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Single "farang" ladies...


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I'm a single mom, 42 years old and moved to bangkok with my teenager for work.. almost a year now.. but socializing without hitting the pubs almost non existence ..am I the only one with this dilemma ?!? 


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3 hours ago, johnmell said:


Could try this website.





3 hours ago, johnmell said:


Could try this website.




Today I requested to join that group .. thanks johnmell :)

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There are quite a few Facebook groups and there is a single dad's Bangkok do should be a single moms.


To be honest most of my western female friends are older from the British Club but clubs like these and Rotary are out there.


Men hmmmm most  (from observation) won't go near a 42 year old Thai let alone the feared and dreaded white woman!!! Hahaha


Do you live centrally?

Do you work?

Kid in school?

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42 yo asians can look 30 and lots of foreigners are married to them.

True and my wife is older - however from observation (and I spend most of my week in Pattaya) most don't meet their partners at age 42 for the first time.

Anyway let's not derail the topic even though your point is quite interesting.
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41 minutes ago, orang37 said:

I think this a type of query for which there's no one-size-fits-all answer: so much depends on who you are; what your interests/life-styles are; the types of relationships you'd like to develop; the extent of your desire and motivation to become more involved in learning the Thai language, or participating in some aspect of Thai culture.


Casual acquaintances ? Good long-term friends ? Intimate companion(s) ?   Gender preference ? Hang out with ?  Party-down with ? Meditate with ? Shop with ? Trek with ?


There's a wealth of resources ranging from female only groups, to expat groups, to Craigslist personals, to on-line dating sites, to FaceBook groups, etc.


All that said, imho, the older we are, the more finding "true friends," and intimacy, is a challenge, and there is more risk involved. At the risk of "triggering" the gender-snowflakes here, imho, there is much more risk for a farang woman here, particularly with males.


It's been a pleasure for me that in my years on the Chiang Mai forum, I've connected with some very intelligent, literary, people, some of whom share my interests in the art history of S.E. Asia, or computer programming, creative writing, etc.


best wishes, ~o:37;


Could not have said it any better...;-)

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You might want to try joining  Internations. They have get togethers every month. Mostly at restaurants (with bars), But its an exclectic group of 20, 30, 40 somethings.


https://www.internations.org/bangkok-expats?&utm_source=google_adwords&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=internations bangkok&matchtype=e&utm_device=c&utm_content=Brand_-_Bangkok&utm_campaign=_Brand&gclid=CJDT0_ayoNMCFdOKaAodfMQIig

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There is an old saying, "there is a reason she is single!" What is yours?  Be self critical.  We all make mistakes and have to work harder to be better and find happiness.


There is another fact that most women don't remarry over 40! We all have a shelf life that money can override.


It has been my observations over the last 69 years that women that are attractive, no matter what age, smart, self confident, positive, dress well, initiate conversation, help others and are nurturing, don't have to socialize as everyone wants to be their friend!


I believe it's time for you to look in the mirror, and ask yourself how can I make changes to attract friends?  Sometimes all it takes is to initiate conversation,  listen, show an interest in them and help them in ways others never do.


A good heart is hard to find these days.  That may be the answer to your question.


Initiate conversation with two new people a day and soon you will find your phone directory will overflow.  Stay in touch with Line and remember birthdays.  Surprise other women with small gifts.


Start a small club others are interested in. Like meeting for walking, hiking, travel, investing, etc.


Only go to bars if you want to establish a close relationship with alcoholics, people with problems,  the downtrodden, drug addicts, the financial needy, scammers, psychotics, sociopaths, a various selection of personality disorders. And not forgetting the most  miserable, the covert narcissist with their gaslighting manipulations and flying monkeys.  :post-4641-1156694572: 


They are everywhere, but bars are their playground and supply.  Your chances of disappointment increases substantially.  :sad:  You probably already know that.


The big secret is most bar customers don't want a meaningful relationship, because they know they can't have one, or don't want one.  Misery loves company. 


Your biggest competion, even if you like women,  are the romantics that savor the 18-30 age group.


Be careful what you wish for! There are caution signs everywhere. Sometimes solo is better in the long run until the right friend/s come alone.


Good Luck!





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9 minutes ago, Kabula said:

There is an old saying, "there is a reason she is single!" What is yours?  Be self critical.  We all make mistakes and have to work harder to be better and find happiness.


There is another fact that most women don't remarry over 40! We all have a shelf life that money can override.


It has been my observations over the last 69 years that women that are attractive, no matter what age, smart, self confident, positive, dress well, initiate conversation, help others and are nurturing, don't have to socialize as everyone wants to be their friend!


I believe it's time for you to look in the mirror, and ask yourself how can I make changes to attract friends?  Sometimes all it takes is to initiate conversation,  listen, show an interest in them and help them in ways others never do.


A good heart is hard to find these days.  That may be the answer to your question.


Initiate conversation with two new people a day and soon you will find your phone directory will overflow.  Stay in touch with Line and remember birthdays.  Surprise other women with small gifts.


Start a small club others are interested in. Like meeting for walking, hiking, travel, investing, etc.


Only go to bars if you want to establish a close relationship with alcoholics, people with problems,  the downtrodden, drug addicts, the financial needy, scammers, psychotics, sociopaths, a various selection of personality disorders. And not forgetting the most  miserable, the covert narcissist with their gaslighting manipulations and flying monkeys.  :post-4641-1156694572: 


They are everywhere, but bars are their playground and supply.  Your chances of disappointment increases substantially.  :sad:  You probably already know that.


The big secret is most bar customers don't want a meaningful relationship, because they know they can't have one, or don't want one.  Misery loves company. 


Your biggest competion, even if you like women,  are the romantics that savor the 18-30 age group.


Be careful what you wish for! There are caution signs everywhere. Sometimes solo is better in the long run until the right friend/s come alone.


Good Luck!





On top of all that, id ask if the OP is in reasonably good shape?


Normally you would have no trouble finding a guy who is tired of Thai women,

but to be honest, a 'large frame' western female will never look very appealing here due to the competition.


That may sound a bit shallow, but i suspect many guys were treated in similiar fashion for years by similiar superficial ladyfolk back  home.

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10 minutes ago, Kabula said:

There is an old saying, "there is a reason she is single!" What is yours?  Be self critical.  We all make mistakes and have to work harder to be better and find happiness.


There is another fact that most women don't remarry over 40! We all have a shelf life that money can override.


It has been my observations over the last 69 years that women that are attractive, no matter what age, smart, self confident, positive, dress well, initiate conversation, help others and are nurturing, don't have to socialize as everyone wants to be their friend!


I believe it's time for you to look in the mirror, and ask yourself how can I make changes to attract friends?  Sometimes all it takes is to initiate conversation,  listen, show an interest in them and help them in ways others never do.


A good heart is hard to find these days.  That may be the answer to your question.


Initiate conversation with two new people a day and soon you will find your phone directory will overflow.  Stay in touch with Line and remember birthdays.  Surprise other women with small gifts.


Start a small club others are interested in. Like meeting for walking, hiking, travel, investing, etc.


Only go to bars if you want to establish a close relationship with alcoholics, people with problems,  the downtrodden, drug addicts, the financial needy, scammers, psychotics, sociopaths, a various selection of personality disorders. And not forgetting the most  miserable, the covert narcissist with their gaslighting manipulations and flying monkeys.  :post-4641-1156694572: 


They are everywhere, but bars are their playground and supply.  Your chances of disappointment increases substantially.  :sad:  You probably already know that.


The big secret is most bar customers don't want a meaningful relationship, because they know they can't have one, or don't want one.  Misery loves company. 


Your biggest competion, even if you like women,  are the romantics that savor the 18-30 age group.


Be careful what you wish for! There are caution signs everywhere. Sometimes solo is better in the long run until the right friend/s come alone.


Good Luck!





Thanks dr phil

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Apart from the obvious good advice from a couple of posters to contact various expat groups, I'd add that you're likely to meet other Western women in day to day life once you've been here a while.  (I'm assuming that you've only been here a very short time?)


Obviously there are far fewer Western women than men here, and the men are mostly interested in young Thai females for 'intimate' relationships, which can make it far more difficult to find female friends and male 'partners'.  Even so, give it time and I'm sure you'll make friends, both female and male.

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