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I arrived in Thailand (from the UK) 16 days ago and on the evening of day 3, in Bangkok, I started feeling nauseous - not bad enough to stop me doing things so on day 4 I went out for 1 beer and some food in a restaurant. Day 5 I woke up feeling worse - really bad nausea and I even dry heaved a bit. Took 2 gastro-bismol tablets recommended at a pharmacy and pulled myself together enough to go out for the day. Day 7-8 I felt ok again and went out to celebrate Songkran (In Chiang Mai). Drank some beer, threw water around etc and generally felt fine. Felt a bit unwell the day after but put that down to drinking. Nausea picked up again day after that so I bought peridom tablets (recommended at a pharmacy in Pai) and I've taken a few of those a day which seem to mostly alleviate the nausea feeling.


Today (now two weeks later) to accompany the nausea, diarrhoea started. I took a gastro bismol tablet and in total 3 peridom tablets but by 7pm I still felt sick so I went to speak to a pharmacist who gave me something else - a tablet which I chew and it neutralises stomach acid. I have had two of these as advised by the pharmacist. Diarrhoea continues and I'm waking up in the night needing to go to the bathroom. No fever, no vomit. I'm in Chiang Rai now and as symptoms are worse  I've decide to get straight to a doctor later today (it's 1am at the mo). 


Has anyone else had this? What could this be? I'm nervous about going to a hospital! What sort of tests might they want to do? 


Ps - me and my boyfriend have shared everything we have eaten and he is 100% fine. Saying that he is more resilient than me when it comes to bugs and things.


Might you be pregnant?


(If so - and if you would want to continue the pregnancy - stop taking medications at once!).


Sounds like travellers' diarrhoea due to different food, bacteria etc. Some people are more prone to it than others.


Try to recollect if you have been exposed to contaminated water somehow. Giardia and cryptosporidia are gastro-intestinal parasites which might fit in with the symptoms you have.

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