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Trump supporters, opponents clash in California park


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Trump supporters, opponents clash in California park

By Noel Randewich


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Demonstrators for (R) and against (L) U.S. President Donald Trump push a garbage container toward each other during a rally in Berkeley, California in Berkeley, California, U.S., April 15, 2017. REUTERS/Stephen Lam


BERKELEY, Calif. (Reuters) - A melee erupted on Saturday in a Berkeley, California park where supporters and opponents of President Donald Trump were holding competing rallies, resulting in at least 13 arrests as police struggled to keep the two camps separate.


As fist fights broke out between the two sides and people threw bottles and cans over a barricade separating them, police resorted to using to an explosive device at one point in a bid to restore order.


Several people were observed by a Reuters reporter with bloodied faces and minor injuries, but there was no official word on casualties from authorities.


The trouble unfolded when hundreds of Trump opponents staged a counter-rally alongside an event billed as a "Patriots Day" free speech rally and picnic, organised by mostly Trump supporters.


Between 500 and 1,000 people were in park as the rallies peaked, according to an estimate by a Reuters reporter.


Among the Trump opponents were some counter protesters dressed in black and wearing masks. The other side included self-described "patriots" and "nationalists", Trump supporters, free speech advocates, and other groups.


Daryl Tempesta, 52, who said he served in the U.S. Air Force near the end of the Cold War, went to the rally to show his support for Trump.


"As a veteran, I like the track America is on, and that Trump is willing to stand and say we are still America and we are not going to be globalist, we're not going to be a communist country," Tempesta said. "That's a message I can get behind."


A weekly farmers market was cancelled ahead of the rally due to concerns about violence. Even so, a stall selling fresh vegetables remained open for business amid the fist fighting, explosions from firecrackers and smoke wafting through the air.


"We decided to show up anyway because this is our livelihood," said Tim Mueller, a farmer who owns the stall, surrounded by protesters on both sides.


At least 100 people from both camps eventually moved out to the park and into one of the city's main intersections, where they continued to fist fight, hurl insults and chant at each other.


The police presence was light there, and only two or three officers were seen near the crossroads.


Berkeley has a long history of liberal activism and the University of California, Berkeley was a centre of protests in the 1960s.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-04-16


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Less about Trump than competing ideas about how things ought to be.  Trump was the lighting rod during a fevered political campaign, which is over.  


The liberal activists don't do so well with opposing views and free speech, so they have these organized "counter-protest" groups to disrupt an event and POV they don't agree with.  It's not like they were there for their own rally, they went there specifically to disrupt this one.  Squelch free speech, maybe do some damage and start a fight.


Got something to say?  No problem.  But this kind of krap is BS.

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1 hour ago, 55Jay said:

Less about Trump than competing ideas about how things ought to be.  Trump was the lighting rod during a fevered political campaign, which is over.  


The liberal activists don't do so well with opposing views and free speech, so they have these organized "counter-protest" groups to disrupt an event and POV they don't agree with.  It's not like they were there for their own rally, they went there specifically to disrupt this one.  Squelch free speech, maybe do some damage and start a fight.


Got something to say?  No problem.  But this kind of krap is BS.

Hmm, I do react against those who make a public claim that they represent "patriotism" and "nationalism". As an American with roots going back before the Revolution. No one is authorized by me to claim they hold these exclusive to those of us who disagree with the Trump direction. Push this and expect pushback.

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4 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

Hmm, I do react against those who make a public claim that they represent "patriotism" and "nationalism". As an American with roots going back before the Revolution. No one is authorized by me to claim they hold these exclusive to those of us who disagree with the Trump direction. Push this and expect pushback.

Religious folks seem to think they hold the secret keys to an acceptable life here on Earth, and some of them go out of their way to impress that upon others and the general public. 


But they get to bang on in public venues and street corners.  I disagree with them as strongly as anyone could but I wouldn't "push back", at least not in the way these organized counter-protest groups do.  Countries like Iran and a few other garden spots on the planet, have gangs that do this type of thing. 

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4 hours ago, 55Jay said:

Religious folks seem to think they hold the secret keys to an acceptable life here on Earth, and some of them go out of their way to impress that upon others and the general public. 


But they get to bang on in public venues and street corners.  I disagree with them as strongly as anyone could but I wouldn't "push back", at least not in the way these organized counter-protest groups do.  Countries like Iran and a few other garden spots on the planet, have gangs that do this type of thing. 


I believe that sending in gangs to disrupt public meetings and stop free speech was a tactic used by communists and fascists alike. That way the side with most gangs, arms and ruthlessness wins. 


Usually political groups that do this also claim to be people's parties, democracy loving, freedom loving, socially aware, patriots, nationalists, etc etc. Whereas the reality is they won't tolerate anyone's view if it differs with theirs.



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2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


I believe that sending in gangs to disrupt public meetings and stop free speech was a tactic used by communists and fascists alike. That way the side with most gangs, arms and ruthlessness wins. 


Usually political groups that do this also claim to be people's parties, democracy loving, freedom loving, socially aware, patriots, nationalists, etc etc. Whereas the reality is they won't tolerate anyone's view if it differs with theirs.



Here in the UK we have right wing groups such as EDL (English Defence League) and BF (Britain First) and left wing groups such as UAF (United against Facism)


Any time one of the right wing groups hold a rally or have a march, the left wing turn up and do their best to put a halt to the gatherings or simply disrupt it by kicking off . . . 


Funny that when the left wing hold rallies, meetings or marches, the right wing dont do anything of the sort, because believe it or not, the right wing believe in democracy and the left pretend to believe in democracy until they are told no!! They do their best to make out they are doing all they do on your behalf and fighting for you when all they have is their own agenda. They talk total nonsense and when you confront them about why they are doing what they do and what they hope to achieve, they have no answer. Those crazy womens marches a couple of months back? <deleted>??


We all know whats going on in the world, we are being forced to live together, forced to work loads of hours so our time is taken up and we have no time to do anything else in our lives to complain about anything so we just let the politicians rule us

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Why, I'm not claiming anything?

In general i agree with that, but for something like this, with his well known low approval ratings, i would consider this general knowledge.

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Just now, Walter Travolta said:

So why is he sat in the White House?

A horrible mistake and the electoral college system not working as the founders designed. They tried to engineer a system that would block autocratic demagogues like him. They didn't predict twitter and fake news bot farms in Bulgaria. How could they have? 

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Just now, stevenl said:

In general i agree with that, but for something like this, with his well known low approval ratings, i would consider this general knowledge.

sent using Tapatalk

By anyone that is the slightest bit informed on the topic. Yep. 

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Just now, Jingthing said:

A horrible mistake and the electoral college system not working as the founders designed. They tried to engineer a system that would block autocratic demagogues like him. They didn't predict twitter and fake news bot farms in Bulgaria. How could they have? 

In your opinion, you are just one person. The US public voted him in to the White House democratically. Seems you are one of these who love democracy until it goes against you

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10 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Daryl Tempesta, 52, who said he served in the U.S. Air Force near the end of the Cold War, went to the rally to show his support for Trump.

You were here for the Iraq fiasco and still believe in Trump? incredible. Have the last 90 days taught you nothing well forget the 90 days go back to the Bush times. Frightening. 

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58 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

In your opinion, you are just one person. The US public voted him in to the White House democratically. Seems you are one of these who love democracy until it goes against you

I don't see the value in engagement with persons with extremely limited understanding of the current U.S. political situation. trump threatens American democratic institutions in an existential way. 

Of course, double DUH, he is legally president (for now). That's the problem. He is doing great damage. Resistance is NECESSARY. 

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Think what you want. Waste of my time to engage with any member at such a GUTTER level. Please respect this situation and don't bother me with abusive personally insulting posts any longer. Of course your "opinion" is your "opinion" -- just please leave ME out of the universe of your sphere of postings. 

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trump being troll-in chief as usual.

(Referring to the tweet about paid protesters and the election being over.)

You know the location of  Berkeley is relevant here.

Pro trump activists will be seen as provocative in a heavily anti-trump city like Berkeley, just as anti-trump resistance events would be seen as provocative in heavily pro-trump geographical areas.

The country is VERY divided and trump isn't doing anything to help with that either.

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

The country is VERY divided and trump isn't doing anything to help with that either.

What should he do? The MSM is only criticizing him (apart from the strike of the airfield in Syria). Read his tweets or watch more Fox News. They are uncensored. lol

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11 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

What should he do? The MSM is only criticizing him (apart from the strike of the airfield in Syria). Read his tweets. They are uncensored. lol

He should realize he's the president of all Americans, not only his bizarre base (which BTW is starting to realize he's betraying them BIGLY). He's a train wreck, an aberration, the sooner the country and world is relieved of his clownish "leadership" the better. 


Some concrete stuff he COULD do to start to repair the damage. But, get real, you know he won't!



The case for impeaching President Donald J. Trump. (Too soon?)


So in case the president just doesn’t know any better, Lichtman halfheartedly recommends some moves Trump could make to hang on: Divest yourself from all your business interests. Have all your speeches and tweets fact-checked beforehand. Treat women with respect. Stop demeaning immigrants and delegitimizing judges. Abandon your war on the press. Cut out the Mussolini act. He even urges Trump to hire an official White House shrink. All things, in other words, that involve President Trump ceasing to behave anything like President Trump.



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8 hours ago, 55Jay said:

Less about Trump than competing ideas about how things ought to be.  Trump was the lighting rod during a fevered political campaign, which is over.  


The liberal activists don't do so well with opposing views and free speech, so they have these organized "counter-protest" groups to disrupt an event and POV they don't agree with.  It's not like they were there for their own rally, they went there specifically to disrupt this one.  Squelch free speech, maybe do some damage and start a fight.


Got something to say?  No problem.  But this kind of krap is BS.

So  what happened  to the  concept  of  free  speech? Or  is  speech  in favour   the only  free   bit?

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Off-topic posts removed.   Continuing with the paid-to-protest comments will result in suspensions.   Bickering will also result in suspension.  


Stay on topic or face the consequences.  

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3 hours ago, Walter Travolta said:

In your opinion, you are just one person. The US public voted him in to the White House democratically. Seems you are one of these who love democracy until it goes against you

It's a warped sort of Democracy, when an adversarial country's secret service majorly influences the election.  Even the FBI and 16 other security services claimed that.  


re; the demonstration in Berkeley:  I'm waiting for Trump to tweet something typically asinine, like, "Maybe the 2nd Amenders can take care of those punks"  .....similar to what Trump said about HRC.  If Trump is good at anything, he's good at fueling controversy and divisions.

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1 hour ago, Dumbastheycome said:

So  what happened  to the  concept  of  free  speech? Or  is  speech  in favour   the only  free   bit?

Dunno.  Better you pose that question to the counter-protest group in this article.

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