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Junta Allows Panel On Coup - Bans Words 'Junta' Or 'Coup'


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Democracy starts in the schools doesn't it?

You know, when the owner decides there's a problem they call in the parents for a meeting to collect ideas and then takes a vote on the issue.

Modern Thai schools do it on their Facebook pages.

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9 hours ago, Reigntax said:


It should be called.. "another attempt to justify the failure the military has created". 


There has, never was and never will be a genuine attempt to fix Thailands mess. The military only has power while the country is divided, uneducated, scared and poor and havent they done a great job of that over the last 80 years,

Can I keep chickens in that? If they start banning words from our language, should we start using Franglaise maybe?


The problem is that ANY military organisation that takes control using force is defined as Junta in every language I can think of... So in order to continue talking, we must erase the history of the matter from our minds.


This isn't anything particularly new - and it's something that isn't confined to this country alone... historical negationism is a very useful tool and might help them to avoid wasting the - erm - golpe (which may, or may not have occurred).

Edited by ben2talk
suggestion removed
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7 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

Since when did Thailand ever have a democracy? For thousands of years it had a tribal and overlord system.

So many yearn for a return to authority. So called "democracy" has resulted in violence, political lies resulting in poverty (rice scheme) and a total loss of traditions and direction.

So if you want false elections like the Trump coup, don't preach your hollow words to Thailand. 

For a while it had a developing democracy - ie, in which the deep state was gradually being disempowered. If you say that was simply a new elite replacing the old one, that's pure cynicism, the fundamental principle was one-man-one-vote and free and fair elections. Thaksin was a political genius (by Thai standards) who knew that as long as he developed policies most people liked, he couldn't lose. That's exactly what democracy is supposed to do.


'Political lies'? Some joke. How truthful has the current regime been? Fact is, politicians always distort the truth, everywhere, as everyone knows - it's up to the people to find them out and it's up to democracy to give them the ability to do so.


The violence you refer to, as everyone knows, was caused by those who couldn't win in a legitimate democratic vote, as an excuse to bring down that system. Democracy has now been abolished - job done. You must be very satisfied.

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17 hours ago, heybruce said:



It's not all or nothing.  There is a difference between limited freedom of speech, and no freedom of speech.  Under democratic governments in Thailand technically one could not criticize the monarchy, though the rule was only enforced when blatantly violated and offenders were routinely pardoned.


Under the junta, laws forbidding criticism of the monarchy, along with criticism of the government, the PM, the constitution, and what other subjects Prayuth wants to put off limits, are rigorously enforce with severe penalties.  That's why international news publications disappeared from news stands after the coup.  That's why people are arrested for sharing a Facebook post from the BBC.


So in both cases you have a limited freedom of speech.

The current junta has been overstaying their welcome and should start getting ready to vacate the government seats.


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8 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

For a while it had a developing democracy - ie, in which the deep state was gradually being disempowered. If you say that was simply a new elite replacing the old one, that's pure cynicism, the fundamental principle was one-man-one-vote and free and fair elections. Thaksin was a political genius (by Thai standards) who knew that as long as he developed policies most people liked, he couldn't lose. That's exactly what democracy is supposed to do.


'Political lies'? Some joke. How truthful has the current regime been? Fact is, politicians always distort the truth, everywhere, as everyone knows - it's up to the people to find them out and it's up to democracy to give them the ability to do so.


The violence you refer to, as everyone knows, was caused by those who couldn't win in a legitimate democratic vote, as an excuse to bring down that system. Democracy has now been abolished - job done. You must be very satisfied.

I think you have your ideals and reality confused. 

 No one in the rural regions cares a hoot about whether the current regime is truthful compared to the Thaksins. The fact is that rural Thailand is now prospering, something  that Thaksin and daughter never did, some rural farmers are still paying off their corrupt enforced debt from the phoney rice scheme.  

In my out of the way rural area, culvits, drains and lakes are being restored. I should say are restored. New power poles and lines are happening.. I won't go on, you must have a bag over your head if you do not see this. Or most probably, like so many posters you do not currently live in Thailand, and some of the more extreme posters have never visited here.

The violence was implemented by both political parties, take off your blinkers and read a few facts. Especially about the economic driving force in Thailand. The rurals, not spongingcorrupt city centric Thais and toothless tigers like city falang 

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2 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

I think you have your ideals and reality confused. 

 No one in the rural regions cares a hoot about whether the current regime is truthful compared to the Thaksins. The fact is that rural Thailand is now prospering, something  that Thaksin and daughter never did, some rural farmers are still paying off their corrupt enforced debt from the phoney rice scheme.  

In my out of the way rural area, culvits, drains and lakes are being restored. I should say are restored. New power poles and lines are happening.. I won't go on, you must have a bag over your head if you do not see this. Or most probably, like so many posters you do not currently live in Thailand, and some of the more extreme posters have never visited here.

The violence was implemented by both political parties, take off your blinkers and read a few facts. Especially about the economic driving force in Thailand. The rurals, not spongingcorrupt city centric Thais and toothless tigers like city falang 

Yeah, and they say Mussolini made the trains run on time, & Hitler finished the autobahn...   'Most would say all that was pretty "real".


Edited by hawker9000
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5 hours ago, Bastos60 said:


So in both cases you have a limited freedom of speech.

The current junta has been overstaying their welcome and should start getting ready to vacate the government seats.


...but aren't going to. Now what for the 'just give them a chance' brigade? Double down and claim they need to stay for as long as they wish?

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On 5/23/2017 at 5:56 AM, steven100 said:

It should not be called a coup ....  it should be called ' fixing the mess that others created ' ...  :wai:

When do you reckon they will begin?

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On 5/23/2017 at 1:07 PM, heybruce said:

In summary, you like repression and rule by an iron-fisted autocrat.  And you approve of censorship, including the censorship that prevents me from using the one-word description of this government that clearly applies.

I think he just likes shopping.

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