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Cant Open Files - Please Help A Novice


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Morning punters

I have spent two days downloading Tiger Woods PGA 2002 on Limewire, and now the sodding thing will not open. I never have any luck with games.... Either games downloaded from t'internet, or purchased from pantip. I have never sucsessfully loaded a game onto my PC.

However, with your help me old muckas :o I plan to crack this bloody file.

I have five files saved to my C drive. The first one is a simple txt file that opens ok. It is called "cd key.txt" and comes with two lines of text, just simple instructions;


replace fixed exe from the "crack" directory on cd1

to the tiger woods directory on your hard drive...then have fun!"

Simple enough I suppose. However, the other four files will not open;

"Tiger Woods disc 1.bin"

"Tiger Woods disc 1.cue"

"Tiger Woods disc 2.bin"

"Tiger Woods disc 2.cue"

All four files will not open. My computer throws the dialouge box at me that suggests I search the internet for a prgramme that will open them. On doing so, MS website says words to the affect of; "this file is a programme, and no known other programmes will open it"

I also looked up the file extension names on a website that lists all known file extensions.... and they are not listed.

I tried copying the files to desktop and renaming them as txt files, but that does not work either. A black box pops up, and then dissapears after 2 seconds

What the fark is going on?

I would really, really appreciate any suggestion anyone may have.

Thanks very much in advance


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