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U.S. nears $100 billion arms deal for Saudi Arabia - White House official


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U.S. nears $100 billion arms deal for Saudi Arabia - White House official

By Steve Holland


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is close to completing a series of arms deals for Saudi Arabia totaling more than $100 billion, a senior White House official said on Friday, a week ahead of President Donald Trump's planned visit to Riyadh.


The official, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said the arms package could end up surpassing more than $300 billion over a decade to help Saudi Arabia boost its defensive capabilities while still maintaining U.S. ally Israel's qualitative military edge over its neighbors.


"We are in the final stages of a series of deals," the official said. The package is being developed to coincide with Trump's visit to Saudi Arabia. Trump leaves for the kingdom on May 19, the first stop on his maiden international trip.


Reuters reported last week that Washington was pushing through contracts for tens of billions of dollars in arms sales to Saudi Arabia, some new, others already in the pipeline, ahead of Trump's visit.


The United States has been the main supplier for most Saudi military needs, from F-15 fighter jets to command and control systems worth tens of billions of dollars in recent years. Trump has vowed to stimulate the U.S. economy by boosting manufacturing jobs.


The package includes American arms and maintenance, ships, air missile defense and maritime security, the official said.


"We'll see a very substantial commitment ... In many ways it is intended to build capabilities for the threats they face."


The official added: "It's good for the American economy but it will also be good in terms of building a capability that is appropriate for the challenges of the region. Israel would still maintain an edge."


While in Riyadh, the official said Trump would attend three major events: A series of meeting with Saudi officials, a separate session with leaders of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council and a lunch with Arab and Muslim leaders, 56 of whom have been invited, to discuss combating extremism and cracking down on illicit financing.


Trump will discuss how to counter the threat from Islamic State militants, the war in Yemen and threats of ballistic missiles and maritime shipping in the Red Sea, the official said.


U.S. Navy commanders have accused Iran of jeopardizing international navigation by "harassing" warships passing through the Strait of Hormuz. Gulf Arab states are optimistic about Trump whom they see as a hawkish leader opposed to their adversary Iran.


A major part of the agenda with Gulf leaders will be the Syrian civil war amid calls for "de-escalation zones" in Syria to provide a safe haven for Syrian refugees.


Besides Saudi Arabia, Trump's first foreign trip will also include visits to Israel, the Vatican, Brussels for a NATO summit and Sicily for a Group of Seven summit.

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-05-13
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                   No matter that Saudi Arabia provided 19 of the 20 bombers re; 9-11.  Trump is keeping a tradition, given full vent, by the two Bush Administrations of kissing Saudi butts, no matter what.


             And then there's the issue of women's rights.  If HRC were prez, she would lean on the Saudis to enact laws which give Saudi women more equality with men.   Currently, a Saudi female cannot enter into a contract about anything (business, property, buying a big ticket item) without a male guarantor.  

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17 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                   No matter that Saudi Arabia provided 19 of the 20 bombers re; 9-11.  Trump is keeping a tradition, given full vent, by the two Bush Administrations of kissing Saudi butts, no matter what.


             And then there's the issue of women's rights.  If HRC were prez, she would lean on the Saudis to enact laws which give Saudi women more equality with men.   Currently, a Saudi female cannot enter into a contract about anything (business, property, buying a big ticket item) without a male guarantor.  

I don't think that Saudi Arabia 'provided' 19 out of 20 bombers.   I think 19 came from Saudi Arabia.   There is a difference.


I am not a supporter of Trump, but if HRC were president, she would be selling weapons to the Saudi's as well.   She might be more vocal on women's issues, but the Saudi's wouldn't change and it would just be words.   


At this point, the Saudi's hold most of the bargaining chips -- oil and money and that pretty much lets them decide the terms.  

Edited by Credo
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4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                   No matter that Saudi Arabia provided 19 of the 20 bombers re; 9-11.  Trump is keeping a tradition, given full vent, by the two Bush Administrations of kissing Saudi butts, no matter what.


             And then there's the issue of women's rights.  If HRC were prez, she would lean on the Saudis to enact laws which give Saudi women more equality with men.   Currently, a Saudi female cannot enter into a contract about anything (business, property, buying a big ticket item) without a male guarantor.  

I wonder where you got the info for the last statement.
Many businesses are owned and run by Saudi National Females.

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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                   No matter that Saudi Arabia provided 19 of the 20 bombers re; 9-11.  Trump is keeping a tradition, given full vent, by the two Bush Administrations of kissing Saudi butts, no matter what.


             And then there's the issue of women's rights.  If HRC were prez, she would lean on the Saudis to enact laws which give Saudi women more equality with men.   Currently, a Saudi female cannot enter into a contract about anything (business, property, buying a big ticket item) without a male guarantor.  

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and the UAE were all generous Clinton Foundation donors.


During Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State all received increased weapons export authorizations from the US State Department.


To suggest that a President Hillary Clinton would be anything other than ‘business as usual’ when it comes to the Saudis is simply not realistic.


By the way, fifteen out of nineteen 9/11 hijackers were Saudi citizens.  

(All of them held US driving licenses)


Edited by Hayduke
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Did Trump not say he will defeat ISIS and radical Islam ? Now he give the biggest Sponsor of both more Weapons---same Game

wich startet with Bush Junior ---just a new Face---What a Joke



Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


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1 hour ago, anotheruser said:

It's nothing personal it's just business. $100 to $300 billion is a lot of money.

You've just summed up in a couple of sentences what is wrong with the world we live in. Have you ever considered politics as a career?

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12 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                   No matter that Saudi Arabia provided 19 of the 20 bombers re; 9-11.  Trump is keeping a tradition, given full vent, by the two Bush Administrations of kissing Saudi butts, no matter what.


             And then there's the issue of women's rights.  If HRC were prez, she would lean on the Saudis to enact laws which give Saudi women more equality with men.   Currently, a Saudi female cannot enter into a contract about anything (business, property, buying a big ticket item) without a male guarantor.  

You do realize that Saudi Arabia has some of the BEST fighter pilots, correct...? There isn't ANY need for a male guarantor...That is total B/S

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12 hours ago, Credo said:

I don't think that Saudi Arabia 'provided' 19 out of 20 bombers.   I think 19 came from Saudi Arabia.   There is a difference.


I am not a supporter of Trump, but if HRC were president, she would be selling weapons to the Saudi's as well.   She might be more vocal on women's issues, but the Saudi's wouldn't change and it would just be words.   


At this point, the Saudi's hold most of the bargaining chips -- oil and money and that pretty much lets them decide the terms.  


8 hours ago, KKr said:

I wonder where you got the info for the last statement.
Many businesses are owned and run by Saudi National Females.


18 minutes ago, fish monger said:

You do realize that Saudi Arabia has some of the BEST fighter pilots, correct...? There isn't ANY need for a male guarantor...That is total B/S

 Guys, you not gonna let facts get in the way of this pure Trump hatred spun by our resident lefty.

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With regards to Saudi Arabia, same policy no matter who is president. Let's not let politics get in the way of making money and sowing the seeds of mayhem across the globe. We also inadvertently happen to be the largest arms supplier to ISIS. 

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16 hours ago, rooster59 said:

While in Riyadh, the official said Trump would attend three major events: A series of meeting with Saudi officials, a separate session with leaders of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council and a lunch with Arab and Muslim leaders, 56 of whom have been invited, to discuss combating extremism and cracking down on illicit financing.


Trump will discuss how to counter the threat from Islamic State militants, the war in Yemen and threats of ballistic missiles and maritime shipping in the Red Sea, the official said.


Well this is a deal that has taken the best part of 5 years to put together and a LOT of work. What everyone should be worried about is that on this visit, the orange one will be expected to speak AND discuss with some very shrewd people and he knows absolutely nothing! That really jeopardises the deal. Lets see, it will be fun thats for sure.

Edited by Andaman Al
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27 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Well this is a deal that has taken the best part of 5 years to put together and a LOT of work. What everyone should be worried about is that on this visit, the orange one will be expected to speak AND discuss with some very shrewd people and he knows absolutely nothing! That really jeopardises the deal. Lets see, it will be fun thats for sure.


Obama was the one who didn't know anything. Billions of cash flown into Iran is a great deal? LOL, Thanks Obama.  At least Trump has some understanding of business and won't short change America like Obama did for 8 years every chance he had.

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45 minutes ago, Crowes said:


Obama was the one who didn't know anything. Billions of cash flown into Iran is a great deal? LOL, Thanks Obama.  At least Trump has some understanding of business and won't short change America like Obama did for 8 years every chance he had.

One last time for Trump supporters, it was Iran's cash returned not monies from the US Treasury. So far Iran has complied to the conditions set by the P5+1 team for the nuclear deal. Whilst you may not be comfortable with the methods of fighting and the government, Iran is one of the main contributors fighting ISIS .


More money will flow to the US defence industry due to Israel's guaranteed military equipment parity with the Saudis.

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Of COURSE, these <deleted> weapons will never be used to kill or maim innocents. They'll only be used in self defense. Defending themselves from OTHERS the U.S. has sold weapons to.


The world is being brought to its knees by this idiocy.

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8 hours ago, Crowes said:


 At least Trump has some understanding of business and won't short change America like Obama did for 8 years every chance he had.


"...some understanding of business..."

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Whew, thanks for that one. I needed a good laugh! That "some understanding of business" is so minuscule as to be non-existent. Aside from real estate deals and leasing out his name, please list one business that Trump has ever entered into that has succeeded. And, no, his golf courses don't count. According to articles in both Fortune and Reuters, Trump is bleeding cash from those "investments". (http://fortune.com/2016/10/12/donald-trump-hasnt-stopped-the-bleeding-at-his-golf-courses/) (http://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/trump-golf/) Trump's "success" lies in his unfathomable ability to con others into believing in him...like he did you.


Then there's this...he sits down with a journalist from The Economist and tries to explain economics to him, taking credit for creating a phrase that's been around since at least the 1930's. It is at the same time both hilarious and frightening, that someone with so much power has so little understanding of even basic information. And such a pathetic grasp of vocabulary.


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23 hours ago, anotheruser said:

It's nothing personal it's just business. $100 to $300 billion is a lot of money.


Isn't your first sentence a line used repeatedly in "The Godfather" series of movies?


Sums the world today up nicely!

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On 5/13/2017 at 11:07 AM, rooster59 said:

Reuters reported last week that Washington was pushing through contracts for tens of billions of dollars in arms sales to Saudi Arabia, some new, others already in the pipeline, ahead of Trump's v

And the winner is? No need for an envelope we already know. The arms merchants in the US

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3 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

And the winner is? No need for an envelope we already know. The arms merchants in the US

What's so wrong with a few arms dealers making some honest business? They have families to feed and bills to pay too.

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I read that as an incentive for the Trump Administration to authorise the arms sale the Saudi's have promised to invest an additional US$200 billion into the US economy. Trump has requested the monies be invested in Rust Belt areas that voted for him. It will be interesting to read about the response, if any, from Rust Belt voters that their potential  new jobs stimulation is being funded by a very conservative Islamic dictatorship, as were the potentially 50,000 new jobs boasted about by Trump, by the Japanese consortia investment (50% funded by the Saudis).

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