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‘Buddha’s footprint’ found on Surat Thani mountain


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1 minute ago, oldhippy said:

Thanks for your answer - but small misunderstanding.... I do live in Thailand 7 months of the year, with my wife - in rural Chanthaburi.

We are always happy to return to Thailand, and we are equally happy to visit Europe.

Both have their +++ and ---.

I try to enjoy the good sides of both, and when the negatives become too much, it is time to change places again.



Prachinburi for me. Glad you can afford to travel so much. But to the topic, I stumbled across footprints on the low tide at Broome West Australia. Turned out that they were some sort of well documented dinosaur footprints from millions of years ago. They did not put Broome on the map, the beautiful climate and Aussie hospitality did that. The "footprints" could be caused by a number of things, maybe it was the Buddha. If it raises a tourist profile, all good. Hope I catch up with you one day old hippy.

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19 minutes ago, Johpa said:


Rest assured that if you think that Thai Buddhism is not really Buddhism then trust me, most Thai Christians are even further from what most mainstream Christians consider to be the teachings of their man in heaven.  But then Trump's largest group of supporters in the US are evangelicals. So who are we to judge?



I guess that it is "normal" to have a big difference between the original ideas and reality as it turns out after some years.

That goes for all theories, from free market or Marxism or democracy to various religions.

"Normal" yes, but it annoys me when the true believers refuse to see this, and deviate always further from their own principles.




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9 hours ago, Slip said:

I don't intend to get into this with you for 2 reasons- 1) What I'm referring to is so common in the posts that it is obvious 2) Your gambit that I am in some way scared to name names on an anonymous forum is ridiculous.

If you can't see what I'm referring to so be it. I've been around quite a lot longer than you so perhaps I recognise the comments that I'm talking about more quickly than you. If you are still having trouble why don't you have another read through the posts more slowly. 

...post songkran stress disorder.

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8 hours ago, William C F Pierce said:

He was not a giant, but he met 2 giant cannibals in Chiang Mai who by all accounts wanted to eat him. He was so nice to them that they could not do it and they became Buddhists.

...pull the other Big Foot on the Yeti monster.

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16 hours ago, Moonlover said:

The Shroud of Turin is a perfect example that Buddhism is not the only religion that can hoodwink its follows.


Claimed to have the burial shroud of Jesus following his death, now carbon dated to have originated in the middle ages! Yet it is still revered!


16 hours ago, thequietman said:

But maybe that is Gods plan. He deliberately dated the shroud to the middle ages. He is testing us all the time. :passifier:

More likely to be part of man's great plan to hoodwink and control the masses. (Pun intended)

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12 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

I have the same issue with my Thai wife. I have visited Sri Lanka which was stated as being a last bastion for true Buddhism. I did not find it there, not that I was really looking. Thai Buddhism is a mixture of culture, belief in spirits, not only of the human dead and animism. I am constantly warned to watch out for ghosts, spirits of the rice and bananas. To always leave lights on in the bedroom and around the house (apparently spirits don't like lights)

So I have learned to sleep with a small light on. However as a total agnostic, I find the Buddhist culture to be ok. My wife has a Lao background a long time ago. I went to a full Buddhist funeral today to say goodbye to a good Thai man and a friend. It was most moving. If there is Nirvana, I hope he finds it.

Ah yes the door of enlightenment has opened a crack. Good read. I am an agnostic to with atheist leanings. To be or not to be that is the question. 

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15 hours ago, Slip said:

I don't intend to get into this with you for 2 reasons- 1) What I'm referring to is so common in the posts that it is obvious 2) Your gambit that I am in some way scared to name names on an anonymous forum is ridiculous.

If you can't see what I'm referring to so be it. I've been around quite a lot longer than you so perhaps I recognise the comments that I'm talking about more quickly than you. If you are still having trouble why don't you have another read through the posts more slowly. 

Your first paragraph is not quite true. Although this is an anonymous forum, but you can refer to user names, which would allow the op's to answer you and defend their corners, on your accusation of 'bitter old western guy's'

Your second paragraph refers to you being around a lot longer than me. How would you know that? No! personally i think you have made a post whilst under the affluence of incahol, which at the time made sense to you.But later, it looks a bit silly. And you are quite right not to get into this with me, i believe that i have a fairly good knowledge of religion, and now you bring up the old, boring, much used, rationale about people who hate Thailand and Thai people, that is so old hat. Find a new argument, Slip old buddy.


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5 hours ago, Moonlover said:


More likely to be part of man's great plan to hoodwink and control the masses. (Pun intended)

There was a thing on the TV the other night, about the dating of the TS. They actually proved that it was a fake, and  that it was actually 14th century. They also said that it was a product of 'light' photo screening. I think the carbon dating of the shroud proved it a fake also.

I always think that if people didn't have a God to believe in, they would invent one. The new Testament is over 2000 years old and anything could have been instituted into it that people wanted to think happened.lso there are the dead sea scrolls and others that have been found, that have been stolen for personal gain, or have taken so long in being deciphered (40 years in one case.) They have now found a testament by Judas, and Phillip. And also that the scrolls are hiding something that would rock the foundations of the Catholic Church, maybe even Judaism itself.And the question is, did the Nazerine write a testament? If not, why not?ts possible, why would he have not wanted to leave proof of his existence and his life?

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12 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

I love Thailand so much that I have moved here. I also love my Thai wife and that helped me move here. I also love the Thai culture and customs. If you had been to a Thai cremation at the local Wat today, as I did, you would be a bit sceptical about saying Buddhism in Thailand is not a religion. It is almost a forebear of any Catholic funeral. Chanting, bowing down to statues, formalised chant and reply, incense wafting, offerings to monks, praying for the dead "spirit" and a wish for the deceased to go to nirvana. What side of Thai Buddhism do you not understand?

I have been , and it is.

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3 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Do the Thais have any books or reading matter concerning life here 2000 years ago?

Good question it is I presumed that they were an advanced civilization at the time. Time has stood still I guess or gone slightly in reverse. 

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4 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Good question it is I presumed that they were an advanced civilization at the time. Time has stood still I guess or gone slightly in reverse. 

I cant even imagine a Siam/Thailand, 2000 years ago.I think that both your assumptions on the regress and progress oh the civilization are correct.:smile:

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1 minute ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I cant even imagine a Siam/Thailand, 2000 years ago.I think that both your assumptions on the regress and progress oh the civilization are correct.:smile:

I can just imagine some potent potentate surrounding by a 100 gorgeous young ladies. At my age if that took place I would have a headache. 

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1 minute ago, elgordo38 said:

I can just imagine some potent potentate surrounding by a 100 gorgeous young ladies. At my age if that took place I would have a headache. 

Then, of course, the aged old question, which will always arise. Were there lady boys then ?????:goof:

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If Buddha stuck his foot on that mountain then it wouldn't be just a print, there would be gold underneath and the greedy side of humanity would be up there digging.    This is likely a pitch of some locals trying to cash in on the gullible side of significant places.

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23 hours ago, Chip Allen said:

My Thai GF, who has studied Buddhism extensively, tells me that Thai Buddhism is not really Buddhism. I am just beginning to understand what she means. :smile:

Smart gf. Thai Buddhism seems to be an excuse (similar to what the religions have always been). Most folk have it wrong here; he was just a normal bloke at heart that didn't want people lording over him, just the idea.


23 hours ago, tracker1 said:

Mine has gone the opposite visited India and Nepal and now it is all go for Buddhism here day and night ! even said if she wins the lottery will buy the land opposite and build a temple !:shock1:

She's into it full tilt and still does the lottery? - using Buddhist belief and influence to win, do doubt. Back to the drawing board.


I, too, was under the impression he never visited... and Surat Thani of all places lol. If here, he would more likely have traipsed the north.

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23 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

My Thai wife finally got so fed up with Thai "Buddhism" that she started going to a Christian Church, later converted, and came home and got rid of any & everything connected to Buddhism, including one large, and very expensive San Ka Poom (prayer house/temple) in our front yard, donating it to the moo bahn. 


So she has gone from believing almost anything to believing you can come back from the dead and live forever in some sky church. I hope she believes in you !  That said now that piii are out of the question she may consider some cheap second houses as a proposition. Hallelujah !


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On Thursday, April 20, 2017 at 1:53 PM, Chip Allen said:

My Thai GF, who has studied Buddhism extensively, tells me that Thai Buddhism is not really Buddhism. I am just beginning to

understand what she means. :smile:

She jests. 

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On 4/20/2017 at 2:02 PM, Just1Voice said:

My Thai wife finally got so fed up with Thai "Buddhism" that she started going to a Christian Church, later converted, and came home and got rid of any & everything connected to Buddhism, including one large, and very expensive San Ka Poom (prayer house/temple) in our front yard, donating it to the moo bahn. 


All she needs to do now is   dump that last myth and shell be perfect, shes  only  1  god  away

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Jesus sending his virgin mother on an errand to some French cave is far fetched, but an Indian philosopher leaving his footprints on Thai mountains?


Euh OK I admit - that remark is based on cultural prejudice - after all it is just same same.


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1 minute ago, oldhippy said:

Jesus sending his virgin mother on an errand to some French cave is far fetched, but an Indian philosopher leaving his footprints on Thai mountains?


Euh OK I admit - that remark is based on cultural prejudice - after all it is just same same.



What we do know for sure is that an Indian philosopher left his footprint on the entire country of Thailand.

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