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How does one register a marriage at the amphur?


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An aussie friend was recently married. He briefly showed me a copy of a Stat Dec' from the oz embassy in bangkok. He said he took it to a nearby translator. Then he had to take it all to an office in bangkok to get an official letter. What is the name of that office and what form do I fill out? 


Once I get that official form from them do I take it all to the amphur with my passport. Is that all? 


Does the wife just take house book and id?


many thanks for your advice

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The Stat Dec you are referring to is for you to state your full particulars, name, Oz address, passport details and the fact that legally you are able to marry, and that ylu are currently single. This will be certified by the embassy. A photocopy of your passport, again certified at embassy. 


Then these have to be taken to an approved Thai translator (not any translator). Then the paperwork is all taken to Dept of Foreign Affairs in BKK. They will approve all the paperwork, as legal. Then off to the local Amphur with your wife's housebook and ID, with two Thai witnesses. Then you will be legally married under Thai law. Some will have a marriage ceremony, with or without monks present, and not register the marriage to protect their assets.  To the family you are both married, but not legally unless registered at the Amphur... 

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The translation of the statutory declaration has to be certified by the department of consular affairs in Bangkok. Most translation service can get the certification done for you.

Info here on where you go for the certification. http://www.consular.go.th/main/th/services/6441/71860-ขั้นตอนการรับรองนิติกรณ์เอกสาร---Legalization-Proc.html

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20 hours ago, owenm said:

The Stat Dec you are referring to is for you to state your full particulars, name, Oz address, passport details and the fact that legally you are able to marry, and that ylu are currently single. This will be certified by the embassy. A photocopy of your passport, again certified at embassy. 


Then these have to be taken to an approved Thai translator (not any translator). Then the paperwork is all taken to Dept of Foreign Affairs in BKK. They will approve all the paperwork, as legal. Then off to the local Amphur with your wife's housebook and ID, with two Thai witnesses. Then you will be legally married under Thai law. Some will have a marriage ceremony, with or without monks present, and not register the marriage to protect their assets.  To the family you are both married, but not legally unless registered at the Amphur... 

Hi I got married last year ... Big ceremony...all family...from far and near....very touching for everybody and very real all well documented with literally hundreds of photos even they put it on Fb..........now a year later I had some visa issue and at chaeng wattana the officer asked me if I was married...my SURE YES with details given ( date time circumstances ) just let him tired but compassionately smiling  and he said not valid not real....anyone explain ??? How I can register this at the amphur ???? bring the photos or the monks to confess ....??? Visa easy if married now I got treatment like a stranger ( from official not from family sure )..it was already a year ago...did I miss something...??? from all the family uncles cousins I was told this is the real marriage Thai style they accept me a 100 % ... To

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59 minutes ago, free123 said:

Hi I got married last year ... Big ceremony...all family...from far and near....very touching for everybody and very real all well documented with literally hundreds of photos even they put it on Fb..........now a year later I had some visa issue and at chaeng wattana the officer asked me if I was married...my SURE YES with details given ( date time circumstances ) just let him tired but compassionately smiling  and he said not valid not real....anyone explain ??? How I can register this at the amphur ???? bring the photos or the monks to confess ....??? Visa easy if married now I got treatment like a stranger ( from official not from family sure )..it was already a year ago...did I miss something...??? from all the family uncles cousins I was told this is the real marriage Thai style they accept me a 100 % ... To

Thai people have a big party to celebrate your coming together so they can show off to all their friends and family and not lose face by your living together BUT you are not married......the party means nothing.....the monks blessing means nothing.

The marriage takes place in an Amphur when you register your names on the system.

It is very easy to do but the hassle is getting the paperwork in preparation beforehand. You need to go to your Embassy with your proof of eligibility and they will give you a letter of affirmation, you then have to take this along with your passport to a translator who will translate and this then has to go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangkok and they will stamp this to make it a legal documents. Once you have this you then take your wife with her I'd card and house book to an Amphur and they will marry you.


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... been married for 8 yrs in the U.S cut to the chase ,,  we went to the  Royal Thai Consulate in NYC and had our marriage certificate and all ID's and documents translated and officially stamped (for a fee) ..  and was told to just present this to a local Amphur in BKK   .. so this  March we were in BKK and trotted off to the office in B--g R-k got there at 10am and the receptionist immediately called the  supervisor over,  he looked at our paperwk grinned and said very good,, but not on "my" form, you must go to "this" translator and they will re-do it (small fee) walked down the block   paid the 500 was told to go straight back to the office at 2pm and the paperwk would be delivered there.  Like clockwork the  woman walked in , smiled went straight past everyone and right to the back of the  office to see the  supervisor.  handed him (2) envelopes one was our paper work..    we got called to sit at the  counter and the  clerk asked a few questions and was typing, had her 2 sisters/witnesses sign off then  brought paperwk over to the  supervisor  he read thru made a few marks/corrections handed it back to the  clerk .  who made the  entries.   brought It over to the desk next to the supervisor,,  who got up ,  sat at that desk,   went thru the  same gestures  and returned it to her .   this was repeated  three more time using 3 diff desks    .  (same supervisor) finally,, we were invited to sit at one of his 3 desks..  ( not sure if it was Moe/Larry or Curly at that point) he asked a few questions. my work  age etc   and stamped everything .    small fee and we got our registration ..                                                                          I got to see the "show" live and in person

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