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Activist detained after filing complaint about Siamese Revolution plaque


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Activist detained after filing complaint about Siamese Revolution plaque
By The Nation




BANGKOK: -- Pro-democracy activist Ekachai Hongkangwan was detained at the 11th Military Circle after attempting to submit a complaint regarding the missing Siamese Revolution plaque at Government House on Tuesday.


A police officer at Ladprao Police Station told the Thai Human Rights Lawyers (THRL) group that the activist had been detained according to an arrest warrant, adding that he had been taken to the 11th Military Circle, the THRL tweeted on Tuesday.


The group had not been able to contact Ekachai as of press time.


The pro-democracy group Resistant Citizens was scheduled to stage a symbolic demonstration at Victory Monument and march to the 11th Military Circle unless Ekachai was released.


A security agency source said Ekachai had been invited for “a talk to create some mutual understanding” at the military circle as the activist attempted to submit a complaint calling for an investigation regarding the missing plaque.


The source said officers were afraid his actions could create confusion in the public.


The talk would take time and Ekachai would be released if a “mutual understanding” was reached, the source said.


Ekachai has been previously convicted of lese majeste and works on behalf of political prisoners at the newly established association For Friends.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30313322

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-04-25
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"The source said officers were afraid his actions could create confusion in the public"


Ha ha. So why don't they inform the public then? Educate everyone on the insignificance of the plaque while at the same time getting angry when people ask "Did you take it?"


I was at a bar last night. My friend ordered a beer and I stupidly said "I'll have another one too" Only himself and I but she brought three beers back. Will I be arrested for causing confusion in the public? Why aren't the police arrested every time they make confusing statements?


I'm sure foreign diplomats and officials will read this story and think "Yea, these actions seem proportionate. I am happy and understand the situation" 

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1 hour ago, Becker said:

Almost every day there are stark reminders why an elected government is preferable to a self appointed and unaccountable junta.

After the promised election, believe me, then they will show their true colors........................................:bah:

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1 hour ago, webfact said:

A security agency source said Ekachai had been invited for “a talk to create some mutual understanding”

An invitation against his will, with threats no doubt to try to create that understanding.

At a time when the Junta seem happy to walk over anyone who questions anything they do, it is nice to see at least some people in Thailand still have integrity.

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So now you need authorisation to file a complaint or face arrest? Despite not having broken any law? Fabulous new constitution you people voted in. Give yourselves a round of applause, though not in groups of more than five...

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7 minutes ago, baboon said:

So now you need authorisation to file a complaint or face arrest? Despite not having broken any law? Fabulous new constitution you people voted in. Give yourselves a round of applause, though not in groups of more than five...

I'd be very surprised if anyone really did vote for this. This is the whole problem with the former government and the current - cheques and balances. It's a very easy measure to put in place. But how can you put it in place where some people are above it? Ah, guns. 


I really don't know where this is all headed. Scary times ahead. 

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They say he got arrested because they were afraid that his actions would create confusion. 

Why not just tell the truth? Those that rule the country, are afraid that his actions challenge the status quo! 

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16 hours ago, Becker said:

Almost every day there are stark reminders why an elected government is preferable to a self appointed and unaccountable junta.

Thaksin was elected and he was marvelous wasnt he.

Selling telecom systems to neighbouring countries and allowing them to use thai govt loans to purchase them.

Yinglucks rice pledging scheme worked a treat and not dodgy one bit.

The notion and inference that only elected governments are corruption and graft free is a quaint one mind.

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16 hours ago, webfact said:

The talk would take time and Ekachai would be released if a “mutual understanding” was reached, the source said.

What should just be a simple case of vandalism is a huge cover up.  The government cannot handle something this simple speaks poorly for Thailand's future. 

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11 minutes ago, Fulwell53 said:

Thaksin was elected and he was marvelous wasnt he.

Selling telecom systems to neighbouring countries and allowing them to use thai govt loans to purchase them.

Yinglucks rice pledging scheme worked a treat and not dodgy one bit.

The notion and inference that only elected governments are corruption and graft free is a quaint one mind.

I'm just interested: How much longer do the 'Good People' and their lackeys on here think they can use Thaksin sitting in his hollowed out volcano stroking his white cat as a justification for anything and everything? Until his death? Ten more years? In perpetuity? Can't they find a new bogeyman?

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12 minutes ago, Fulwell53 said:

Thaksin was elected and he was marvelous wasnt he.

Selling telecom systems to neighbouring countries and allowing them to use thai govt loans to purchase them.

Yinglucks rice pledging scheme worked a treat and not dodgy one bit.

The notion and inference that only elected governments are corruption and graft free is a quaint one mind.

So two wrongs make a right. Great lets see where this ends, how many do you think will have to die before there is no oppression in this country ? Yes TS and YS was no angels but that's why you have elections to allow the people to vote leaders in and out. If you however don't give democracy the chance to function like it should, by having coups, then please don't blame democracy for the failure. By the way how much money do you think these clowns are stealing at the moment ? If the normal 30% apply and the B 3 billion for subs and mega projects B 2 trillion, we are talking B 900 million for the subs and B 600 billion for the mega projects. The other one they are pushing through before the election is the EEC and the 99 year leasehold scheme. With 600 000 rai involved they could pocket at least B 10 000 per rai = B 6 billion. Nice money to be made if you have the guns behind you.

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15 hours ago, baboon said:

So now you need authorisation to file a complaint or face arrest? Despite not having broken any law? Fabulous new constitution you people voted in. Give yourselves a round of applause, though not in groups of more than five...

No one voted the constitution in. There was a referendum but the constitution was in a draft form and has been modified ever since. That referendum was a total farce.

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17 hours ago, webfact said:

A police officer at Ladprao Police Station told the Thai Human Rights Lawyers (THRL) group that the activist had been detained according to an arrest warrant

looks like they can get arrest warrants quite fast when they really want one, no need to go and seek one...

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1 minute ago, maoro2013 said:

No one voted the constitution in. There was a referendum but the constitution was in a draft form and has been modified ever since. That referendum was a total farce.

You are absolutely correct. The referendum WAS a total farce. The constitution WAS in a draft form that they even said at the time they were going to modify to suit themselves better. But still the turkeys turned out and dutifully voted for Christmas despite it all. 

There is no use as December approaches in scratching your head and murmuring 'Now hang on a minute...'

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9 hours ago, Fulwell53 said:

Thaksin was elected and he was marvelous wasnt he.

Selling telecom systems to neighbouring countries and allowing them to use thai govt loans to purchase them.

Yinglucks rice pledging scheme worked a treat and not dodgy one bit.

The notion and inference that only elected governments are corruption and graft free is a quaint one mind.

The difference is that you can vote out the elected official in a democracy. Try doing that in a dictatorship. 

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10 hours ago, Fulwell53 said:

Thaksin was elected and he was marvelous wasnt he.

Selling telecom systems to neighbouring countries and allowing them to use thai govt loans to purchase them.

Yinglucks rice pledging scheme worked a treat and not dodgy one bit.

The notion and inference that only elected governments are corruption and graft free is a quaint one mind.

You completely miss the point. Nobody is claiming that the Shin administrations were graft free - far from it.

But they were elected and could be removed from power by the same electorate. In addition there was a very vocal opposition in parliament, as well as a fairly free press etc, etc.

Now do you get it?

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11 hours ago, yellowboat said:

What should just be a simple case of vandalism is a huge cover up.  The government cannot handle something this simple speaks poorly for Thailand's future. 

If they had any brains they should have said it was nicked by metal thieves and not put anything in its place


But here they work (hard) at conceiving lies so that was too hard for them to do.

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If they had any brains they should have said it was nicked by metal thieves and not put anything in its place
But here they work (hard) at conceiving lies so that was too hard for them to do.

When you're working so hard at returning happiness to the people it's a headache to deal with all the difficult stuff.
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12 hours ago, baboon said:

You are absolutely correct. The referendum WAS a total farce. The constitution WAS in a draft form that they even said at the time they were going to modify to suit themselves better. But still the turkeys turned out and dutifully voted for Christmas despite it all. 

There is no use as December approaches in scratching your head and murmuring 'Now hang on a minute...'

I totally understand your feelings, Baboon, and in principle I share them  - but to be fair to the Thais (although I am fast losing respect for them, allowing themselves to be urinated and defecated all over on a daily basis, as they are - and then just begging for more), we don't really know that the Thai 'turkeys dutifully voted for Christmas' - we only have the mendacious junta's word for it. I have always been DEEPLY suspicious of the claimed result of 62% voting Yes to the Constitution (which takes away every single right from the Thai people - with the flourish of a repeated phrase).


But whatever the case: as others have said, Thailand is plumbing the depths, deeper and deeper down with each week that passes ....

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2 hours ago, Eligius said:

I totally understand your feelings, Baboon, and in principle I share them  - but to be fair to the Thais (although I am fast losing respect for them, allowing themselves to be urinated and defecated all over on a daily basis, as they are - and then just begging for more), we don't really know that the Thai 'turkeys dutifully voted for Christmas' - we only have the mendacious junta's word for it. I have always been DEEPLY suspicious of the claimed result of 62% voting Yes to the Constitution (which takes away every single right from the Thai people - with the flourish of a repeated phrase).


But whatever the case: as others have said, Thailand is plumbing the depths, deeper and deeper down with each week that passes ....

Of course we can argue this one to and fro, but I think the result was probably accurate. Take for instance Mrs baboon. Out she went and voted yes. Didn't have a clue what she was voting 'Yes' to, despite my attempts to engage her in conversation, but Senior Thais were requiring the vote to be in the affirmative, so she simply took the path of least resistance and gave them what was expected.

Now she may not have the best education money can buy but she isn't thick either. She could have taken a while from food and Facebook to learn a little, but of course, no. She chose to remain willfully ignorant. I suspect her story replicates many folk up and down the country. 


Well now the pooyais are running wild and the traditional safety valve is welded shut forever. I'm afraid I don't have a great deal of sympathy any longer when the least they could have done was simply not vote en masse. Not risk their lives by taking to the streets, but simply refusing to participate in such state sponsored shams.


The plaque story is fading now. Soon it will be distant memory. The next outrage will come soon enough and that too will be buried. Then why should you or I care...?

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When I read stories like this, I'm always grateful I have enough money on my account to buy a one way ticket out of here if/when the sh*t hits the fan. I just hope I can get to the airport before it's too late... 

This place really is starting to get scary - and I don 't scare easily..  

Edited by djayz
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