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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

You sound like Ulysses G back from the void.


Lincoln did own slaves, but at the time there was nothing embarrassing about it as it was the social norm to own slaves. He then got rid of them. Kennedy was a womaniser in the swinging 60's yes. I don't see where it is currently a social norm to be a pathological lying SOB. What is so embarrassing is the fact that he (Trump) DOES LIE so much - (his speech at Arizona was him - no editing by "fake news" channels, it was him speaking his chosen words - not a speech writers words), and people like you offer him support!! He is a lying SOB or did you not watch his speech in Arizona two nights ago? He has NO AGENDA, he has NO CLUE, he is a serial bankrupt and a sociopath and YOU support him. Now that is embarrassing.

Utter nonsense.  There's a lot that Lincoln can be criticized for, but he never owned slaves.  You are a tool gullible reader of internet trash.

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2 hours ago, hank123 said:

If one knew more about our past presidents one would as embarrassed by them as you are by President Trump. For example our earliest presidents were slave owners, Abraham Lincoln in fighting against slavery might have avoided the civil war as the invention of the (cotton gin) would have made slavery an obsolete practice. Kennedy was a womanizer and not able to address the big picture of civil rights. Unfortunately many folks in the world are too quick to judge and criticize others. For those of you overseas who have concern about our president I would encourage you to look in your own backyard. The United States is far from perfect and we have a president who will have some success and some failures. Most American politicians take too much time and say and accomplish nothing. I would rather have a president who has an agenda.

I do know from my own family that when members of my family immigrated to the United States they enrolled in school and learned English. I am sure that was difficult. So when our President wants to have control of our border I agree because I live in California and having a common language makes living in the

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You couldn't be more wrong about the cotton gin. It acually made cotton growing and hence slavery a lot more popular.

"However, like many inventors, Whitney (who died in 1825) could not have foreseen the ways in which his invention would change society for the worse... While it was true that the cotton gin reduced the labor of removing seeds, it did not reduce the need for slaves to grow and pick the cotton. .. Cotton growing became so profitable for the planters that it greatly increased their demand for both land and slave labor."


Also, the cotton gin was invented in 1794  and the civil war broke out in 1860 so I don't really understand how you could assert that its invention "would have made slavery an obsolete practice."

As for speaking English...did your family members who immigrated speak English before they came to America. Because Trump says those are the kind of immigrants he wants already speak English.

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3 hours ago, hank123 said:

state easier so we do not have signage in multiple languages among many other things. We have a president let him function and stop being so critical. He is dealing with politicians for the most part who have spent their lives trying to stay elected. He is a good man. If you look at his children he and his wives have done a superior job of raising them.

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Trump is a good man? Actually, he's a very very good man. We know this because most people manage to feel sorry for the poor and unfortunate but aren't so compassionate that they can feel sorry for billionaires. Yet Trump is such a man. He managed to feel sorry for well..one billionaire. Namely himself. In fact he was so sorry for himself that he donated funds from his charity to himself. And not just once but several times. Not just that, he is such a charitable guy that he announced he had made big charitable donations to several worthy causes. It turns out that the donations were imaginary but that just a technicality. Especially for those who live in the world of fake news.


As for his kids...well, not all of us would evaluate them as you do. But Trump, by his own admission, had very little to do with raising them.

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

You sound like Ulysses G back from the void.


Lincoln did own slaves, but at the time there was nothing embarrassing about it as it was the social norm to own slaves. He then got rid of them. Kennedy was a womaniser in the swinging 60's yes. I don't see where it is currently a social norm to be a pathological lying SOB. What is so embarrassing is the fact that he (Trump) DOES LIE so much - (his speech at Arizona was him - no editing by "fake news" channels, it was him speaking his chosen words - not a speech writers words), and people like you offer him support!! He is a lying SOB or did you not watch his speech in Arizona two nights ago? He has NO AGENDA, he has NO CLUE, he is a serial bankrupt and a sociopath and YOU support him. Now that is embarrassing.

Lincoln never owned slaves. He was from Indiana and then Illinois. Not slave states.

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Why is it that so many posts about President Trump have so much bitterness attached to them. People rationalize that he is selfish, incompetent, lazy, inarticulate and a liar. Instead of complaining about his failings let's hear about what you have done with your lives.

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Why is it that so many posts about President Trump have so much bitterness attached to them. People rationalize that he is selfish, incompetent, lazy, inarticulate and a liar. Instead of complaining about his failings let's hear about what you have done with your lives.

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That's totally inane dude.
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Why is it that so many posts about President Trump have so much bitterness attached to them. People rationalize that he is selfish, incompetent, lazy, inarticulate and a liar. Instead of complaining about his failings let's hear about what you have done with your lives.

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555. You're in the wrong thread.

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17 minutes ago, hank123 said:

Why is it that so many posts about President Trump have so much bitterness attached to them. People rationalize that he is selfish, incompetent, lazy, inarticulate and a liar. Instead of complaining about his failings let's hear about what you have done with your lives.

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you forgot the mental issues. He was born with a golden spoon in his mouth and despite all his privileges he is the most ignorant man ever to have held an office of any kind which doesn't say much for the people who voted for this cretin to be president.

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40 minutes ago, hank123 said:

Why is it that so many posts about President Trump have so much bitterness attached to them. People rationalize that he is selfish, incompetent, lazy, inarticulate and a liar. Instead of complaining about his failings let's hear about what you have done with your lives.

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I'm not the President of the United States and neither are you.  Please don't tell us what you've done with your life because we don't care.

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43 minutes ago, hank123 said:

Why is it that so many posts about President Trump have so much bitterness attached to them. People rationalize that he is selfish, incompetent, lazy, inarticulate and a liar. Instead of complaining about his failings let's hear about what you have done with your lives.

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For that matter, why is it so many people trash Kim Jong Un. He's not even 30 years old and yet he already rules a country. What have his critics here on thaivisa done with their lives that makes them think they are worthy to criticize him?

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44 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

and what if he did ? he was a man of his time, it wasn't reprehensible to own slaves then and the moral issues were seldom if ever discussed. Quick let us remove his statue along with that of lord Nelson and Columbus, you PC warriors make me sick

So if it's trendy to own slaves, it's ok for you. It's  how you define PC.

So if it's not a matter of personal moral issue for you does it mean you need someone to tell you what is right or wrong?

Slavery is a crime against humanity - but of course it dépends of your state of development - speaking of " humanity" - and do not say it's PC - it shows your level of exigence regarding morals,  ethics, and values - as human being


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43 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

and what if he did ? he was a man of his time, it wasn't reprehensible to own slaves then and the moral issues were seldom if ever discussed. Quick let us remove his statue along with that of lord Nelson and Columbus, you PC warriors make me sick

Yes, slavery was widely regarded as reprehensible long before Lincoln's day.  France abolished slavery during the Revolution and England not only outlawed slavery by 1820, but used its navy to suppress the slave trade even outside of Britain.  Washington himself, the richest man in America at the time, was aware of the hypocrisy of American slavery in light of the ideal of liberty on which the Republic was founded.  He freed his slaves in his will, but hid that fact during his lifetime.  Lafayette regretted that he had help the American revolutionaries since it led to a nation based on slavery. 


Within the US the Northern states had outlawed slavery before the Civil War.  Slavery was widely discussed as a moral evil in America.  Indeed, it was the leading moral issue of the day.


Efforts to pervert history to whitewash American slavery are quite offensive.  I would be happy to see every statue of Washington disappear.  There are plenty of much better men and women whose statues could fill our parks. 

Edited by CaptHaddock
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It's a rather lazy intellectual exercise to divert the issue of Trump's competency and possible impeachment to the whole issue of slavery.

The fact that slavery was a crime, goes without saying in a 21st century context. Then is was still a debate, and people did evolve their opinions over time.

To clarify the British position on this, which seems to have cropped up numerous times. 

Yes, the British did outlaw the West African slave trade in 1807 to stop the transportation of Africans to North America, but didn't outlaw slavery, that didn't happen until 1833.

And unlike in the US where we fought a civil war to get rid of slavery, the British did it in 1833 by essentially 'nationalizing' slavery, compensating slave owners for their loss of property.

The British government paid 20M GBP, a staggering 40% of the annual budget to pay off slave owners, which today equates to 16B GBP.

So if we want to go down the vilification of historical slave ownership, the blame spreads far and wide throughout the Anglo Saxon world.


Trump's impeachment or not, will not come down to his support of far right neo nazi's, but his own competency, or in- incompetency to actually do his job as President of ALL the American people


And for anyone who is actually interested in facts regarding the slave trade and the British, read this;



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If he survives his term it will be a ruined uncompetitive country he leaves. That might not be a bad thing as no one wants them as world leaders when they are selfish and inward looking.

Now the world sees a country controlled by a childish, greedy, selfish, unscrupulous, low IQ, thin skinned redneck who changes his mind as often as the wind changes direction.

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22 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

Trump's impeachment or not, will not come down to his support of far right neo nazi's, but his own competency, or in- incompetency to actually do his job as President of ALL the American people


That's somewhat naive.  Whether Trump is impeached or not will come down to the political calculation by the Republican leaders as to whether they are more likely to retain control of the federal government with Trump or without him.


It's quite possible however that Trump will agree to quit in a deal that keeps himself and him low IQ children out of prison for his many, many crimes both in office and prior to taking office.

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2 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

It's quite possible however that Trump will agree to quit in a deal that keeps himself and him low IQ children out of prison for his many, many crimes both in office and prior to taking office.

So lets hope that Mueller and co and the DOJ do the same as they have done with Flynn - No deal. A deal is not required, just put them all in jail. One way or the other Trump will be out.

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2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

So lets hope that Mueller and co and the DOJ do the same as they have done with Flynn - No deal. A deal is not required, just put them all in jail. One way or the other Trump will be out.

Manafort appears to have flipped already, which we can conclude because Trump has already attacked him, something he hasn't done for Flynn.  Felix Sater, a longtime criminal and criminal partner of Trump, also looks like a flipper since he announced to his family that both he and Trump are going to prison.  Trump has started to claim that he hardly knows Sater.


In Watergate, nearly all of them flipped, from James McCord up to John Dean. 


The current telltale is that the Republicans in Congress have started to turn on Trump, the evidence for which is the law they passed imposing sanctions on the Russians that Trump cannot lift unilaterally, the proposed funding law for the 17 intelligence agencies requiring most of them to file reports about the Russian interference in the 2016 election within 60 to 90 days, the continuing Senate Judiciary and House Intelligence Committees' investigations of the Russians and the election, and their protection of the Mueller investigation in the face of Trump's hysterical demands that they "protect" him from Mueller.

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World leaders conclude: Trump is a liability, not a leader


"Britain's former ambassador to the United States, Peter Westmacott, tweeted this in response to the Arizona rally: "Shades of 1933 Germany."


"Trump's off-script, off-color campaign-style rallies that roll back-to-back with the carefully scripted aspirations of his administration suggest to large parts of the world a man who cannot control himself -- much less the nation he leads."


"Such is Trump's global standing that in Europe's largest economy -- the economic engine room of his largest trading bloc and his grandfather's homeland -- he is a pariah, a political liability."





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OK. I've officially had enough.

Blather from some sheep-shearer who believes the invisible man in the sky has chosen the anointed one:


Trump’s ‘God whisperer’ says resisting him is an affront to God: A stunning expression of Christian nationalism.


"One of President Donald Trump’s most trusted religious confidantes used ominous religious language to defend him this week, drawing on Christian nationalism to argue that resisting Trump equates resisting “the hand of God.”


"White, a wealthy faith leader who originally gained notoriety for preaching a much-maligned version of the “prosperity gospel,” has been described as Trump’s “God whisperer.”


"She is a longtime friend of the former businessman, was a regular surrogate for his campaign in 2016, and remains one of several evangelical leaders who currently advise his administration."




Televangelist Paula White Says President Donald Trump 'Authentically' 'Raised Up by God' (Video)


"Paula White Cain, spiritual adviser to Donald Trump, has said that while the president may not be the most "polished politician", he has been "authentically raised up by God."


"The 51-year-old White, who is a popular televangelist and the senior pastor at New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Florida, appeared on an episode of "The Jim Bakker Show" Monday, where she compared Trump's election with that of the Old Testament's story of Esther."


"Because God says that He raises up and places all people in places of authority," she continued; "It is God who raises up a king. It is God that sets one down. When you fight against the plan of God, you are fighting against the hand of God."



"When you fight against the plan of God, you are fighting against the hand of God."



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1 hour ago, iReason said:

OK. I've officially had enough.

Blather from some sheep-shearer who believes the invisible man in the sky has chosen the anointed one:


Trump’s ‘God whisperer’ says resisting him is an affront to God: A stunning expression of Christian nationalism.


"One of President Donald Trump’s most trusted religious confidantes used ominous religious language to defend him this week, drawing on Christian nationalism to argue that resisting Trump equates resisting “the hand of God.”


"White, a wealthy faith leader who originally gained notoriety for preaching a much-maligned version of the “prosperity gospel,” has been described as Trump’s “God whisperer.”


"She is a longtime friend of the former businessman, was a regular surrogate for his campaign in 2016, and remains one of several evangelical leaders who currently advise his administration."




Televangelist Paula White Says President Donald Trump 'Authentically' 'Raised Up by God' (Video)


"Paula White Cain, spiritual adviser to Donald Trump, has said that while the president may not be the most "polished politician", he has been "authentically raised up by God."


"The 51-year-old White, who is a popular televangelist and the senior pastor at New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Florida, appeared on an episode of "The Jim Bakker Show" Monday, where she compared Trump's election with that of the Old Testament's story of Esther."


"Because God says that He raises up and places all people in places of authority," she continued; "It is God who raises up a king. It is God that sets one down. When you fight against the plan of God, you are fighting against the hand of God."



"When you fight against the plan of God, you are fighting against the hand of God."



Fantastic! Funniest thing I've read in ages! ?


(I'm a Jehovah's bystander of course)

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"Robert J. Lifton, warned that malignantly narcissistic leaders can shift and distort reality for an entire society, a process he called “malignant normality.” The abnormal becomes normalized and alternate facts, conspiracy theories, racism, denial of science, and delegitimization of the free press become not only acceptable, but the new normal. Trump has the power to impose his madness on the populace"


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4 hours ago, Grouse said:

Fantastic! Funniest thing I've read in ages! ?

(I'm a Jehovah's bystander of course)

Got to differ. Scary that people such as Paula White-Cain representing extremist Christian nationalist ideology are seated at the core of power in the US. Look what happened when the neocons were heavily influencing US government policy - very dangerous scenario.

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4 hours ago, Opl said:

"Robert J. Lifton, warned that malignantly narcissistic leaders can shift and distort reality for an entire society, a process he called “malignant normality.” The abnormal becomes normalized and alternate facts, conspiracy theories, racism, denial of science, and delegitimization of the free press become not only acceptable, but the new normal. Trump has the power to impose his madness on the populace"


Robert J. Lifton is still at it? 

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