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Storm in a Thai teacup - woman goes to the police over pump attendants who can't open filler cap


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On ‎3‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 0:22 PM, PremiumLane said:

They stopped making and selling these bikes years ago

This may be so, I've not been around here long enough to know. But check this web site from Malaysia. Could be it's making a comeback.




Looks like a Click/PCX crossover. Maybe it's set to replace the Click.

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On March 23, 2017 at 0:37 PM, G Marks said:

"The drama started on Tuesday evening when the woman took her Honda Airblade - a relatively new model for Thailand - into what is thought to be a Shell station to fill up."


Since when????  Didn't they stop making this model in like 2010 or something?



To the angry, pointing, bow legged, frumpy, self important, frustrated housewife making decent working folks day that little bit longer, defam these nutz you mental <deleted>!!

Bought my Airblade new from the dealer in July 2011.

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20 hours ago, wvavin said:

Rumours were saying that the bike she owns is a very new model and a lot of the people are still not familiar on how to open the fuel filling cap.

Yes. Even the original article says something like that.  It also says the bike was not hers, but borrowed.

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This is not news. This is of no interest. All this is, is a woman who is severely constipated, and getting very little satisfaction at home, taking it out on anyone who gets in her way. I feel sorry for anyone within her orbit. Get a life woman!

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how is this news????


she over reacted over her situation and then the issue was resolved later should be end of story... move along nothing to see here.

nothing harmed except her pride (people make mistakes when they are angry stop judging her for something so minor)




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1 hour ago, The Deerhunter said:

Yes. Even the original article says something like that.  It also says the bike was not hers, but borrowed.

Well, from the website I found earlier, there does appear to be a new Air Bade on the market. This is from a Malaysian dealer.




Interesting to note that this new model has a Remote Response Key. A key fob such as many cars have now. This technology has migrated from the new PCX which has the same system. To open the fuel cap cover one needs to unlock switch using the fob, then turn the switch to the seat/fuel position and press. Simple enough if you know how it works. She obviously didn't and staff may not have encountered one before.


No excuse though for her crappy behavior! She deserves all the bad publicity she undoubtedly got.


Personally, I'd like to see another video of her. Forced to go down on her knees and apologize to the staff she was so rude to.



Edited by Moonlover
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2 hours ago, speckio said:

how is this news????


she over reacted over her situation and then the issue was resolved later should be end of story... move along nothing to see here.

nothing harmed except her pride (people make mistakes when they are angry stop judging her for something so minor)




Anyone that wants to call the cops on me.

Does not go into the Minor incident bracket.

They go straight to the top of the Ace-hole list.

With red lights flashing.


Reckon if she had been nice from the get go, none of this would have happened.   now she is a super star.

Smile for the smart phone or CCTV :giggle:










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On 3/23/2017 at 0:12 PM, fruitman said:

She probably works for the government so you have no choice and will buy from her.


But actually she's right, why the staff can't even open a filler cap?? That's ridiculous, it's like a busdriver who can't drive safe or a policeman who's corrupt, an english teacher who can't speak english or an immigration officer who can't speak english or a taxidriver with a broken meter. Can't have that....

They tried its not their problem....

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On 3/23/2017 at 5:47 PM, Moonmoon said:

Read on thai social media that she actually sells lottery


My wife told me that it had emerged that she appeared to have ripped off a friend doing lottery.  She tells me this piece of sh!t wheedled 800,000 baht out of her friend as capital to start selling lottery, but then skedaddled with the money.


She sounds a really lovely sort and I very much ope she gets her come-uppance.   She certainly needs a damn good slap for the petrol incident alone  

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Can tell you from experience with women like this they can be quite charming when they want to

They are  never satisfied though, always something, somebody's fault.

Happy only when getting a good rodgering, and perhaps 5 minutes after that.

Then the irate complaints begin anew.

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On 3/23/2017 at 0:12 PM, fruitman said:

She probably works for the government so you have no choice and will buy from her.


But actually she's right, why the staff can't even open a filler cap?? That's ridiculous, it's like a busdriver who can't drive safe or a policeman who's corrupt, an english teacher who can't speak english or an immigration officer who can't speak english or a taxidriver with a broken meter. Can't have that....

Because evidently Honda has a new design for filler caps which everyday gas station attendants may not have encountered yet.
Many US gas jockeys were flummoxed by the introduction of locking engine compartments, and the bone headed owners who had no idea how to work those.
Myself, as an auto mechanic, took delivery of a new Chevrolet pick up in 1980. The sales person neglected to mention a new feature... a clutch safety lock out switch which prevents starting unless the clutch is disengaged. I had been in the habit of starting my vehicles in neutral. It took very little time to bypass that nuisance.
So no, she is not right, and neither are you... gas station attendants are not responsible for knowing every wrinkle about every vehicle, especially a brand new one.

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On 3/26/2017 at 11:02 AM, Dipterocarp said:

Can tell you from experience with women like this they can be quite charming when they want to

They are  never satisfied though, always something, somebody's fault.

Happy only when getting a good rodgering, and perhaps 5 minutes after that.

Then the irate complaints begin anew.

"Happy only when getting a good rodgering, and perhaps 5 minutes after that."


It would be nice if some would get over their fixation that women need a "good rodgering" Roll eyes.


Sorry for quoting your post, as there have been far worse posts along these lines on the thread.

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She probably works for the government so you have no choice and will buy from her.
But actually she's right, why the staff can't even open a filler cap?? That's ridiculous, it's like a busdriver who can't drive safe or a policeman who's corrupt, an english teacher who can't speak english or an immigration officer who can't speak english or a taxidriver with a broken meter. Can't have that....

Well hi's a PUMP attendant so he does that!
Why is SHE on the bike if she can't operate the bike?

Skickat från min SM-P600 via Tapatalk

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9 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

Has this report been confirmed by anyone?


If it has, then you are all talking to,or about,a ghost.


A sadly troubled lady....



Wife read it again she said it appears so, but the link does not expand...

  It appears a hoax, according to the wife upon further review, the TV stations would certainly have plastered this all over the tube....more reports about her money issue.


Edited by Rhys
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