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So I stop at one of my favorite restaurant in Chiang Mai I get there early before the place opens and see Police man stopping at almost all the places of business near by getting money go figure TIT


15 minutes ago, Dante99 said:

and just why is this worthy of comment?

The alternative is not to post anything worthy of comment for fear of you saying "and just why is this worthy of comment?"


Sorry you were upset.

11 minutes ago, strikingsunset said:

Well I think its well worthy-helps everyone understand that what is often discussed on this forum is not just hear say......

So you believe that there are readers that thought it was not true, that it was just hearsay?


One must be careful what one writes...for sure the BiB do not like whistle blowers.


The local constabulary in my area have been doing a drive pushing that for an 'extra' fee they will put a nice little red box outside your house and have a officer check it every so often.


They don't actually check the security of your house so I don't really see the point in paying extra money for this apparent 'service'.


Not sure what would happen if you decided not to take them up on their offer, but I would expect any future arson or burglery would be sheer coincidence.


Many Businesses pay B500/month to the police for 'Irregular' Checks by a visiting Police officer.

I can think of 4 places I use regularly that do so.



1 hour ago, Thailand said:

The price of the red boxes recently went up by 70%

Yup - so did mine.

Not only price gouging, seems like price fixing too.

31 minutes ago, Saraphee said:

 seems like price fixing too.

How does price fixing work with only one police department or are there multiple departments providing the same service in the same area?


19 hours ago, CMKiwi said:

One must be careful what one writes...for sure the BiB do not like whistle blowers.


The local constabulary in my area have been doing a drive pushing that for an 'extra' fee they will put a nice little red box outside your house and have a officer check it every so often.


They don't actually check the security of your house so I don't really see the point in paying extra money for this apparent 'service'.


Not sure what would happen if you decided not to take them up on their offer, but I would expect any future arson or burglery would be sheer coincidence.

It's been said that if you don't pay and need to call them for assistance good luck with that 


Don't bother with the Army's 'Anti-corruption' lot either, as they wanted a bribe from me to persue my case (problem)



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


19 hours ago, CMKiwi said:

One must be careful what one writes...for sure the BiB do not like whistle blowers.


The local constabulary in my area have been doing a drive pushing that for an 'extra' fee they will put a nice little red box outside your house and have a officer check it every so often.


They don't actually check the security of your house so I don't really see the point in paying extra money for this apparent 'service'.


Not sure what would happen if you decided not to take them up on their offer, but I would expect any future arson or burglery would be sheer coincidence.

during my 11 years  ,having the same service  and  by your local constabulary to boot, found the service top notch, many unseen advantages come into the package


your scare mongrering last line of your above post, is absoulately  baseless,

if the service is not to your liking, that is indeed your  decision,  but to add that a arson/burglery  may occur, if  their so called offer is not taken  up ,  is utterly  nonsense!!!!

a nice morning to all


It may occur with the service.  A nearby Thai had it, notified the service they were going on vacation, got robbed while they were away.  First robbery in the area in more than 8 years.  Coincidence?


Paying the Police for doing  what is supposed to be their job ?,

from what i have seen they come around the same time everyday

to write in the book ,that's in the red box,to confirm  they have been,

so any burglar,is just going to wait until he has left,then break in. 


Would not make me feel safer at all,they just write in the book,never

check anything,waste of 500 THB ,buy a dog if you feel insecure,

regards worgeordie


Thailand is a low tax country. A huge percent of the population pay no income tax. Sales tax is still quite new and compared to many western countries at a low level. The Police are underfunded. The new police officer has to buy his own pistol! It's not police issued. There is a lot of tax on guns and they are very expensive. The Police collecting money from local businesses is not necessarily beer money or a new Toyota Camry for the boss. There may be fuzzy accounting involved but it pays to keep the police force in operation doing regular police work. 


i see one when i ride bike of a morning

.he goes in the front door of different houses

after being greeted by women

me think get more than bribe

12 minutes ago, opalred said:

i see one when i ride bike of a morning

.he goes in the front door of different houses

after being greeted by women

me think get more than bribe

He must be the one with the big helmet.

 regards worgeordie

i see one when i ride bike of a morning
.he goes in the front door of different houses
after being greeted by women
me think get more than bribe

He goes into 8-10 houses every 2 hours or 30-40 houses per 8 hour shift. Have to give him a lot of credit to provide that much servicing or is it to receive that much?

its incredible,  to find ,  that this thread,  to this point of time,  that only E/S  has  actually    ,   experienced  ,  the services,   of the o/p,   question


and only post  # 18 ,  is on the money,  with a commonsense reply.    to the  o/p,    on how it  works,  and why


 all  you  cobbers, are  wildly playing with your selves, expressing doubts about this service.without   being part of it, at any  given  time


its a Russell Hitchcock needed,   Air Supply


good late arvo to all

Just now, evenstevens said:

its incredible,  to find ,  that this thread,  to this point of time,  that only E/S  has  actually    ,   experienced  ,  the services,   of the o/p,   question


and only post  # 18 ,  is on the money,  with a commonsense reply.    to the  o/p,    on how it  works,  and why


 all  you  cobbers, are  wildly playing with your selves, expressing doubts about this service.without   being part of it, at any  given  time


its a Russell Hitchcock needed,   Air Supply


good late arvo to all

E/S, maybe you're the only one daft enough to pay 500 THB p.M. for a copper to come and sign a book,

unless you get an invite to the Policeman's Ball,seems money for old rope,but if it makes you feel more

secure up in the wilds of Mae Rim,what are you afraid of?,other than the wife i mean.

regards worgeordie


We practice "neighbourhood watch" in our part of the village.We communicate, as neighbours, keep an eye out on each others houses, especially if someone is going away for a time. Many of us are retired and stay home for the majority of most day so that makes it easier


After 9 years never had an incident. Paying some one to make the odd visit seems a pretty ineffective method and a waste of money to me but each to his own.


In a country that has many people on little,or no income,  I would consider the incidence of break ins is very low unlike so many parts of the western world





3 hours ago, evenstevens said:

its incredible,  to find ,  that this thread,  to this point of time,  that only E/S  has  actually    ,   experienced  ,  the services,   of the o/p,   question


and only post  # 18 ,  is on the money,  with a commonsense reply.    to the  o/p,    on how it  works,  and why


 all  you  cobbers, are  wildly playing with your selves, expressing doubts about this service.without   being part of it, at any  given  time


its a Russell Hitchcock needed,   Air Supply


good late arvo to all

Bloody hell. I'm an Aussie with a fair grip of rhyming slang and the old argot and I can't understand him.

8 hours ago, evenstevens said:

its incredible,  to find ,  that this thread,  to this point of time,  that only E/S  has  actually    ,   experienced  ,  the services,   of the o/p,   question


and only post  # 18 ,  is on the money,  with a commonsense reply.    to the  o/p,    on how it  works,  and why


 all  you  cobbers, are  wildly playing with your selves, expressing doubts about this service.without   being part of it, at any  given  time


its a Russell Hitchcock needed,   Air Supply


good late arvo to all

"Wildly playing with your selves"....


     and you would know, being the master baiter  in all.


  You try and put some bait down but I'm not biting.

10 hours ago, Sparkles said:

We practice "neighbourhood watch" in our part of the village.We communicate, as neighbours, keep an eye out on each others houses, especially if someone is going away for a time. Many of us are retired and stay home for the majority of most day so that makes it easier


After 9 years never had an incident. Paying some one to make the odd visit seems a pretty ineffective method and a waste of money to me but each to his own.


In a country that has many people on little,or no income,  I would consider the incidence of break ins is very low unlike so many parts of the western world




Sounds like you live in a Falang moo ban, I haven't experienced such in my Thai neighborhood but we do all keep an eye and I haven't had any incidents (if you referring to break-in or thefts).


I think some are missing a bit of the point of how some of it is suppose to work (not saying it does or not)


One pays for a Red Box and it's a sign of where not to mess with as they are paying for police protection, not just having the slip inside of it signed which is more of just a show (if one hasn't noticed it's a popular pastime here). 


And as I previously mentioned it might have an affect on how one gets a response when calling the station.

(I will add that when I use to pay for a number of years no one would come out when we called for a few issues we stopped paying, the officer had no problem with that and even asked if we wanted to keep the box and we haven't had any problems since)



On 5/7/2017 at 8:55 AM, evenstevens said:

during my 11 years  ,having the same service  and  by your local constabulary to boot, found the service top notch, many unseen advantages come into the package


your scare mongrering last line of your above post, is absoulately  baseless,

if the service is not to your liking, that is indeed your  decision,  but to add that a arson/burglery  may occur, if  their so called offer is not taken  up ,  is utterly  nonsense!!!!

a nice morning to all

Speak for all of them, do ya?


I'm pretty sure the type of police who are trafficking children for sex and hiring children for sex, wouldn't bat an eye burning your baan to the ground with you inside of it over a measly few baht.


It's all just a big roll of the dice. 

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