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While 6 years is quite old for a battery,especially here,with the heat,

is your car having difficulty starting,if not dont replace,if it needs

replacing, any shop selling batteries with supply and fit the correct

battery for you,dont forget to get credit for your old battery off the shop.


I was getting my oil and filters at ATC ?, and they also said I needed a new

battery,B/S, nothing wrong with it, just trying to get sales,if it had of been

a lady or someone who knows nothing about cars,he would have gotten a sale.

regards worgeordie


As it's a Craptiva, you sure they didn't advise you to keep the battery

and replace the car ? :sorry:

59 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

While 6 years is quite old for a battery,especially here,with the heat,

is your car having difficulty starting,if not dont replace,if it needs

replacing, any shop selling batteries with supply and fit the correct

battery for you,dont forget to get credit for your old battery off the shop.


I was getting my oil and filters at ATC ?, and they also said I needed a new

battery,B/S, nothing wrong with it, just trying to get sales,if it had of been

a lady or someone who knows nothing about cars,he would have gotten a sale.

regards worgeordie

Except they didn't try to sell him a new battery, rather get a new one from Chevrolet...unless Bquick are owned by Chevrolet?


Otherwise agree :smile:

1 hour ago, worgeordie said:

While 6 years is quite old for a battery,especially here,with the heat,

is your car having difficulty starting,if not dont replace,if it needs

replacing, any shop selling batteries with supply and fit the correct

battery for you,dont forget to get credit for your old battery off the shop.


I was getting my oil and filters at ATC ?, and they also said I needed a new

battery,B/S, nothing wrong with it, just trying to get sales,if it had of been

a lady or someone who knows nothing about cars,he would have gotten a sale.

regards worgeordie

Yep. They are all at it. My Missus stopped in at a tire place with a slow puncture. They told her it was too close to the sidewall to repair ( fair enough, as it was )

Then suggested she needed to replace all four tires ( which was BS ) as, "they all needed to be the same !" :smile:

She called me and asked. Told her to go to the next place. They checked the wear,  sent me a pic to confirm there was still plenty of tread. Then replaced the damaged tire and rotated the rest so that the other least worn was on the driving wheels. This isn't just a Thailand thing. Tire shops and garages in the UK are notorious for tucking up women and OAP's.


Here in TH seems that 3 years is typical life for battery. If you have weak cranking for start definitely signal for battery check, add water, or even better electrolyte check. Excess caution vs. no start when parked in basement of shopping center is an easy choice for me.


i have heard when the battery is disconnected    some times the  ecu will need to be rebooted  probably with a specialist  chev meter  likewise the radio etc

2 hours ago, janclaes47 said:

You should NEVER add electrolyte to a battery, unless you intend to damage it.

No just add quality distilled water when required, pretty frequent here, all my batteries last a minimum of 5 years, my Kubota tractor needed a new one last week 6 .5 years old.


Depending on what model of Captiva you have, if you remove the battery you need to re-enter the security code for the radio. I can see that B-quick doesn't want to change the battery to avoid any issues with it.

My shop also doesn't do battery changes for certain models (Cruze, Captiva, new Mazda 3, etc).


To replace the battery in nearly any newer vehicle, you need to fool the system  A small motorcycle 12 volt battery will take care of any problems. You will need to attach the leads from the small battery to the cables from the battery before you disconnect from the vehicle battery. That will preserve all the settings. Put the replacement battery in and reconnect the replacement battery. Then you can disconnect the small battery. No problems.

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