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British workers encouraged to retire to Thailand after Brexit and snap up a £60k 20-year residency permit


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 Thailand isn't for everybody. 


There re may be a relative few who look favorably on this offer,.At the moment the retirement extension is the better offer.

There are many reasons to retire to Thailand and probably just as many not to. Are you a glass half full or half empty person.


For many finding enough to do will be a problem.Friends who have lived here a lot longer than me tried to bring me into their circle to prevent boredom.The main real source of discontent but luckily for me I have found plenty to do as I am still fit and active. I worry more for after the next ten or more years when this might not be so ,but this is likely to be a problem back in the home country too

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So what is implied here: that Thailand places a value on the retiree community? Or just a company trying to make a buck? If it's the former then there is a number of things the govt could do to make things more attractive: greater clarity and simplicity around reporting arrangements, freeing access to credit cards, designing a health care/insurance package for foreign seniors, no double pricing when it's within the govt's control, (it goes without saying) resolve the matter of land ownership rights.

Just a few simple measures would make a huge difference and free those that have chosen Thailand from the growing feeling that they are more like unwanted, barely tolerated guests rather than truly valued residents.

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15 minutes ago, sungod said:

20,000 grand, what does yours look like?????

Why would anyone with half a brain get involved with women like that.


100,000 baht a year for the elite visa and 240,000 a year for your 'mate'.!!!!

The mind boggles.


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7 hours ago, fruitman said:

Yes but don't you dare to play Bridge ..


Oh and make sure your new hip is connected well before walking on the sidewalks.


Also make sure your eyes are very good so you can see the motocy driving against traffic coming.


And wear good sneakers so you can run away from soidogs or a cane with a hidden gun inside.


Also wear a helmet for lowhanging roofs with dangerous pins sticking out.


Learn Thai before you come, so you can speak to the taxidrivers/police.




learn how to tie a bungee cord when staying in high rise.

One year at a time , I would not lash out 60k pounds for a twenty year adventure into an uncertain environment.

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7 hours ago, maewang99 said:

everyday something more nutty.... the linked article says....

"with Thailand you [British] pay 15,000 US dollars (£12,033) and you can stay there for five years"


but I will only pay about 260 US dollars (1900 Thai Baht a year, I think it is).... for 5 years..... why Brits have to pay so much?

I was also (still am) trying to find out how a Brit might lose a state pension by being here.... that sure doesn't happen with USA's Soc Sec program.... what's the idea there too? is that why they say it's a ****state**** pension... it ain't your pension... it's a state pension? say what??? in the UK???


No. We get the state pension but once you draw it there is no increase if you live in Thailand and certain other countries. It is utter b**ls**t!

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7 hours ago, maewang99 said:

everyday something more nutty.... the linked article says....

"with Thailand you [British] pay 15,000 US dollars (£12,033) and you can stay there for five years"


but I will only pay about 260 US dollars (1900 Thai Baht a year, I think it is).... for 5 years..... why Brits have to pay so much?

I was also (still am) trying to find out how a Brit might lose a state pension by being here.... that sure doesn't happen with USA's Soc Sec program.... what's the idea there too? is that why they say it's a ****state**** pension... it ain't your pension... it's a state pension? say what??? in the UK???


Maybe I can shed some light on this for you.



The UK state pension is, in fact, a social security benefit, not a personal pension. This is the case, even though someone could have paid 48 years in national insurance contributions.  Therefore, as a benefit it can be frozen in those countries which do not have bi-lateral social security agreements. (Thailand does not, whereas the Philippines does, hence a Brit in Thailand has his/her pension frozen for the day they reside here, whereas the same Brit living in the Philippines would have annual increases in relation to inflation etc)


In the EC all countries, by definition, have social security agreements with each other, hence pensions in those countries for Brits are increased annually. What happens in Europe after Brexit is not clear, but I suspect bi-lateral agreements will replace the blanket agreement which currently operates.


I think the article is somewhat ludicrous in suggesting Thailand could be a panacea for retirees, as opposed to anywhere else.


Finally, if a Brit lives in Canada or the US he would have an annual increased pension in one but not the other. .(Just can't remember which one is which). 


Hope this helps.

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7 hours ago, maewang99 said:

everyday something more nutty.... the linked article says....

"with Thailand you [British] pay 15,000 US dollars (£12,033) and you can stay there for five years"


but I will only pay about 260 US dollars (1900 Thai Baht a year, I think it is).... for 5 years..... why Brits have to pay so much?

I was also (still am) trying to find out how a Brit might lose a state pension by being here.... that sure doesn't happen with USA's Soc Sec program.... what's the idea there too? is that why they say it's a ****state**** pension... it ain't your pension... it's a state pension? say what??? in the UK???


Some people opt for Thai Elite even over 50 year old age limit for retirees.  Your choice.



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7 hours ago, fruitman said:

Yes but don't you dare to play Bridge ..


Oh and make sure your new hip is connected well before walking on the sidewalks.


Also make sure your eyes are very good so you can see the motocy driving against traffic coming.


And wear good sneakers so you can run away from soidogs or a cane with a hidden gun inside.


Also wear a helmet for lowhanging roofs with dangerous pins sticking out.


Learn Thai before you come, so you can speak to the taxidrivers/police.




Go home. 

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2 hours ago, Jimbo in Thailand said:

Are you serious?  You think just because it's posted here at TV, or any online forum, it's gotta be true?!  OMG!


Thanks, but I'll wait until I meet someone who actually has one before making up my mind.



My friend has an Elite Visa. He went to the local "irritation" to do his 90 days and they had never heard of it!! Totally confused them. It took half the office and about 20 phone calls for them to understand it. 

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So instead of slowly and systematically relieving you of your savings etc over a number of years they can relieve you of it on entry !!

Pay here , all good 20 yr, oopps sorry have new coup/govt no longer valid and we dont give refunds, "mai pen rai kap".


Oh but if you want to pay again we have "new" Visa idea coming soon.


Just like they did with the "health" plan at govt hopitals, many bought into that, paid the 3000 baht fee and it was later cancelled and no refund. Different amounts agreed, but same prinipal.


Wouldnt trust anything longer than the next visa renewal. It can and does change at any time here.


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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I just renewed my retirement visa at a cost of 14,500 baht. I dropped my passport in to a shop with two photos and got my passport with visa back two days later.

Why I would be possessed to spend utterly stupid money to save me ten minutes every year is beyond me.

I'm pretty sure the 5,10,20 year folks still have to do a 90 day report.


Why you would pay more than the required 1900 baht fee is beyond me.

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1 hour ago, trigpoint said:

If you haven't got 800,000 in the bank, and a lot haven't, it's the only way to go.

Sounds illegal then and if you have not got even 800k should you really be here at all? I keep more than that here for medical needs if it wanted, what do these people do? you can't bribe a Hospital to treat you for next to nothing.

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43 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

So what is implied here: that Thailand places a value on the retiree community? Or just a company trying to make a buck? If it's the former then there is a number of things the govt could do to make things more attractive: greater clarity and simplicity around reporting arrangements, freeing access to credit cards, designing a health care/insurance package for foreign seniors, no double pricing when it's within the govt's control, (it goes without saying) resolve the matter of land ownership rights.

Just a few simple measures would make a huge difference and free those that have chosen Thailand from the growing feeling that they are more like unwanted, barely tolerated guests rather than truly valued residents.

I think the answer to your question is the latter. They want to rake it in but not shell it out. Its a one way street with them called Thailand. Everything here is baht related. Incoming yes outgoing definitely not. They claim to have such a big surplus but if things infrastructure were kept up to snuff the treasury would be running on empty. 

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6 minutes ago, Bundaberg Baxter said:

Sounds illegal then and if you have not got even 800k should you really be here at all? I keep more than that here for medical needs if it wanted, what do these people do? you can't bribe a Hospital to treat you for next to nothing.

What you do is get adequate "Insurance".

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8 hours ago, fruitman said:

Yes but don't you dare to play Bridge ..


Oh and make sure your new hip is connected well before walking on the sidewalks.


Also make sure your eyes are very good so you can see the motocy driving against traffic coming.


And wear good sneakers so you can run away from soidogs or a cane with a hidden gun inside.


Also wear a helmet for lowhanging roofs with dangerous pins sticking out.


Learn Thai before you come, so you can speak to the taxidrivers/police.




Your positivity is well noted. Wouldn't want to be stuck in an elevator with your good self!

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7 hours ago, Bundaberg Baxter said:

why pay 14,500 for an extension when it's only 1,900? Also by law it has to be done in person, your method appears decidedly dodgy, and expensive.

And one day this kind "agent" might charge you 30,000 baht or more for the same deal, and if you don't cough up he may well inform IO that you've been breaking the law

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2 hours ago, Jimbo in Thailand said:

I just did my annual retirement visa renewal two days ago (1900 baht, as usual) at the Roi Et immigration office.  It took a whopping 10-12 minutes since this was my 9th renewal and they know me and I know exactly what documents to bring.  While there I asked the head immigration guy about this alleged "elite 20-year visa".  He was quite emphatic when he told me there is no such visa or he would know about it.  I took that with a grain of salt since nearly all expats have a different visa story depending on which immigration office is involved, but admit I'm now a bit curious if there is such a thing.



http://www.thailandelite.com/glimpse.php#Thailand Elite Program

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53 minutes ago, dcsw53 said:

Can anyone list the advantages of paying THB 2m to join this "club" ? Just come here, get a retirement visa and enjoy spending the fortune you save.


Not everyone comes here when they are 50 or over.   


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Thai,s very good at maths ? £3000 a year.Chances are if you are retired.You might not also last the 20 years.Plus your pension is frozen at the rate when you leave.also after 6 months you are not entitled to medical in UK.So no return home for this.And after a year .You see how bad thailand has become.So you want to leave.Expencive rip off mistake.Some thai has been given a big pat on the back for this idea.Lunatics that only see money and no common sense.Are there any lunatics that will take up this offer.I dont think so.Thai,s will think.Why Uk pensioner so stupid and not come pay big money.Shows how the thai,s are thinking of ways to make money.And they wonder why people have stopped comming.And i know hundreds of retired that left when the baht dropped and they put all prices up.They could not afford to stay there.

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