen continually from many in the foreign community smack of nothing more than ignorant ... racism.

And I would remind you - in case you just need reminding, as opposed to teaching - that the Thais aren't averse to racism. Not by a long stretch.

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On 3/22/2017 at 1:34 PM, weri said:

have you seen the video where the Thai husband beats up his wife by kicking her head and down on the street, only she came back from market with the wrong food??

nobody interfered just kept on walking past, absolutely disgusting, also that video where they played having a domestic on the street and again nobody did a thing, this is Thailand the ugly side, where people get beaten to death for what???

Have you read about the American who shot his wife for burning dinner?  And tens of deaths committed by white males toward females.   

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From my limited contact with local males in the  village it seems  most of them are  nothing but moaning whingers always ready to complain about anything I do........................except  when i fix  the road or offer to buy a new water pump at 40k baht........then the  silence is deafening unless its to complain "its  not  your  job"

Last time I fixed it it  took 5  days of concrete mixing, I didnt see any "netizens/winkers" posting me up on Ferkbook as  a  lovely old Glandpa fikking the roads.

I have a Thai friend who shares an interest with me in trees, Ive known him for 10  years, only recently I found out  his "Sister" who lives with him and his Wife was in fact his Mia  Noi.

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23 minutes ago, Petchou said:

Have you read about the American who shot his wife for burning dinner?  And tens of deaths committed by white males toward females.   

In Thailand? interesting......

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1 minute ago, kannot said:

In Thailand? interesting......

I think you didnt get it.

Just stating the facts, because for many farangs,  it happens only here and they are all great and civilised.   Which is far from reality.

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