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PTS ( permission to stay ) re-newal

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Just a post about re-new permission to stay based on retirement.


Background ......have been living in thailand for 3 years on permission to stay based on retirement..so the process was not new to me.

I arrived back in Thailand on 3rd May for the express purpose of re-newing my permission to stay which was due to run out on 6th May ( a saturday).
I was unaware that friday 5th May is a public holiday...so I ONLY had TODAY to complete everything.  (edit)Just advised  5th IS NOT a public holiday ....

Add into the mix that I have obtained a new passport whilst back " home".

as an aside , on re-entry yesterday I was stamped in for ONLY 3 days as my existing permission to stay was due to expire on 6th May. This was EXACTLY as I expected and IO at Swampy seemed surprised when I agreed with him when he told me  ...stamp only for 3 days .




so , todays visit to immigration was for ;
Transfer old permission to stay into new passport

obtain new permission to stay

obtain new re-entry permit


So, I arrived at immigration at 10.30 am to find about 10 people waiting. Filled in application forms obtained at front door to immigration sat down to wait .

Was called to desk within about 15 mins.


I had brought with me :

copies of all pages of old passport, copy of photo ID page of new passport, copy of entry stamp in new passport from entry yesterday.

letter from bank stating the required funds in account for 4 months

2 photos


old passport , new passport, actual bank book, GF's thai ID, GF's house book


Immigration staff were very efficient - to the extent that they were at times handling 3 different applications in various stages of being processed at the same time .


I had EVERYTHING done and completed within 1 hour.....


was asked to sign the form acknowledging penalties for overstay, no sign of the personal information form ( social media etc ) previously required.

Only issue ( not a issue for me but maybe for some ) was charged 500B to transfer permission to stay stamp to new passport. Oh , all the above instantly filled the first 4 pages of my new passport .

AND they did a new 90day report notice ( which I dont need as I will fly out again on 7th May). 


Just remembered , I asked and was told ......no need for TM30 as I have returned to same address as already notified and in their system from previous stays, re-newals etc even thou this time I have been out of the country for 7 months.


Overall another pleasant and fast visit to UDON THANI Immigration.



Edited by novo58
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oh Ok thks Ubonjoe......doesnt really matter to me now ....just the GF told me when I returned yesterday it was , but she only looked at calendar on her wall that had it marked as a holiday. I will edit my OP to remove reference to the holiday so as to not confuse others .


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Mind you,,, a petitess for you maybe... but you did extend you extension of stay, I guess your permission to stay was gone as soon as the validity of your VISA was gone....



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13 minutes ago, glegolo said:

Mind you,,, a petitess for you maybe... but you did extend you extension of stay, I guess your permission to stay was gone as soon as the validity of your VISA was gone....



Based on his original post, his visa expired over three years ago. It seems pretty irrelevant to the point of this thread. I am not sure what knowledge you are trying to impart here.

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44 minutes ago, novo58 said:

oh Ok thks Ubonjoe......doesnt really matter to me now ....just the GF told me when I returned yesterday it was , but she only looked at calendar on her wall that had it marked as a holiday. I will edit my OP to remove reference to the holiday so as to not confuse others .


For future reference you' could check this post for the updated holiday list.

Or download this file. Holidays For 2017.pdf

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4 minutes ago, BritTim said:

Based on his original post, his visa expired over three years ago. It seems pretty irrelevant to the point of this thread. I am not sure what knowledge you are trying to impart here.

I think that as the OP failed to refer to renewing a "retirement visa" it is only right that a new terminology battlefield be introduced.

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12 minutes ago, BritTim said:

Based on his original post, his visa expired over three years ago. It seems pretty irrelevant to the point of this thread. I am not sure what knowledge you are trying to impart here.

If you do not know the knowledge why do you comment it...???


There is a difference between permission to stay and extension of stay.... But if you do not care, or even know,,, than stay away from answering, is my advice to you.



Edited by glegolo
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37 minutes ago, glegolo said:

If you do not know the knowledge why do you comment it...???

In case there was something useful you were trying to impart. Your failure to clarify suggests there was not, and I am sorry to have embarrassed you.


33 minutes ago, glegolo said:

There is a difference between permission to stay and extension of stay.... But if you do not care, or even know,,, than stay away from answering, is my advice to you.

On entry into the country (with or without a visa) you are given an initial permitted to stay until date. The extension of stay gives a new permitted to stay until date. The type of the initial entry (tourist or non immigrant entry) can sometimes affect the kind of extension of stay one can apply for (though that is irrelevant to this thread). What other distinctions should I understand? Why is it something the OP needs to worry about?

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Brit Tim. I hereby give you the last word in this. That is obviously what you are looking for.. And Yes I concur,,, you ARE trying to embarrass.....



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perhaps as the OP I can have the last word. It is ( still ) my belief that each year you get a NEW permission to stay....I do not see that it is relevant to anyone whether it is actually an extension of a current permission to stay or not . As far as I am concerned it is a new permission to stay for 12 months. If it were simply an extension of an existing permission to stay, then it should simply be a case of attend Immigration office and get a stamp....BUT in fact you have to fill in a NEW application form each year....which to me makes it a NEW PERMISSION to stay. You can call it whatever you lIKE .



@ glegolo .....By your logic I in fact got an extension of  my  existing re-entry permit ....WHICH WE ALL KNOW IS NOT THE CASE. Your comment is taking the role of correct terminology to an extremely new LOW even for TVF members.

Your comment in no way adds to my post or helps anyone with any information. If you wish to be THAT pedantic ...up to you. Most people have more important things to do with their time .


@ Ubonjoe ....thank you as always for correct , current , relevant and up to date information. I have never know you to be wrong in your HELPFUL advice.

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1 hour ago, novo58 said:

perhaps as the OP I can have the last word. It is ( still ) my belief that each year you get a NEW permission to stay....I do not see that it is relevant to anyone whether it is actually an extension of a current permission to stay or not . As far as I am concerned it is a new permission to stay for 12 months. If it were simply an extension of an existing permission to stay, then it should simply be a case of attend Immigration office and get a stamp....BUT in fact you have to fill in a NEW application form each year....which to me makes it a NEW PERMISSION to stay. You can call it whatever you lIKE .


@ glegolo .....By your logic I in fact got an extension of  my  existing re-entry permit ....WHICH WE ALL KNOW IS NOT THE CASE. Your comment is taking the role of correct terminology to an extremely new LOW even for TVF members.

Your comment in no way adds to my post or helps anyone with any information. If you wish to be THAT pedantic ...up to you. Most people have more important things to do with their time .


@ Ubonjoe ....thank you as always for correct , current , relevant and up to date information. I have never know you to be wrong in your HELPFUL advice.

I do fully agree with you concerning that it is your thread. But what concerns your aggresiv tone towars me, it puzzles me a bit..... I am asking myself why really??


My logic does not at all suggest that you have an extension of your re entry permit.. I suggest that you learn what a re entry permit is and stands for, to begin with..


And I finally accept the fact that my post did not hit you, but others may actually learn from it. Sorry to answer in YOUR thread....


And plse be more polite and nice to people, otherwise you will be having a hard time here in Thailand socially, as you already may have noticed....



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17 minutes ago, glegolo said:

I do fully agree with you concerning that it is your thread. But what concerns your aggresiv tone towars me, it puzzles me a bit..... I am asking myself why really??


My logic does not at all suggest that you have an extension of your re entry permit.. I suggest that you learn what a re entry permit is and stands for, to begin with..


And I finally accept the fact that my post did not hit you, but others may actually learn from it. Sorry to answer in YOUR thread....


And plse be more polite and nice to people, otherwise you will be having a hard time here in Thailand socially, as you already may have noticed....



If there is continued bickering the thread will be disrupted so please calm down.

I believe the correct term is " An extension of your permission to stay on the grounds of ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "

so although they are  different they are definitively connected.

So each renewal is in fact a NEW, up to 1 year, extension of your original, possible many years

ago, permission to stay imho.      :wai:

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59 minutes ago, phuketjock said:

If there is continued bickering the thread will be disrupted so please calm down.

I believe the correct term is " An extension of your permission to stay on the grounds of ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "

so although they are  different they are definitively connected.

So each renewal is in fact a NEW, up to 1 year, extension of your original, possible many years

ago, permission to stay imho.      :wai:

Exactly I do fully agree, I see it that way too,,, as you may read in my post.



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@ glegolo ......Oh well , one last comment then I will leave this topic to the pedants.....


and my tone is no different than your tone towards BritTim.


New stamp , new numbers on stamp, new paperwork, often new requirements (in some offices)........so as far as I am concern it is a new application for a permission to stay each year. It is NOT automatically granted and therefore not an extension of an existing permission. IMO like a visa a permission to stay expires on a yearly basis and you apply for a new one ...it might well be "linked" to an old one in their computer....but I believe that it is a new permission to stay each year--------if you really want to be that PEDANTIC.



Im out of here.................so fed up with pedants, grammar police etc hijacking threads.




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