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Britain will lose more from Brexit than EU, bloc's foreign policy chief says


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46 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

Why were they all buried in the same grave?

Ok, understand, you are trying to be grammatical?

Do you have an opinion on the subject, or just trying to be superior/up your comments?

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4 hours ago, Grouse said:

I'm proud of the BBC


It's very disloyal of you not to support such a thoroughly British institution!

BBC is ike NASA. Reminder how ever badly screwed the country is, there is something to be proud about..

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4 hours ago, delh said:

Ah yes, the totally trustworthy, non biased, brexit supporting (haha) BBC. 

Zero credibility. 

Google it.

I wish to be back in old times when IQ85 folks were not part of the internet discussions. 

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20 hours ago, oilinki said:

How difficult it is to understand that vast majority of us Europeans are happy with EU?


Brexit is a divorce. If UK was unhappy with EU, then by all means: go, fly to your new future. There is no reason to hang in broken relationship.


Now when the brexit is happening, there will be negotiations. Our 500M people's economy will have upper hand against UK's 70M. After all, that is one reason we have EU in the first place - we have much more negotiation power than any single country would have alone.


Sail away. 1 year 11 months.

"How difficult is it to understand"

Referendum's in France, Denmark, Ireland voted the wrong way, according to Brussels, so they were made to vote again.


Plenty of countries were not even given a vote.


Its not that difficult to understand. 


'There is none so blind as those who will not see'

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8 hours ago, oilinki said:

I wish to be back in old times when IQ85 folks were not part of the internet discussions. 

Said the master of eternal knowledge, in full, true keyboard

warrior style.

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16 hours ago, Grouse said:

I'm proud of the BBC


It's very disloyal of you not to support such a thoroughly British institution!

I trust you are being ironic. BBC World is over populated with Australians. Excellent British reporters and presenters can be found on Aljazeera.

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14 hours ago, delh said:

Understanding your opinion, fair call. 

However, I believe the fallout will be far worse for individual EU states than for the UK.


Can you imagine the impact of Spanish fishing fleets not being able to enter, or chased out of, British waters

on the day after an agreement or non agreement?


Or Mercedes, BMW, Peugeot, Citroen, Seat etc having a price hike in the UK?


World headlines, UK navy involvement etc?  EU uproar on our selfishness etc, etc,


Which way would the markets go on that day?


And which way would the EU go?

BMW and Mercedes buyers will shrug off a price hike - resssuringly expensive. PSA now own Vauxhall


I still think the Con Party AIM is to crash out and bugger the consequences!

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41 minutes ago, Grouse said:

BMW and Mercedes buyers will shrug off a price hike - resssuringly expensive. PSA now own Vauxhall


I still think the Con Party AIM is to crash out and bugger the consequences!

Maybe you are right, maybe not, time will tell.

And if that is their aim, maybe they know something that is not out in the open yet.

Why else would they, bearing in mind they will be judged by the electorate, most probably in 5 years and seven weeks time?

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48 minutes ago, Grouse said:

It's called humour - google it!

' Humour, the quality of being amusing or comic, especially when expressed in literature or speech'.  - Oxford English.

Nah,  not even close. Can you see the tumbleweed blowing down your soi?

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On 21/04/2017 at 0:17 PM, Aforek said:

How stupid, you are an English ( I suppose ) dreamer ; no, France will not be the next,  because a big majority of French want to stay in EU, you'll see it in two weeks


 yes, Britain will lose more than EU. Your hate of the non british world makes you blind , you have a very short sight ; because  you want to be out of EU, you think every body wants the same than you ?


Britain choosed to be alone, big mistake in 2017 ; EU choosed to be together even if there are things to change 

If, as you say, 'a big majority of the French want to stay in the EU', why's ex-US president Obama over there sticking his nose in supporting Blair II - Macron? Spanish polls, rather than the propagandist  US/UK ones are currently predicting a 50/50 split, and they're much closer to France than the bought and paid for ones.


Hopefully the globalist president of nothing now will have the same affect on the French as he had on attempting to bully 'back of the queue' British and they'll vote Le Pen.



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31 minutes ago, delh said:

Maybe you are right, maybe not, time will tell.

And if that is their aim, maybe they know something that is not out in the open yet.

Why else would they, bearing in mind they will be judged by the electorate, most probably in 5 years and seven weeks time?

They won't disclose the secret plan before this election


Four years out, everything will have changed. Corporation tax at 12%, labour and environmental protections ditched, massive inequality

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4 minutes ago, Grouse said:

They won't disclose the secret plan before this election


Four years out, everything will have changed. Corporation tax at 12%, labour and environmental protections ditched, massive inequality

Which Secret plan is that one then?


Anything like the secret plan for a political union that is being forced through, regardless of the electorates wishes?

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If, as you say, 'a big majority of the French want to stay in the EU', why's ex-US president Obama over there sticking his nose in supporting Blair II - Macron? Spanish polls, rather than the propagandist  US/UK ones are currently predicting a 50/50 split, and they're much closer to France than the bought and paid for ones.
Hopefully the globalist president of nothing now will have the same affect on the French as he had on attempting to bully 'back of the queue' British and they'll vote Le Pen.

And we can still thank Osama for telling Brits we'd be at the back of the queue.

Cheers Osama you might have persuaded that last 4% to vote leave.

Go on tell the French what they should do. You will see they are even more stubborn than us Brits.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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11 minutes ago, englishinsiam said:


And we can still thank Osama for telling Brits we'd be at the back of the queue.

Cheers Osama you might have persuaded that last 4% to vote leave.

Go on tell the French what they should do. You will see they are even more stubborn than us Brits.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk


Well you had better read the latest news and it appears that Trump has now bumped us down the queue, what a surprise.

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30 minutes ago, englishinsiam said:


And we can still thank Osama for telling Brits we'd be at the back of the queue.

Cheers Osama you might have persuaded that last 4% to vote leave.

Go on tell the French what they should do. You will see they are even more stubborn than us Brits.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk


Trump puts EU ahead of Britain in trade queue


Britain has been pushed behind the European Union in the queue to strike a free-trade deal with the United States, officials in Washington have said.

President Trump has softened his opposition to negotiating with the bloc as a whole after attempts by his officials to open talks with individual European nations were rebuffed.

During a private conversation last month, Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, convinced Mr Trump that talks on a US-EU deal would be simpler than he thought, sources close to both sides of the discussion told The Times.


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14 minutes ago, pitrevie said:

Well you had better read the latest news and it appears that Trump has now bumped us down the queue, what a surprise.

Is this comment based on the Times headline today?


If so, the TTIP negotiations started over 4 years ago!


The CETA (Canadian) trade deal negotiations  started in 2009, FIVE years after a framework was agreed between the two parties.  Negotiations concluded last year where agreement was reached. 


Seven years of negotiations.......


And better still, the EU has signed. Germany has signed, only another 26 to go, assuming UK will not now enter the agreement.


This is the issue, what suits one state does not suit all other states.

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10 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Trump puts EU ahead of Britain in trade queue


Britain has been pushed behind the European Union in the queue to strike a free-trade deal with the United States, officials in Washington have said.

President Trump has softened his opposition to negotiating with the bloc as a whole after attempts by his officials to open talks with individual European nations were rebuffed.

During a private conversation last month, Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, convinced Mr Trump that talks on a US-EU deal would be simpler than he thought, sources close to both sides of the discussion told The Times.



"Unnamed Washington and European officials said....." Hmmm

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25 minutes ago, delh said:

Is this comment based on the Times headline today?


If so, the TTIP negotiations started over 4 years ago!


The CETA (Canadian) trade deal negotiations  started in 2009, FIVE years after a framework was agreed between the two parties.  Negotiations concluded last year where agreement was reached. 


Seven years of negotiations.......


And better still, the EU has signed. Germany has signed, only another 26 to go, assuming UK will not now enter the agreement.


This is the issue, what suits one state does not suit all other states.



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4 minutes ago, delh said:

Yep, that's the one.

Don't hold your breath for a quick outcome!

See Khun Han's comments above.

I don't think anyone is holding their breath for a quick outcome given that we have now been shunted. As for Khun Han his hobby horse is the German economic miracle about which he never ceases to regale us apparently something to do with the cheap Euro but nothing to do with the expensive DM.

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3 minutes ago, nontabury said:

We could allways remain in the E.U. The undemocratic so called Union, that benefits who.



What you mean the one we joined when we were the sick man of Europe, yeah lets go back to those glory days when we were not in the EEC.

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6 minutes ago, pitrevie said:

I don't think anyone is holding their breath for a quick outcome given that we have now been shunted. As for Khun Han his hobby horse is the German economic miracle about which he never ceases to regale us apparently something to do with the cheap Euro but nothing to do with the expensive DM.

My comment for a quick outcome referred to US- EU trade talks.


With reference to Khun Han's comments, he throws doubt on the legitimacy of 'Unnamed' officials. A fair point when a journalist follows his/her own agenda.

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