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More than 700 CNRP supporters from six provinces have defected to the ruling CPP party ahead of next month’s commune elections. The defectors, who include provincial and village-level leaders, cited their lack of confidence in the CNRP’s leadership and the party’s inability to resolve internal issues.

CPP spokesman Sok Ey San said his party had received CNRP supporters from Phnom Penh, Kampong Speu, Koh Kong, Kampot, Banteay Meanchey and Pursat provinces. He claimed this was because the CNRP lacked leadership and had offered only vague policy guidelines for the long term.

The defectors had decided to switch without any pressure being exerted on them. “Our party welcomes not only them but everyone who wants to join us,” Mr Ey San said. “There are two main reasons for opposition party members defecting to the CPP. Firstly, the CNRP has a fractured leadership and unclear policies. Secondly, it did not follow a proper selection process for candidates. Party members were unhappy with that.”


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/38388/hundreds-abandon-the-cnrp/



-- © Copyright Khmer Times 16/05


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