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Former FBI director to lead Russia inquiry


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9 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

isn't that great…..let him run the country…enough distractions and noise by the dems trying to derail his agenda.  if something is found then let us see it.

Open your eyes. There's a whole lot to see already, .....and a whole lot more offal is going to get flushed down the tubes.  Trump is not only in deep kaka, he's got it running through his veins.  Pence and Kushner are going to be collateral damage.  Ironically, Bannon may be the only one standing in the Oval Office (the only one not led away in handcuffs), when Ryan shows up to sit at the desk there.   I detest Ryan, but he's a better man than Trump or Pence.

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White House looking at ethics rule to weaken special investigation: sources

The Trump administration is exploring whether it can use an obscure ethics rule to undermine the special counsel investigation into ties between President Donald Trump's campaign team and Russia, two people familiar with White House thinking said on Friday.

Trump has said that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's hiring of former FBI Director Robert Mueller as special counsel to lead the investigation "hurts our country terribly."

Within hours of Mueller's appointment on Wednesday, the White House began reviewing the Code of Federal Regulations, which restricts newly hired government lawyers from investigating their prior law firm’s clients for one year after their hiring, the sources said.



There's also another report that, contrary to his image as being a restraining influence on Trump, in the matter of the special prosecutor Jared Kushner has been urging his father-in-law to resist.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that Jared Kushner is part of Trump’s Russia problem

Jared Kushner: the young, pragmatic, hardheaded businessman out to modernize the US government and moderate the worst tendencies of his father-in-law — Donald Trump.

As the Trump administration’s been sent into a death spiral over the firing of FBI Director James Comey last week — a failed move to curtail the Justice Department investigation into contact between his campaign and the Russian government — Kushner hasn’t been the “adult in the room” urging caution and scrupulousness. To the contrary, he’s been urging aggression and retaliation.


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57 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Open your eyes. There's a whole lot to see already, .....and a whole lot more offal is going to get flushed down the tubes.  Trump is not only in deep kaka, he's got it running through his veins.  Pence and Kushner are going to be collateral damage.  Ironically, Bannon may be the only one standing in the Oval Office (the only one not led away in handcuffs), when Ryan shows up to sit at the desk there.   I detest Ryan, but he's a better man than Trump or Pence.

you talk a lot…..with no proof of any wrongdoing….just a prayer...please god, let it be true.


it takes a lot more than that to convince people you're right. Right now you sound just disgruntled.



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2 hours ago, iReason said:




The F.B.I. is going to reveal sources and evidence in an ongoing investigation.


Just for you.


lets see the evidence when they're done….and maybe you can hold the pre judice  till them.

Edited by JHolmesJr
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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Actually, those of us who want the best for America DON'T WANT HIM TO BE RUNNING THE COUNTRY.  So, the less he does, the better.   Similarly, the sooner he's out of office, the better.             


LOsing teams often feel this way…but the ones with any self respect don't say it openly.

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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


LOsing teams often feel this way…but the ones with any self respect don't say it openly.

You have succeeded in electing a clueless, narcissistic incompetent who is easily swayed by the flattery of opportunists, but easily redirected by the flattery of the next opportunist.  Revel in the victory of the fools if you will, those who care about the country have other concerns.

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8 hours ago, heybruce said:

You have succeeded in electing a clueless, narcissistic incompetent who is easily swayed by the flattery of opportunists, but easily redirected by the flattery of the next opportunist.  Revel in the victory of the fools if you will, those who care about the country have other concerns.

So if you cant find any criminal activity to pin on this guy, you settle on 'clueless narcissism'.


Who's really the clueless opportunist here?

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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

So if you cant find any criminal activity to pin on this guy, you settle on 'clueless narcissism'.


Who's really the clueless opportunist here?

Give it time, the criminal activity is being uncovered. 


Who's the clueless opportunist?  The one in the White House.  The people who put him there are simply clueless.

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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

So if you cant find any criminal activity to pin on this guy, you settle on 'clueless narcissism'.


Who's really the clueless opportunist here?


3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

So if you cant find any criminal activity to pin on this guy, you settle on 'clueless narcissism'.


Who's really the clueless opportunist here?

You have a penchant for commenting about there being no evidence and/or no criminality and challenging others to prove wrongdoing on Trump's behalf. Sorry, but there are overwhelming indications that something isn't right. The possibility exists, albeit a slim one, that Trump is innocent of any criminality. Additionally, it's not just Trump that is under scrutiny. Many in his entourage are worthy of examination. I suspect that Trump is worried about more than just Russia. The may well be many skeletons in his closet that he is afraid of having come to light once investigators start digging. Keep in mind that any criminality of any kind that is uncovered in the course of this investigation will be subject to prosecution. But that is for the investigation to determine, not you and not me. However, you didn't seem to have any problems insisting that Clinton was guilty of Benghazi or the email thing, even though repeated investigations came up with nothing. I would be willing to post a sizable bet that you still cling to those assumptions, even with a complete lack of evidence. Ergo, your rather silly attempts to dissuade those of us who believe contrary to you do nothing more than demonstrate the massive level of hypocrisy you are willing to exhibit, along with the clear double standard by which you live.

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This guy is on Trump's payroll...he will find nothing, if anything he'll end up charging Hillary.

The press has to get busy and nail this bastard...we can't look to Trump's government for help!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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2 minutes ago, mogandave said:

This guy is on Trump's payroll...he will find nothing, if anything he'll end up charging Hillary.

The press has to get busy and nail this bastard...we can't look to Trump's government for help!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

With friends like mogandave who needs....

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On 5/20/2017 at 6:07 AM, stander said:

Now that a special counsel has been appointed, the heat will be of President Trump himself as it is now completely appropriate for President Trump to decline to answer any questions regarding the Russians. The witch-hunt is now neatly contained, the media will have to hound Rober Meuller to feed their agenda.

Before the man-child became president questions asked and stories reported by the media was just them doing their job.

Now it's being on a witch hunt and having an agenda.

Poor darlings. It must really hurt for the trumpets to see the man-child make an a** of himself in the world of grown-ups.


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I posted:
" There is a very obvious indication of financial corruption, which is probably somewhere in line for investigation:  After the election Trump doubled the admission fee to Mar-a-Lago to $200,000.  After entering being sworn in he made Mar-a-Lago his 'Winter White House', traveling there at great expense to taxpayers, having official dinners there, and making it a highly desirable club to belong to for anyone hoping to influence US policy. "
I assumed connecting the dots would be a trivial mental exercise, but apparently it was too much for some people.  So here's the easy to understand summary:
Trump is using the office of the Presidency to promote his businesses and make lots of money.  That is illegal, and probably an impeachable offense (I only say 'probably' because I don't think these grounds for impeachment have been tried yet).
Do you understand my post now?

Yes, it is clear. You are jumping to conclusions.

So any price increase of any product/service the Trump organisation provides is an impeachable offence.

Good luck getting that to stick.

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1 minute ago, Dagnabbit said:


Yes, it is clear. You are jumping to conclusions.

So any price increase of any product/service the Trump organisation provides is an impeachable offence.

Good luck getting that to stick.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


The thing is, Trump set himself up for this kind of accusation by not doing the decent, ethical thing and putting his business into a blind trust.

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2 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:


Yes, it is clear. You are jumping to conclusions.

So any price increase of any product/service the Trump organisation provides is an impeachable offence.

Good luck getting that to stick.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Actually it's Trump's blatant use of the office of the Presidency to promote his businesses that is the impeachable offense.  His doubling the admission fee to Mar-a-Lago just after the election simply makes it much more obvious that he is using his position to enrich himself.

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9 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

The thing is, Trump set himself up for this kind of accusation by not doing the decent, ethical thing and putting his business into a blind trust.

LOL. If Trump was a decent ethical man he wouldn't be president. Decent ethical people won't go anywhere near the swamp, as it is full of dirt and filth.

That is why the last election came down to HRC and him. 

He was elected to drain the swamp, but he has to know about the swamp to do it.

Populations get the governments they deserve.

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. If Trump was a decent ethical man he wouldn't be president. Decent ethical people won't go anywhere near the swamp, as it is full of dirt and filth.

That is why the last election came down to HRC and him. 

He was elected to drain the swamp, but he has to know about the swamp to do it.

Populations get the governments they deserve.

And yet despite that, previous presidents who were wealthy businessmen, somehow managed to put their holdings into a blind trust.

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12 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Actually it's Trump's blatant use of the office of the Presidency to promote his businesses that is the impeachable offense.  His doubling the admission fee to Mar-a-Lago just after the election simply makes it much more obvious that he is using his position to enrich himself.

Trump’s Campaign Spends 5 Times More on Rent Now That Donors Are Paying for It


"The Trump campaign's rent for its headquarters at Trump Tower has soared in just a few months."


"The Huffington Post reports that, according to FEC records, until March Donald Trump's campaign had been paying $35,458 in rent each month since last summer. In July, the campaign paid $169,758—an increase of nearly 500%."





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2 hours ago, Traveler19491 said:


 I suspect that Trump is worried about more than just Russia. The may well be many skeletons in his closet that he is afraid of having come to light once investigators start digging. 


yesssiree bob….noted.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He was elected to drain the swamp.....

No, he wasn't. He was elected because a large minority of the voters for unfathomable reasons thought their lives were so bad that it was a good idea to cut off their nose to spite their face.

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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

And yet despite that, previous presidents who were wealthy businessmen, somehow managed to put their holdings into a blind trust.

They were also standard issue politicians. The entire point of electing Trump was that he ISN'T a standard issue politician.

I doubt he gives a monkey's as to whether the liberals complain about it or not. He IS the president. He doesn't have to, quite legally.

If the left don't like it, they can change the law next time they control the presidency and both houses of congress.

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15 minutes ago, Becker said:

No, he wasn't. He was elected because a large minority of the voters for unfathomable reasons thought their lives were so bad that it was a good idea to cut off their nose to spite their face.

Their lives were so bad after 8 years of a Democrat president! Fancy that.

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29 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Their lives were so bad after 8 years of a Democrat president! Fancy that.

Care to elaborate on how it was so bad they knowingly elected a walking disaster like the man-child?

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Their lives were so bad after 8 years of a Democrat president! Fancy that.

If not for Russian interference on behalf of and with the help of Trump Hillary Clinton would be the President today and we would not be living this nightmare of incompetence.
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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

They were also standard issue politicians. The entire point of electing Trump was that he ISN'T a standard issue politician.

I doubt he gives a monkey's as to whether the liberals complain about it or not. He IS the president. He doesn't have to, quite legally.

If the left don't like it, they can change the law next time they control the presidency and both houses of congress.

No one can dispute your first claim, Trump is not a standard issue anything.  However that clearly doesn't qualify him to be president. 


Regarding legal obligations, Obama had no legal obligation to release his long-form birth certificate, but Trump and others insisted it had to be done. 


Sometimes it's a good idea to do more than the legal minimum to stay out of jail.  Although in Trump's case I suspect he is not putting his assets in a blind trust because his intent from the beginning was to profit from office, probably by using the Presidency to facilitate some real estate deals with Russian oligarchs.  So far that hasn't been possible; he's already under too much scrutiny for his Russian connections, so he's just swinging as much government business to his overpriced hotels and resorts as he can.

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14 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Their lives were so bad after 8 years of a Democrat president! Fancy that.

DOW 2009 - 7649/2017 - 19855

Private sector job creation Bush - (462,000 negative)/Obama - +14,910,000

Consumer Confidence Jan, 2009 - 37.7/Oct, 2016 - 92.4

Actual jobs added in 8 years  Bush - 1.3 million/Obama - 11.3 million

Deficit as % of GDP  2009 - 9,8/2017 - 2.9

Annual Deficit  2009 - $1.4 trillion/2016 - $426 billion


Yeah, those last 8 years really sucked. Obama was far from being a great President, but his record eclipsed that of his predecessor. Overall his numbers were good. Additionally, he was highly respected by world leaders. The same world leaders who view Trump as little more than an incompetent, dangerous man-child. There were several reasons why so many uninformed, willfully ignorant people voted for Trump. He was hugely successful at exploiting their ignorance about the economy and the facts on domestic terrorism. He succeeded in fanning their fears about immigration and their personal biases on race, gender, homosexuality, and abortion (he was for it before he was against it). He managed to convince them that he was "successful" without providing any proof, like his taxes or a detailed financial statement (he's not, unless you consider cheating, lying, and engaging in  business practices of dubious legality to be "successful") and that he was smarter than the average politician/business person/military leader/religious expert/philosopher/scientist/healthcare worker/insurance professional/etc., etc., etc. He was able to capitalize on the hunger by the borderline illiterate for someone to tell them what to do and to curtail the freedoms exercised by thinking people that annoy/frighten the ignorant, like the 19 states that are moving to criminalize peaceful protest in blatant violation of the First Amendment. Trump fanned the flames of fear when he claimed that unemployment was closer to 42% (a flat out lie) because of the people no longer looking for jobs. He included high school students, the disabled, the retired, stay-at-home parents, and many others who would remain unemployed regardless of what the economy was like. He lied repeatedly when he assured the gullible that he would be "the greatest job creator ever". He lied when he promised to bring back coal mining jobs. He lied when he promised to "Buy American", then used Chinese steel to build his hotel in Washington while having his clothing lines and even his "Make America Great Again" hats made in sweat shops overseas. I could continue, but I'd be here all day. Trump lies when it would be easier to tell the truth.


You trumpanzees love to whine about how horrible it was under Obama, yet you refuse to post facts to back up your pathetic drivel. Put up or shut up.

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