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Faulty ATM machine or just me ??

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3 times I have experienced ATM machines telling me that I entered the wrong pin code and then retain my card.

My problem is that I all the times used the card successful the day before and the machine retained the card

after I enters the pin code first time (not 3 times wrong in a row or in 1 day)

And I am 100 % sure I entered the right code.
Of cause the keyboard could be faulty and register a dobble key but I do not understand why it retain the card after first try.

My card was a chip card only 2 month old...
Of cause I had it blocked right away..

Krungsri bank told me, that when you call support about this,  you have to tell them than you do not want to pay for a new card.
If you do not tell support that you want new free card the bank can not issue you a new card for free ???? :annoyed:
( Kungsri  gave me a free new card anyway :thumbsup: )

Do other here have the same experience?

Probably a sw fasult since the sw was made by humans..
(I am a SW engineer, so I know biggest contributor for problems are the programmer of the sw or the user :biggrin: )


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I'm assuming you're talking about losing a Thai bank ATM card in a Thai bank ATM machine.


FWIW, I've never heard of a normally operating ATM machine "swallowing" an ATM card after just one incorrect PIN entry. But I believe they will do that after several consecutive incorrect PIN entries.


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I have 2 Krungsri bank cards and I have occasionally mixed up the pin codes. But neither card has been retained following my mistake. and the second try with the correct PIN has always been successful.


I doubt that the problem is software related, it's more likely to be a faulty card. (Given that you are sure about the PIN of course)


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In my whole lifetime in my worldwide travels/living, to include living in Thailand for the last 9 years and using my debit cards very frequently in Thai ATMs, I've only had an ATM eat my debit card once (knock on wood...my head).   And that one time was about 18 months ago when a Bangkok Bank ATM ate my Bangkok Bank debit card outside of a Foodland store in Bangkok.


. It ate it at the very end of the transaction (long after the PIN entry) where money was suppose to spit out...and it took a good 45 seconds  at the very end of the transaction to finish trying to give me my money and just retained the card. During that 45 seconds of just staring at the screen waiting for it to finish I knew something had went wrong....and if I remember right it didnt' even give me an error message at the very end.   Thankfully, n.No money was withdrawn from my account.


I went and got a replacement card that afternoon from my bank branch...no charge since the "I had not caused the problem, loss my card, etc."    There would have been a replacement fee of Bt100 otherwise.  


A few days later at that same Foodland one of the employees told my wife other people had they cards eaten by that Bangkok Bank ATM that day...that ATM was probably just having problems on that day...either internal ATM problems or communications link problems.


I also have a Krungsri debit card for around 3 years now...never had a problem in using it....never been eaten by an ATM.   Have also used my non-Krungsri debit cards in Krungsri ATMs without issue.  Well, except one time when my U.S. Schwab chipped debit card just wouldn't work in this one Krungsri or  oneTMB ATMs in this one mall for a few months....but would work in other ATMs in that mall....go to another mall and the card worked fine in the Krungsri ATM.  Must have been some communications link problems into that one mall for a while for Krungsri and TMB ATMs.  Now my Schwab card works fine in those ATMs.    


It the OP.s is always using the same ATM(s) at a certain location, maybe it just those ATMs at that location.   Try another location/ATM in another mall, a couple kilometers away, etc.  



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I have lost 3 card in 5 years, so it is not the biggest problem in the world.
Every time using the wireless ATM machines, so not I start to only use the once in a bank :-)

2 times ATM machines did not give the correct amount and 1 time it did not give out any money at all but still 
deducted the amount from my account.
There where not any problem getting the money back from the bank after they checked the atm machines :-) 

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