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Water Filtration


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Hi. Couple quick questions.


Does anyone know anything about the filtration systems used my many of the smaller Thai rural moobans? They are multi level, platform type. I'm curious about them. 


We have good ground water here, but it's time to improve our filtration system. Currently use a couple of canisters bought at Global. They weren't that expensive. Next step up is about 15,000 baht. I could build one of these Thai systems if I knew more about them. Main concerns are calcium and biological elements. 




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Our village well just runs the water thru a system that basically just aerates the water which I assume might remove some VOC's. At the water price (cheap) we pay Im sure nothing else is done to it  I just deal with the calcium by cleaning shower and faucet heads with vinegar from time to time to restore flow rates and use an RO system for drinking water. My PPM before filtering is a massive 445 and 8.7 PH it goes down to about 32 PPM after RO filtering. If you are wanting whole house filtering its gonna be expensive and alot of maintenance. Also for plants and hydroponic system I adjust ph myself in batches.

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2 minutes ago, Hereinthailand said:

Our village well just runs the water thru a system that basically just aerates the water which I assume might remove some VOC's. At the water price (cheap) we pay Im sure nothing else is done to it  I just deal with the calcium by cleaning shower and faucet heads with vinegar from time to time to restore flow rates and use an RO system for drinking water. My PPM before filtering is a massive 445 and 8.7 PH it goes down to about 32 PPM after RO filtering. If you are wanting whole house filtering its gonna be expensive and alot of maintenance. Also for plants and hydroponic system I adjust ph myself in batches.

Your measurement of 445 ppm - what are you measuring? And how are you measuring that? How much did your RO system cost?


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Dissolved solids" refer to any minerals, salts, metals, cations or anions dissolved in water. Total dissolved solids (TDS) comprise inorganic salts (principally calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonates, chlorides, and sulfates) and some small amounts of organic matter that are dissolved in water. = Parts per Million This includes common farm chemicals which I am surrounded by. I Bought a PPM and PH Meter from aliexpress.com for my hydro system but use the ppm to test my RO filter, It should reduce ppm by >90% if not time to replace the membrane. My RO unit is from Lazada for 3800B same as store model but much cheaper. I get my filters from a store in BKK way cheaper than stores sell them. I change the sediment montly 30B, and the carbon maybe 6 months 80B*2 filters and the ro membrane when I start to see PPM rise.


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http://www.lazada.co.th/uni-pure-ro-5628022.html?ff=1 Basically the same as I have only mine was colandas brand which I dont see on the website now. Another one to choose from http://www.lazada.co.th/fast-pure-5-ro-75g-14-10-581133.html?ff=1 They are basically all the same 5 filters with a tank 1-sediment filter 2/3 carbon filters 4 RO membrane 5 Post carbon to  clean the tank taste. The only thing I would like is a better ro booster pump like a shurflo brand for faster recovery which I will get when this one dies. This is where I buy my filters https://www.duan-daw.com/ If I build a new house next year I will build a system from parts and get a larger storage tank and a larger RO membrane. These models are rated at 50 gallons per day, I would like maybe 150 gallons per day when I ramp up my hydro systems.

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12 hours ago, IsaanAussie said:



I remember a water filtration system done by PunPun. It was 4 towers made of concrete rings, each filled with different media. Sure you could find it on their website. From memory it was capable of supplying a small community.

slow sand water filter


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