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Most corrupt public institution, Justice Ministry to check on itself

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The Justice Ministry, alleged as  the most corrupt public institution, says it will spend 100 days on a self-assessment campaign to improve the judicial system. The Committee for Legal and Judicial Reform’s permanent secretariat said the aim was to improve the entire ministry. The campaign will start next month.

“The purpose of this campaign is to update strategies so that the legal and judicial reforms are reliable, precise and applicable, especially in response to the country’s current situation which requires that the capital and provincial courts be evaluated for their effectiveness as well as their work progress,” the committee said. The first of two phases will be a a self-assessment report based on a questionnaire. The second will be an evaluation in which officials will visit the courts and conduct additional discussions based on the results from the first phase.

Transparency International (TI) Cambodia announced in March that according to its 2016 Global Corruption Barometer, the judiciary remained the most corrupt public institution in the eyes of Cambodians. The Committee for Legal and Judicial Reform said the the self-assessment would cover leadership and management of the institutions, institutional policy and planning, institution resources, institution’s procedures, the needs and customer satisfaction, convenience and price of service as well as the trust and confidence from the public.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/38334/justice-ministry--to-check-on-itself/


-- © Copyright Khmer Times 15/05



When you see the poor go Prison and the Rich and powerful never ever go to prison that's Thailand's Judicial System. That's Fair & Balanced in Thailand.

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