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Cross-dressers, gender-change cases and transvestites warned of strict UAE laws


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32 minutes ago, tominbkk said:

Methinks many men in UAE love the thrid sex too much and so their government is doing this to protect their fine Muslim values from being corrupted!

methinks poking in the nose and using the result as a base for a theory out of thin air is... :bah:

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Well, I applaud the UAE for their clarity.

Maybe they should put some signs up at their departure lounges that their behaviour on lower Sukhumvit, where drinking and befriending the third gender is being duly recorded and that they will face the music once back in the UAE. 

I'm sooooooooooo sick and tired of those fidel goat she"*ç%ers! 

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18 hours ago, Fookhaht said:

Only took 2 posts for the anti-religious bigots to show up.  Other Muslim countries allow such.  It's the country's aberrant/medieval culture, with religion as a convenient excuse.   Put the blame where it belongs. 

The poster did .... an aberrant medieval culture based on religion. I do agree with you, the culture is aberrant and medieval.

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20 hours ago, rkidlad said:

I simply avoid these kind of countries. You may have all the glitzy buildings and bling, but you're still hundreds of years behind. 

Apart from one hour, twice in KL airport,  I have never seen the need to go into a Muslim country.  I am not gay or transanything, although great grand daddy on my mothers side used to wear a kilt.  They don't like Scotch or Scottish anything.  Will Smith's son Jayden is not likely to visit there anytime soon, either. And daddy is a Muslim!!!!!!!

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49 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

Well, I applaud the UAE for their clarity.

Maybe they should put some signs up at their departure lounges that their behaviour on lower Sukhumvit, where drinking and befriending the third gender is being duly recorded and that they will face the music once back in the UAE. 

I'm sooooooooooo sick and tired of those fidel goat 

3 hours ago, Naam said:

methinks poking in the nose and using the result as a base for a theory out of thin air is... :bah:

Methinks that there must be some reason for all the trannies hanging out around soI 3.  I am not brave enough to go and check out the sex of the hookers hanging around the Grace these days but that soi 3-4 area seems to be the epicentre of trannie activity increasing in tandem with the increase in islamification of soil 3, so perhaps he has a point.  More than a few commentators on Islam would agree with him.  Evidence points to lack of access to females for sex increases the incidence of homosexuality in a society.  You work it out.




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19 hours ago, Fookhaht said:

Only took 2 posts for the anti-religious bigots to show up.  Other Muslim countries allow such.  It's the country's aberrant/medieval culture, with religion as a convenient excuse.   Put the blame where it belongs. 

He did.  Abberrant religious values!!! End of story.

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Well, it is their own country, so they can enforce whatever rules they want. If they want to ban blue eyes, ban red hats, ban short people, etc. then it is up to them, and your only recourse is to spend your vacation elsewhere. Each country has its own rules, and a lot of countries (especially Muslim ones), to their credit, chose to not follow the gender degeneracy.

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1 minute ago, kannot said:

NO...only if  u put "moron"  then they would know u were:sorry:

:laugh:  I like your posts most of the time, but that was a predictable, cheap shot.  You can do better than that!  LOL.

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21 hours ago, 55Jay said:

I'm a plain vanilla, heterosexual Caucasian male, so I've never had too much problem in any of the Gulf states.  They did look at me like an alien from Mars whenever I filled in "religion" box with "none".  What do you mean, you don't believe in God?  Really?  :blink:

I think technically apostasy is punishable by death. Perhaps just make up your own religion next time you're unlucky enough to have to visit.


The United Arab Emirates criminalizes apostasy through the incorporation of the concept of hudud crimes under Islamic Sharia’a into its Penal Code.  Those crimes include adultery, apostasy, murder, theft, highway robbery that involves killing, and a false accusation of committing adultery.  Article 1 of the Penal Code provides that Islamic law applies to hudud crimes, the acceptance of blood money, and homicide.[79]  In addition, article 66 states that among the “original punishments” under the law are the punishments of hudud crimes, including by imposing the death penalty.[80]  However, “there have been no known prosecutions or legal punishments for apostasy in court.”[81]


Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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3 minutes ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

I think technically apostasy is punishable by death. Perhaps just make up your own religion next time you're unlucky enough to have to visit.

It wasn't an ISIS caliphate.  I didn't renounce or abandon a religion, I never had one to begin with and I didn't slag them off about theirs.   Lived/worked in GCC States for about 14 years, never had a problem.

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19 hours ago, djjamie said:

I don't need to show you the way. If you visit a country and break their laws you get fined and / or arrested. Traffic laws is no different. 


Visit Australia and break the traffic laws you have to accept it even if 90km/hr in a 60 zone is legal in your home country. 

I believe the poster was referring to the fact that many laws in Thailand are ignored and/or not enforced, particualrly traffic laws.

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20 hours ago, djjamie said:

I don't need to show you the way. If you visit a country and break their laws you get fined and / or arrested. Traffic laws is no different. 


Visit Australia and break the traffic laws you have to accept it even if 90km/hr in a 60 zone is legal in your home country. 

Well aren't you in Thailand, where you have steadfastly defended the  army rule? Are you  respecting current driving laws and declaring your full income and paying taxes as you should be doing as a law abiding foreign resident of Thailand?

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2 hours ago, Naam said:

if that is the case why do you socialise with them?

Where did he write that he socialized with them? If on Suk, it is a forced intermingling as one cannot  escape them.  Empathy please. You should try to be more  understanding of the suffering and  difficulties others face.  How about a try?  I appreciate that it is difficult for you to adapt, but the world is changing and the views you hold are fortunately going away. 

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Let me put this in simple words.


It's the same for the new "no riding at the back of a pick-up truck rule".


My pick-up truck identifies as a van. It even got "surgery" and got a "Toyota Commuter" sign on it, so from now on, you must call it as a van. Any attempt to do otherwise might result in you being called a bigot racist transphobic. I will defend this point of view with anyone, because it is its right to be called a van and have the same privileges than a van since it self-identifies as a van. I'll fill it with people and go celebrate  Songkran while throwing water everywhere like we used to do back in the years.


I can't get a ticket, as my truck is protected by the equality act.


By the way, I'll drive drunk on Songkran. My beer identifies as a water, therefore it's water and it is totally harmless. After all, I put a "water" label on it. If I encounter a bigot transphobic officer that arrests me anyway, I'll identify as a "free man" and get out of jail. I don't know why inmates didn't think about this trick before - they'd all be free today.


Therefore, I am a "free man", drinking "water", at the back of a "van", and that point of view should be respected, as it's part of my self-identity.

Edited by SiamBeast
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It is very straight forward i think all countries should do the same and put out a news letter about enumerating what their laws are all about and a special note to the reader" if you do not like do not come to our country"

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11 minutes ago, mettech said:

It is very straight forward i think all countries should do the same and put out a news letter about enumerating what their laws are all about and a special note to the reader" if you do not like do not come to our country"

How about no bigots allowed?:coffee1:

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7 hours ago, Naam said:

if that is the case why do you socialise with them?

Some people have to go to work and hence pass the same spot daily.

Hence you've lost me with your socializing link; with - whom, by the way, the Katoey or the fidel visitor? 

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On 4/4/2017 at 2:56 PM, Prbkk said:

Probably because they would view apostasy or atheism as beyond comprehension. I always put "Christian" just to avoid possible scrutiny.

Thai tourists go to these places? Apart from Oman, there is nothing in the region that would be of the remotest interest to Thais.


Formula One in Abu Dhabi. Luxury hotels, big shopping malls.


I know quite a few Thais, families, who have been there as tourists. Quite a few business visitors from Thailand too.

Edited by Baerboxer
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7 hours ago, rwdrwdrwd said:
On 4/4/2017 at 2:43 PM, 55Jay said:

I'm a plain vanilla, heterosexual Caucasian male, so I've never had too much problem in any of the Gulf states.  They did look at me like an alien from Mars whenever I filled in "religion" box with "none".  What do you mean, you don't believe in God?  Really?  :blink:

I think technically apostasy is punishable by death. Perhaps just make up your own religion next time you're unlucky enough to have to visit.

that would apply only if "55Jay" was a former Muslim.

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Just now, Naam said:

no Islam hating keyboard mujahedin from Thaivisa forum :cheesy:


Very nice country, if you've ever been. Abu Dhabi great for families. Dubai more Western.


10 years has seen a lot of changes since I lived there. Now even conservative AD has an Irish pub. Massive growth in Whores - Pinays, Lebanese, Chinese, African, European, South American - more visible now too. 


They do have laws - getting publicly drunk, having sex on the beach or anywhere in public, living as man and wife when not legally married will all get you in trouble. But if you behave normally then no problems. Some of the 5 star hotels are more, shall we say liberal than others. 


They are a tolerant country and expect people to behave reasonable and with respect. Wouldn't say that about Pakistan, Afghanistan, and some of the other more radical less developed places.

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