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Video: Minivan driver and conductress fined after fight with monk in Roi-Et


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8 hours ago, bannork said:

Monks always sit next to the door as it means they can get on and off without having to brush against any female passengers, if the bus gets crowded.

If its that much of a contentious issue then go to plan B and walk

Edited by oldlakey
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11 hours ago, fdch said:

about 50 % of all monks are criminals hiding for justice

so this must be one of this 50 %

That`s true to a point. But there are also Thais who maybe unemployed, living on the breadline or getting on in years with no future means of support. So the monkhood becomes a bolt hole where they know they`ll have shelter and food on the table. They are what I call economic monks, that are not particularly religious but see no other alternatives other than ending up begging on the street. Many parents send their children once they reach their teens to be monks or nuns if unable to support them. 


Obviously there are monks and nuns who joined for genuine reasons and loyal to the cause, even the rich have given up everything and became monks or nuns, but the trick is; how can we differentiate between the frauds and the real thing?

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Is this real or has the logic been lost somewhere in the translation?




The munk made the first physical move and attacked the woman. Her husband protects her by fighting with the munk. The munk seems to leave and then when the other turn his back the munk attack again from behind...


Both the man and the woman were fined, the man for fighting with a customer (the munk) and the woman for working without proper training.

The transport Company was fined for having untrained staff working which make sence.


* The munk didnt face anything for his baviour througout the trip nor the  2 attacks...





A tourist enter into a legitimate taxi and get raped by the taxidriver - a taxidriver who have been arrested and convicted twice for raping 2 other women. He has just been released from jail, got a job as a taxidriver and then raped again for the third time...


* The taxi company who failed to check his skills and his background before hiring him didnt face any charges what so ever... 


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On reflection, after watching the footage, clearly the 'MONK' provoked the initial, physical, attack!


The monk should be defrocked and fined! His actions, fighting, were incorrect, sad and disgusting to witness.

I'm now starting to believe that the monk indeed complained and probably did spit on the floor of the van.

I'm not into religion at all, but I always thought that monks practised a very low-key , unassuming lifestyle with the very basic material needs and goods?

Someone once told me, if you see a monk walking without any protection on his feet, then that person is a devote follower of his faith?

My guess is he, the monk, was initially put-out by the female conductor and may have considered that he, the monk, should receive preferential treatment?

Male chauvinism comes across as being very high here as does racism, which are the same really. It's also apparent when it comes to monks and females.

I do not blame the Thai van driver. He was protecting his wife. I'm sure any loving husband would do the same. What right did the SO CALLED MAN OF FAITH/CLOTH have, lashing out?

Religion. Politics. Banks! They're all the same pot as far as I'm concerned. Tainted and misrepresented. I try not to waste any of my valuable time on any of three!

It's becoming an even sadder world we live in when monks, men of peace/faith, should demonstrate such appalling behaviour, which I'm sure is against their teachings and understanding?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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21 hours ago, rkidlad said:

I'm not a monk nor am I religious. Infact, I'm an atheist. We have no doctrine and we live by no rules. Yet, I've never, and never would, lay my hands on a woman. I guess even religulous people can have a moral code.


Hitting women is like sleeping with your sister. You just don't do it. 

id  have to see your  Sister  before I could agree:whistling:

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8 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

That`s true to a point. But there are also Thais who maybe unemployed, living on the breadline or getting on in years with no future means of support. So the monkhood becomes a bolt hole where they know they`ll have shelter and food on the table. They are what I call economic monks, that are not particularly religious but see no other alternatives other than ending up begging on the street. Many parents send their children once they reach their teens to be monks or nuns if unable to support them. 


Obviously there are monks and nuns who joined for genuine reasons and loyal to the cause, even the rich have given up everything and became monks or nuns, but the trick is; how can we differentiate between the frauds and the real thing?

theyr e  all phoney, pretty  easy really

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13 minutes ago, kannot said:

id  have to see your  Sister  before I could agree:whistling:

Brilliant! The only flaw is that I said 'your' sister. Apart from this glaring flaw the joke would have worked. 


When's Jesus coming back? We're all waiting on the edge of our seats. 

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Is the State religion part of the privileged elite power groups exploiting the general populace.  This charming fellow is not the first to display behaviour that tells me the temples and their communities see themselves as vastly superior to the general populace that comprises  their  congregation. Sure,  there are rules to  keep the lower classes subjugated, while different rules exist for the rich and powerful. One of the great merits of social media is that it challeneges people to think about whether  they should support organisations or agencies that clearly have forgotten how  to respect  and care for their followers in return.  This is a great example  of  how unwise privilege can lead to the creation of big-heads who don't  understand what  the  consequences might be  of  biting  the hand that feeds you.It's  not much different to the Boss Red Bull saga and  his indifference to  any normal social  responsibility towards less-important  people.

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On 5/5/2017 at 6:44 AM, colinneil said:

Just another case of a monk behaving badly.

The monk hit the lady, driver did the correct thing, should have laid the scum bag monk out.

Monks should never touch a female, yet this scum bag slapped a lady and walks away free.

Disgusting behaviour, should have been fined/ defrocked.


The tone of the woman's voice was not very pleasant. I can't tell what she is saying but the tone was not one that would normally be used with a monk. It was more like a bar girl complaining about a low tip.


If she had spoke to me like that I'd probably give her a slap too.


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14 minutes ago, Keesters said:


The tone of the woman's voice was not very pleasant. I can't tell what she is saying but the tone was not one that would normally be used with a monk. It was more like a bar girl complaining about a low tip.


If she had spoke to me like that I'd probably give her a slap too.



Please do not try to defend the scumbags actions, apparently, he spat on the bus floor.

That in its self is disgusting.

Also no proper man hits a woman.

He is just a pathetic excuse of a man playing at being a monk.

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12 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Brilliant! The only flaw is that I said 'your' sister. Apart from this glaring flaw the joke would have worked. 


When's Jesus coming back? We're all waiting on the edge of our seats. 

Dont have a  Sister but a  Brother........will he do?

I wouldnt hold your breath for Jesus or any other of the fantasy beings

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On 5/5/2017 at 6:36 PM, Wilsonandson said:

You do know that this is Thailand and the national religion is Buddhism. Free country or not, I think your over stepping a bit with your comments. Please behave.

Thats right you "must"  have "respect" for the fantasy of religion, no matter how  stupid.

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On 5/5/2017 at 6:36 PM, Wilsonandson said:

You do know that this is Thailand and the national religion is Buddhism. Free country or not, I think your over stepping a bit with your comments. Please behave.

Besides getting the facts wrong about Buddhism being the national religion (a statement that is insulting to the Constitution of Thailand), and not recognizing yourself that Thailand recognizes and guarantees freedom of religion, you belittle the law and the people. I hope you're not one of these people who have lived here for years and still don't know squat about the country in which you live....  I find it almost humorous that you have the gall to tell me to behave when I get infuriated at a man who is supposed to be upholding the highest morals of the Buddhist religion and gains myriad benefits, social and economic, from being in such a position, for assaulting a woman and then assaulting a man from behind!? He abused not only his religion, the woman, and the man, he is an abuser of society at large.
My opinion is what it is. I didn't ask you to agree with it. You can kiss the monks feet after he attacks your wife, if that pleases you. I won't tell you to behave and stop being so foolish if that is what pleases you to do. I obviously have a different take on what he deserves, regardless of religion, free country or whatever other preposterous excuse one can come up with for not meeting this kind of reprobate behavior with what's due. I believe the man would have been completely within his rights to pummel that monk into unconsciousness and I would have applauded someone finally doing what they should do. Doing right is more important than social/cultural constraints that don't fit the occasion.

Edited by Sig
correcting spelling error and incomplete sentence
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On 5/5/2017 at 2:11 PM, possum1931 said:

I was on a Bangkok bus not long after I came here, there were plenty of seats available, a monk came on and gestured to me rudely to

get up and give him my seat, I told him to <deleted> off, and he did. I then checked to see if anyone had any preference for where I was sitting, there

was no notice at my seat, not even in Thai.

I think maybe he wanted my seat as it was next to the door, or he did not want to share with anybody. I just hate the way they expect preference

over people for things, but they won't be getting any from me.


 Jumped on a train next to a monk . 

 Thought he might be interesting company . Dude started scowling at me . I thought what`s your problem bro ? He then tells me to move . I took offence and asked him in Thai why ? 

 He pointed to the Monks only sign .  Didn`t speak just pulled faces . 

Edited by Hi kwai fun
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