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Trump unleashes military strikes against Assad airbase in Syria


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3 minutes ago, JustNo said:

It was at least on the cards and it may still be on the cards. if not then the game-plan has been changed. Control from chaos is the main thing they are pushing for in destabilising Middle Eastern countries. 


Do you realize that the events Clark was describing happened in 2003? Not the strongest evidence for what's going on today.  But definitely an interesting interview and very plausible.

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32 minutes ago, JustNo said:

It was at least on the cards and it may still be on the cards. if not then the game-plan has been changed. Control from chaos is the main thing they are pushing for in destabilising Middle Eastern countries. 


Iraq? Check

Libya? Check

Somalia? Check

Afghanistan? Check

Syria - Any day now

Lebanon - soon

Sudan - not much going on there

Iran - inevitably soon

As he points out, if the Middle East had NO oil then it would be like Arica. Does the US run into African counties to 'save the day' ..? No they don't, they leave the dictators there to run a mock and kill whoever because they stand no gain from storming into those countries. People need to wake up. 



At this stage really do not agree with your projections of military invasion in the countries you mention by the Trump administration nor the motivation you mention for the countries in the past. So far I loath Trump.


There are always people developing and presenting various options / analysis for action, doesn't necessarily mean government are going to act upon them.


Don't know why people keep going on about oil in the M.E. as though it's some type of revelation.


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34 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Do you realize that the events Clark was describing happened in 2003? Not the strongest evidence for what's going on today.  But definitely an interesting interview and very plausible.

Of course I do, I know that yes. And that is why I said that it was at least on the cards and I also said that 'the game-plan' may have changed by now, but Syria was on the cards for invasion. 
The point remains that the war machine will keep doing what it is projected to do. Trump is merely a puppet and was probably selected ages ago. The elite selected him because he is the elite, he is in that 1% and now the US have voted someone from the 1% to be in power, insanity. However It doesn't matter as I would suggest that Hillary and Trump are mere characters within this show or world stage that churns out it's weekly series. The real people pulling the strings are the shadow government behind the scenes. Trumps campaign sure was appearing to many, and now he is even going after Julian Assange and wanting to shut down Wikileaks, after flip-flopping on most of his campaign promises; great man no doubt. Nothing will change because the person in 'power' doesn't have the power 

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On 4/22/2017 at 1:58 PM, simple1 said:

Perhaps the incorrect term, but many of his opinions have been challenged as ultimately unverifiable e.g.



Personally I can't really see the point of arguing whether Assad forces launched the latest Sarin attack or not (IMO based upon regime track record they did so). The Assad regime comits numerous crimes against humanity; likely on a daily basis based upon what's been reported on activities in his prisons

And IS also commits numerous crimes against humanity, likely on a daily basis. No "side" in that conflict is pure. IMO the Kurds are the only ones that are a decent alternative, but Turkey is doing all it can to destroy them.

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27 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

And IS also commits numerous crimes against humanity, likely on a daily basis. No "side" in that conflict is pure. IMO the Kurds are the only ones that are a decent alternative, but Turkey is doing all it can to destroy them.

Turkey has been in conflict with some of the Kurdish factions for years. No surprise the Turks are attacking those who wish to set up their own independent region using violence as a tool to achieve their goals.. The Kurds fight among their various factions, some groups practise FGM and so on. As you say apparently none of the regional players with a clean record free of abuse, though Scott might be able to pinpoint Kurdish faction/s that are "clean".

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