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Pattaya police nowhere to be found as injured tourists complain


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On 04/20/2017 at 7:40 PM, Harold the Great said:

Wow! I'm a farang and I find it hard to believe that any foreigner that comes here and thinks that during this celebration the police will be readily available to help them when they are putting themselves in harms way. I suggest farangs wake up and realize where they actually are and also there are many places in the world including the western structured world that provide for inadequate police protection during celebrations. When I do attend functions I usually see stupid conduct by many Thai's and I usually visitors and local farangs doing equally stupid things so I don't really feel sorry for people who put themselves in harms way in a foreign country expecting the same protection they don't actually have in their own country. I believe Thailand operates under its own set of rules and is growing at the pace it can grow at now. I support the police every way I can including other local governments like the fire departments and other areas like schools and hospitals. I don't want anything in return and I can assure everyone on this forum that I have donated over a million bht to my community here and I have requested all of my farang friends to participate none of which have and that I have requested my Thai friends to do so and 4 of them have donated to my suggested causes such as police safety and they have to the sum of 100,000 bht. I guess I'm tired of certain people complaining about services here. If you live here than help your community to make it better!


Admonishing fellow posters can be bad for your posting health.

Great post jam packed full of home truths that will be unpalatable to many

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On ‎4‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 5:48 PM, Fulwell53 said:


Admonishing fellow posters can be bad for your posting health.

Great post jam packed full of home truths that will be unpalatable to many

Yes.  Surely.  So when someone has their jewelry or purse snatched by punks on a passing motorbike, or is attacked by a chemically addled ladyboy, or is killed by some crazy local going the wrong way on the highway, or is nearly run down by a motorbike operating on the sidewalk...or in a pedestrian crossing  --  that's all just these ungrateful farangs putting themselves "in harm's way"??   Why if only those unappreciative tourists would start donating to the police, they could put us all on the "road to resolution".   Oh wait.....


Yeah.  It WAS a great post, wasn't it?   Very enlightening.  






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On 4/27/2017 at 8:17 AM, YetAnother said:

thai police have a very different idea of their jobs than we do

Correct most dont even know what there job is Collecting tea money is high priority for them Rest will just sort itself out

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