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Leading Hamas official says no softened stance towards Israel


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12 minutes ago, dexterm said:

Seems rather over dramatic, negative, and counter productive if you are genuinely seeking peace negotiations to toss what is regarded as conciliatory into the waste basket.


Maybe another Netanyahu histrionics which will come back to haunt him.

In case you missed it, the topic is about Hamas rejection of negotiations or recognition. But of course, that would be deflected in favor of another Israel bash. No issued whatsoever with Hamas's position. 

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2 minutes ago, Morch said:


Hamas's military wing is rather dominant for some time now, and even if it wasn't - it is not fully subservient to the political wing. So all them niceties about it being a "political, social organization" are used in an attempt to hide this elephant. As for "It exists only because Israel....etc" - I have no idea what you thought you were trying to say in this sentence. Either botched editing or a gross disconnect with reality.


I did not twist anything, what you posted was this - "... Yes, Christians and secular people are a small (but nevertheless important) part of the Palestinians...". Christians are a minority within Palestinian society and not always well treated. The PFLP is, nominally, a Marxist outfit, which still carries terrorist attacks against Israel. Last elections they got about 4% of the vote and (if memory serves, 3 seats in parliament). Again, refusing to acknowledge the religious aspect of the conflict, or that it is widely used and applied even by nominally secular factions is not a viable position. If you're hung on this obfuscation,  may wish to consider that Christians and "seculars" were killed by Palestinian terrorist attacks in Israel too.


The PA exists because there was a set of agreements which brought about its creation. It did not come about against the wishes of the Palestinians. It does not continue to exist against the wishes of the Palestinians. The PA does quite a bit that both Israel and the US object to, especially on the UN and the international front. It still exists. And again, no idea what you're on about with regard to Christians "within the PA" or what "tossing them out too" was referring to.


Carrying on with your one-sided view - there is also no effort to make Hamas recognize Israel, agree to negotiations and embrace a compromise. But somehow, in your account, it's all Israel's and the US's fault. That Hamas position - which is the main subject of the topic - rejects this out of hand, doesn't seem to bother you much.

To be pedantic you moved 'part' from outside the bracket to form a different meaning to what I wrote. You are just refusing to admit dishonesty. Also I'm not going to explain a clear sentence that you obviously dislike.

More attempted obfuscation from you about Christians and the PA - do you deny that they exist? Or is it that having Christians & seculars anywhere within Palestine is to much for your Muslim hatefest?


All the power in the conflict rests in Israel's hands. When they & the US make some sort of effort to agree to at least talk and include an unbiased intermediary & if Hamas refuses to be a part of those talks, then you would have a case. Until then You're just a hypocrite accusing others of bias from your own biased position.

Enough for me tonight.



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2 minutes ago, khunken said:

To be pedantic you moved 'part' from outside the bracket to form a different meaning to what I wrote. You are just refusing to admit dishonesty. Also I'm not going to explain a clear sentence that you obviously dislike.

More attempted obfuscation from you about Christians and the PA - do you deny that they exist? Or is it that having Christians & seculars anywhere within Palestine is to much for your Muslim hatefest?


All the power in the conflict rests in Israel's hands. When they & the US make some sort of effort to agree to at least talk and include an unbiased intermediary & if Hamas refuses to be a part of those talks, then you would have a case. Until then You're just a hypocrite accusing others of bias from your own biased position.

Enough for me tonight.



No dishonesty, I just don't see how it altered the meaning of what you posted. And if you insist on posting unclear musings, that's your choice. Can't argue with that, can't comment on much on them as well.


Where did I deny anything about Christians and the PA? I pointed out, since the outset of this argument that they are a small minority within Palestinian society and that  they do not usually play a major role when it comes to violence. There was a mention made which alluded to the condition of Christians under the Hamas regime - but it had nothing to do with denying anything. With regard to "seculars" - addressed the example given, which again specified another minority group. There is no Muslim hatefest in any of my posts, only in your imagination.


No, not all the power rests with Israel. That's a tired cliche. The Palestinians have the power to accept or reject solution, the power to raise alternatives, and the power to continue doing what they did up to now (for all the good it did them). I am not the one making up positions - Hamas's is right out there in the OP, and on their published position paper. It does not specify conditions to negotiating with Israel under any circumstances such as you brought up. Rather, it condemns them. You'll have a point, perhaps, when you can address the OP rather than engage in other topics. But do go on about hypocrisy and biased positions.


Under the current Hamas position, there is nothing to discuss. It basically says, we'll accept Israeli withdrawal from all Palestinian territories, plus full blown Right of Return - and then we'll continue fighting Israel. That's not a bargaining position, but one aimed at reaching no compromise. It is not Hamas per se which cannot be dealt with, but the position it puts forth.

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