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DON'T INSOLE-T US! Man photo shames ‘disrespectful’ tourist for putting her bare feet on a headrest during a ferry trip

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11 minutes ago, mark131v said:

Seems these 'netizens' and their fallang supporters are a wee bit thin skinned, time to jump on the outrage bus again, sad really....


The funny thing is the more they post stuff on Facebook the more outraged and angry they will become. In the mean time girls like this walk around completely oblivious to any of it. Let them be outraged I don't give a rats ass. 


Maybe the guy who took the photo should put in a little temple time and chant his anger away. 


Edited just to add I looked at the article again and all the guy said was tourists should be more respectful. the writer of the article said he slammed the girl but in actuality that isn't really true. It is the writer of the article trying to make a story essentially of nothing.

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4 hours ago, rooster59 said:

“People should be more respectful when they are visitors to other people’s countries.”

Yep. Just like those really, really respectful Chinese the TAT are sucking up to. 

p.s. putting your feet up like that is not good in any country.

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4 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

How can she have no idea she is doing anything wrong? I wouldn`t even do this in my own country, England. This is public seating, not the back of a sofa in her living room.


As I said; it boils down to ignorance and not being taught how to behave respectfully in public places. Sorry, there can be no excuses for this type of behaviour. The woman simply doesn`t care, end of story.

Yes indeed: and how ridiculous to even suggest that it's Thai etiquette being offended here; its absolutely international and applies every place I've ever been. 

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2 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

Ah, Yes, the weekends here so, time to whip up OUTRAGE – be outraged about these disrespectable tourist = westerner = farang and what they do. Has it been a week since  “beg packers”  … sure ok so time to hit it again. Here we go.

Que up TV posters to piously proclaim ‘they are backpackers’, different and distinct from us, we the wise expat. We are different and the Thais understand this ------right -----they also say  the biggest lies in Thailand are the ones Expats tell themselves

Of course most back-backers don't do this kind of thing. By and large they are respectful. Yes, it would be nice if they bathed a bit more frequently ( feet and other body parts) but cultural insensitivity is not a big issue. This foot on the chair is generational; more likely Facebook users than backpackers.

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5 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

How do they expect westerners who most have no respect for other people or their own culture, to show respect for other people`s culture?


Anti social behaviour is rampant in Farangland. Impossible to name and shame them, because to them it`s just more likes on facebook. One good reason I got out of Farangland where the societies have gone to pot.



Well said, if it were my ferry I would kick her off. 

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Just now, terminatorchiangmai said:

How about Thai people visiting my office and sitting with their feet on my coach or letting their children jump up and down on it ?

I have to post pictures  of them also ? 


Standing on toilet seats and breaking them... 

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I agree, visitors should know and respect the culture of the country they are visiting...

Reminds me of hiking to a pristine alpine lake in Grindelwald, Switzerland 2 years ago. Many nationalities, and guess who did not remove their trash and put it in one of the many trash bins around... My wife was very embarrassed, they were HiSos from BKK.

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Sorry Somchai, but most tourists don't have a clue about your obscure nationalist oddities that you find offensive.  So give the tourists a break.  They're tourists, not students of Thai culture and etiquette.  No doubt the female tourist would probably find your Thai habit of picking your noses with a finger shoved up your nostril to the first knuckle rather disgusting too.  But I don't think she'd post it on social media and make it a big issue.  So Thai folk.  Ya like all the money the tourists bring?  Then cut them some slack.  :thumbsup:

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If it is such a big deal the bus and ferry companies could spend the 20 Baht it would take to make signs saying not to put your feet up. It took me ten seconds on google to locate this one. 


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Instead of posting a photo online and complaining, why not just approach the girl and educate her about the disrespectful act?  I'm sure she would've gladly taken her feet down if told the proper etiquette.  Simple.

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3 minutes ago, thaiman said:

Instead of posting a photo online and complaining, why not just approach the girl and educate her about the disrespectful act?  I'm sure she would've gladly taken her feet down if told the proper etiquette.  Simple.


If that doesn't work inform the staff of the ferry. 

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Yep the land of impeccable behaviour by nationals, spoilt by disrespectful farangs.

A bit over the top.. you should take a trip to Mae Song or where ever it is & see how the locals treat each other....

we'll follow their lead.

Rape, sex for sale, trafficking, under-aged girls all ok... but for god's sake don't put your feet up on the back of a chair!!

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1 hour ago, connda said:

Sorry Somchai, but most tourists don't have a clue about your obscure nationalist oddities that you find offensive.  So give the tourists a break.  They're tourists, not students of Thai culture and etiquette.  No doubt the female tourist would probably find your Thai habit of picking your noses with a finger shoved up your nostril to the first knuckle rather disgusting too.  But I don't think she'd post it on social media and make it a big issue.  So Thai folk.  Ya like all the money the tourists bring?  Then cut them some slack.  :thumbsup:

That's exactly it. Tourists do dumb stuff all over the world. If you open yourself up as a tourist haven, you're gonna have people coming over doing dumb stuff. Some are arrogant, some are dumb and some come from cultures where people don't get so hung up on trivialities they forget where they are. This is probably why places like Saudi Arabia don't do the tourist thing. 


I remember being in Prague and seeing this really drunk tourist (British, same as me) really aggressively shouting at the doormen. It was middle of the day so who knows if they'd have given him a kicking later on at night with no one around. Anyway, it was near the market square with many local vendors and shops. The doormen kept their cool and police were along after about 5 mins. Police took him away and people applauded. Locals were happily laughing that this idiot had been removed. There was zero need for a group of locals to gather and kick the living c*** out of him. It was all very civilized. If I had seen a mob attack him, I'd certainly have reservations about going back to Prague. In fact, I wouldn't go back and would advise others not to. 


Tourists do dumb stuff. If they're doing something illegal, call the police and let them deal with it. As for the lady on the boat - simply ask her to move her feet or tell a member of the crew. Shaming your tourists over such petty nonsense is never productive. It's just sanctimonious drivel. 



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I bet the outraged netizen doesn't cover his mouth when he coughs.... which seems to be the norm amongst the Thais; you'd be amazed at how many of them choke it due to T.B.... and (not) washing their hands after using the toilet.... let's not even go there 

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i had to help an elderly thai lady cross the road the other day, in a pedestrian area with slow moving traffic, because non of drivers would slow down and stop to allow her to cross safely.


when i'm on the bus and an elderly person or pregnant woman needs a seat guess who is the first to offer theirs? here's a clue, it's not a local.


someone needs to point out to these 'disgusted of tunbridge wells' netizens that good manners begin at home.


or... take the plank out of your own eye.

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Well apart from manners, cultural problems it simply isn't hygienic. Her feet have probably scraped along well trodden paths, kicked the sand and paddled. Could be a lot microbes there.

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Just now, TKDfella said:

Well apart from manners, cultural problems it simply isn't hygienic. Her feet have probably scraped along well trodden paths, kicked the sand and paddled. Could be a lot microbes there.

Probably around as many as a human head if you think about it.

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She should have been educated that the Thai custom for using feet is to get together with 10 or so likeminded and use them to kick the shit out of some innocent bystander then run away. But very un Thai to rest them on an innocent seat.

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53 minutes ago, JohnThailandJohn said:

Don't care where you are - that is just disrespectful. Who wants to put their head where some strangers feet have been.


But most of us have probably put out heads in the same spots previously occupied by a strangers odd foot or so

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49 minutes ago, samsensam said:


i had to help an elderly thai lady cross the road the other day, in a pedestrian area with slow moving traffic, because non of drivers would slow down and stop to allow her to cross safely.


when i'm on the bus and an elderly person or pregnant woman needs a seat guess who is the first to offer theirs? here's a clue, it's not a local.


someone needs to point out to these 'disgusted of tunbridge wells' netizens that good manners begin at home.


or... take the plank out of your own eye.

Agree but the bus/BTS issue is generational as well; just this week I saw 2 'incidents' on the BTS: one, a foreign lady with a baby in a kind of caboose arrangement and with a heavy looking bag. No one offered her a seat: the carriage was packed with school kids rooted to their phones. Really so disgraceful.

Second, a Farang/Thai family with kids too small to hang on: a middle-aged Thai woman stood up instantly to offer them a seat for the kids.

In my observation, this is generational and world wide ....and of course is not 100% as many young generation people are extremely obliging/polite.

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Nothing wrong with this. The seat in front is empty. I think it's hilarious how in some cases respecting Buddhism is super important to every Thai while they gladly break five other core tenets of buddhism the next minute. 


It's incredibly offensive to me when a Thai is lying and trying to scam me out of my own money to my face but i let it slide every time. If a Swede did it to me i'd punch his <deleted> face off. 


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