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Loving This Year!


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Hua Hin can be one of the driest most drought ridden parts of the country at times, not this year! This is the first time in the past 7 years where plants and trees are not dried out and brown in colour, where the hot season has not been unbearable, and it's great. No real shortage of water to the house, no sweltering conditions where I would rather be freezing to death, and nature still looks vibrant and alive. What gives? I myself cannot recall it being this way since I have lived in Thailand, maybe this is a sneak peek into the future of the climate of this country? Have things been changing all over the country in some way too this hot season? 

Edited by JustNo
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2 hours ago, JustNo said:

Have things been changing all over the country in some way too this hot season? 

Can't speak for the whole country, but here in the northeast it's quite similar.

Repeated thunderstorms and rain.

Cloudy/overcast. Temperatures rather mild (around 33 C).

Sleeping without AC in May!


But should this increase as usual for rainy season it could end up in hefty flooding.

(my first permanent year was 2011, the year of the catastrophic flood)

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7 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

Can't speak for the whole country, but here in the northeast it's quite similar.

Repeated thunderstorms and rain.

Cloudy/overcast. Temperatures rather mild (around 33 C).

Sleeping without AC in May!


But should this increase as usual for rainy season it could end up in hefty flooding.

(my first permanent year was 2011, the year of the catastrophic flood)

I am so happy to see everything in nature so alive still. My sister visited me here last year in April and everything was dead dry and brown, something I think she was no expecting. I first came here back in 2010 and haven't relocated since, I came right into the purge of the red shirts in Bangkok, and was in Lumpini Park a week before it hit the fan there. Yet I remained here lol, speaks volumes I guess. 

Sleeping without AC is not something I do even in the 'cool' season! If I slept alone maybe I would, but with 2 bodies in a bed there is too much heat, or I find it that way anyway 

I am not sure if this will increase or that we are simply seeing an early monsoon season. It is obvious that our climate is changing, and so maybe the seasons are a direct symptom of this change. It will be interesting to hear of some 'old timers' and their experiences with climate over 20+  years 

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I live out in the countryside near Khon Kaen and the last 10 months have been very pleasant, weather wise. May - October 2016 we had average rainfall and it seemed not so hot. November 2016 - mid-March 2017 were pleasant. It was only getting into the second half of March that we started getting unbearable hot and humid days. We are in the second week in May and it seems like the wet season is off to an early start, bringing with it cooler conditions.

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Well the humidity has been terrible in Chonburi with Temps in the 90s.  They just announced rainy season coming early.  Sounds good to me high temp today was only 87 with a good shower this afternoon. March April and now May the ac does not stop.

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