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Tsunami Donations Get Stolen In Thailand

The Skipper

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I think he might have been talking about the stealing of aid monies and not hotels safes and valuables from dead bodies.

Hmm, yeah, i guess so.

But the problem is there also that it is rather complex as well. One thing, as Diablo Bob has pointed out, the NGO system has to be completely redone. But how, i don't know.

In every crises/desaster zone you have huge misallocations of funds and corruption, especially when they are in under developed and developing countries. But if you let the UN, or another large agency, handle everyting, then you'll get even worse corruption.

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I think he might have been talking about the stealing of aid monies and not hotels safes and valuables from dead bodies.

Hmm, yeah, i guess so.

But the problem is there also that it is rather complex as well. One thing, as Diablo Bob has pointed out, the NGO system has to be completely redone. But how, i don't know.

In every crises/desaster zone you have huge misallocations of funds and corruption, especially when they are in under developed and developing countries. But if you let the UN, or another large agency, handle everyting, then you'll get even worse corruption.

My best pal has just left the UN posting he had as a British Diplomat and he worked in the finance committe for some things - he is very liberal with a small "l" but what he saw shocked him.

I think the disgusting thing about this situation though is its probably known who it is, can be audited and found but the Thai's choose not to investigate.

Maybe they will now appoint General Nop of the "Sweep it under the carpet divison" - special section "Saudi Jewels case"

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I know you have to defend your country and all that but the response it happens elsewhere is pretty piss poor for a supposed educated man if I may say so.

This is a national disgrace and instead of pointing out penny stealing by a few elsewhere i would be hanging my head in shame as a thai because of the corruption, greed and theft taken place by Thai bigwigs as shown above from the needy in their most dire need.

People of the world gave freely to help these people and its probably ended up as Mecerdes, nmia noi's and new business dealing for corrup police and officials.

You answer is "Its not only Thailand" - just look at the scale of cirruption in your country fro top to bottom. Sorry but you are in a piss poor state and sending .0001% to get educated oversea's is not going to pull you out of the mire you create for yourselves - look at FDI going elsewhere?

I wasn't defending it. I only wanted to point out that it's not the first or worst of its kind, and I did acknowledge that it's a disgrace. The government has investigated it and already submitted its findings to Seripisut. So why not wait for a few days to see what they will say before start bitching about the obvious Thailand's shortfalls as usual?

We are in a piss poor state and will never "get out of this mire"? Oh yeah? So why did you come here in the first place? Why did you choose to leave your country and family to live in a "piss poor state" like ours? Doesn't that say a lot more about your country than mine? I guess your country must be an <deleted> miserable sheethole then for you to have chosen to come and live here.

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I do not live in your country ;-)

You completely miss the point again in your one sided rants :o))

You are so funny - I enjoy your posts - so funny

I do not though you chose to go overseas for an education - nuff said

So why do you come here? You miserable hellhole country can't provide you any fun? By the way I'd say going overseas for education is probably more admirable than doing it for cheap prostitutes.

Actually no, just don't ever come here again. Save our women and go eff yourself.

Edited by ThaiGoon
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I do not live in your country ;-)

You completely miss the point again in your one sided rants :o))

You are so funny - I enjoy your posts - so funny

I do not though you chose to go overseas for an education - nuff said

So why do you come here? You miserable hellhole country can't provide you any fun? By the way I'd say going overseas for education is probably admirable than doing it for cheap prostitutes.

Actually no, just don't ever come here again. Save our women and go eff yourself.

I see that education WAS wasted then - If this is the best that is produced then lordy lordy - ROFLMAO

Why is your only come back to anyone about cheap prositutes - I feel your view is that every farang that goes to Thailand only goes for cheap prositutes - that is certainly the impression I get.

Say it all day to me as its water off a ducks back in my case but some other members here would feel rightly justified in being miffed - are you asserting that all the mens partners here are or were cheap prostitutes?

Its a well know fact as well the biggest users of cheap prostitutes are Thai men but that is by the by if you personally are being priced out of the market and off topic ;-)

You amuse me no end even if it is sad to see the money wasted on an educated better spent on someone more worthy.

Edited by Prakanong
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I see that education WAS wasted then - If this is the best that is produced then lordy lordy - ROFLMAO

Why is your only come back to anyone about cheap prositutes - I feel your view is that every farang that goes to Thailand only goes for cheap prositutes - that is certainly the impression I get.

Say it all day to me as its water off a ducks back in my case but some other members here would feel rightly justified in being miffed - are you asserting that all the mens partners here are or were cheap prostitutes?

Its a well know fact as ell thebiggest users of cheap prostitutes are Thai men but that is by the by and off topic ;-)

You amuse me no end even if it is sad to see the money wasted on an educated better spent on someone more worthy.

I'm sure it must have been really funny when you realized your homecountry was a miserable shithole that you had to leave and go live/work in another country.

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I see that education WAS wasted then - If this is the best that is produced then lordy lordy - ROFLMAO

Why is your only come back to anyone about cheap prositutes - I feel your view is that every farang that goes to Thailand only goes for cheap prositutes - that is certainly the impression I get.

Say it all day to me as its water off a ducks back in my case but some other members here would feel rightly justified in being miffed - are you asserting that all the mens partners here are or were cheap prostitutes?

Its a well know fact as ell thebiggest users of cheap prostitutes are Thai men but that is by the by and off topic ;-)

You amuse me no end even if it is sad to see the money wasted on an educated better spent on someone more worthy.

I'm sure it must have been really funny when you realized your homecountry was a miserable shithole that you had to leave and go live/work in another country.

Soory but this is just too far off topic and your comeback is so primary school its unbeleivable - its like me having to tease a bairn ROFLMAO-

I am glad you are not a typical Thai or the country would be in a worse state and if you represent the educated elite then what does that say????

Sorry to the other posters on this thread I even sunk to his level.

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Soory but this is just too far off topic

So said the ###### who first changed the subject of the thread with this diatribe: "Sorry but you are in a piss poor state and sending .0001% to get educated oversea's is not going to pull you out of the mire you create for yourselves - look at FDI going elsewhere?"

Yeah, that was on topic, you piece of ........dirt.

Edited by ThaiGoon
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Thagoon is not some guy educated overseas - he is some 18 year old Ram Uni student practicing his English.

Keep it up sonny - its coming along fine - you are even getting the slang.

But to sum up

Anybody who vistits Thailand does so for cheap prostitutes

Anybody who goes to live or work overseas does so because they think their own country is <deleted>

Yeah right - now go and ask mommy for your pocket money as its obvious you could not earn your own.

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Thagoon is not some guy educated overseas - he is some 18 year old Ram Uni student practicing his English.

Keep it up sonny - its coming along fine - you are even getting the slang.

But to sum up

Anybody who vistits Thailand does so for cheap prostitutes

Anybody who goes to live or work overseas does so because they think their own country is <deleted>

Yeah right - now go and ask mommy for your pocket money as its obvious you could not earn your own.

Thanks for keep staying "on" topic. You sad hypocrite piece of "<deleted>." From the UK, ehh? Yeah, I agree. It's a hellhole. I would go work in Singapore and take vacation in Thailand too, if I were you.

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If you two sweethearts^^ can just hold hands and stop flaming for a second?

The Tsunami Funds of all the affected countries seem to have been "misappropriated" in one way or another.

tsunami funds and promises???

Just hope we don't get another tsunami / natural disaster. :o

Sorry, kmart. Got carried away a bit. :D:D

Nice article. It really shows how widespread the problem is. Quite disturbing really.

Edited by ThaiGoon
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I do not live in your country ;-)

You completely miss the point again in your one sided rants :o))

You are so funny - I enjoy your posts - so funny

I do not though you chose to go overseas for an education - nuff said

So why do you come here? You miserable hellhole country can't provide you any fun? By the way I'd say going overseas for education is probably more admirable than doing it for cheap prostitutes.

Actually no, just don't ever come here again. Save our women and go eff yourself.

Another quality-post by TG, that for some reason seems to be immune to any and all rules on this forum.

TG, face up, not everyone come here (or live here) to visit prostitues. But your defence is 'so why do you come here/go home/don't visit here' as soon as someone has anything bad to say...isn't that an indication that you cannot find any better way to retort the point posted?

The difference between the founds going missing here and any and all going missing from hurricane katrina is that in Thailand it's the norm that people high up skim the milk. It's a social problem seated at the core of the sociaty. Comparing it to a bunch of low-lives in New Orleans isn't doing yourself any favour...

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I do not live in your country ;-)

You completely miss the point again in your one sided rants :o ))

You are so funny - I enjoy your posts - so funny

I do not though you chose to go overseas for an education - nuff said

So why do you come here? You miserable hellhole country can't provide you any fun? By the way I'd say going overseas for education is probably more admirable than doing it for cheap prostitutes.

Actually no, just don't ever come here again. Save our women and go eff yourself.

Hello again TG. Welcome to another meeting of the minds. As you may have noted, I endeavour to remain aloof - albeit slightly defensive - of my favourite chill-out destination when you become rabidly and predictably defensive of same but it is once again time to pitch in and request that you cease mud-slinging and adhere to the spirit of the thread. If I may add a word or two and attenuate your indisciplined rant a smidget, I would like to call your attention to the previous comments from posters, some of which express regret for this latest piece of bad press which will surely discourage many generous charitable people worldwide from reaching for their purses yet again SHOULD A SIMILAR CATASTROPHE RECUR. You do yourself a disservice, sir, with your face losing diatribes.

Edited by qwertz
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