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Loud Music In Bars



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Most of the people I know can't stand the noise in many of the bars, maybe because They're getting on a bit!

I'm more annoyed when there are bars side by side all blasting out different music.

The more drunk I am, the less it bothers me.

Generally, I avoid the places where I have to shout and cannot hear what anyone is saying.

I'm interested to see if this is just an age thing, after all most visitors to the bars seem to be the northern side of 50.

Edited by loong
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Unless it was specifically to listen to the music (say a

live band) I never liked bars where the only form of

conversation possible was sign language.

PS Seeing as you're talking about bars shouldn't

your lower age limit be above zero.

PPS You do NOT have to pass 60 to become a very

sexy man. I've often been told by professional

ladies that I had that quality. Or maybe I look

older than I am ?


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the subject depends a lot on what yer lookin' fer at the bar...if yer lookin' to get laid expect there to be loud music...wad up sum tissue or a napkin and insert into ear canal, it don't take much verbal communication to establish that SEX is the object of yer visit so auditory acuity is not an issue..

for a quiet drink I would simply go elsewhere with lower decibels...

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Why is it that all the different bars within a bar complex play their own music? This creates a cacophony of noise.

Wouldn't it be easier if the complex played from one music source and each bar controlled the volume coming into the respective bars?

If not in a complex, bars seem to be trying to outdo each other with their volume. Walking Street is a prime example.

Go-go-bars are the worst offenders for excessive volume.

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Why is it that all the different bars within a bar complex play their own music? This creates a cacophony of noise.

Wouldn't it be easier if the complex played from one music source and each bar controlled the volume coming into the respective bars?

If not in a complex, bars seem to be trying to outdo each other with their volume. Walking Street is a prime example.

Go-go-bars are the worst offenders for excessive volume.

get outta here...to have sexy ladies gyrating to ZZ Top you got to have it to the max...

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whaaaaat?...I haven't been in one go go bar that didn't have at least 2-3 ZZ Top numbers on the box...very nice if the ladies like dancing an' struttin' their stuff, an' tryin' to attract customers...

somebody modify the poll to include a preference for LOUD ZZ Top in go go bars...

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Thailand could change its name to Loudland - loud annoying noises everywhere. When was the last time you heard an acoustic singer or guitar player? Probably never outside a private home in Thailand. Not only does everything have to amplified, it has to cranked to the absolute max. I went to street fair recently; there were schoolkids playing traditional wood and string instruments. Not only was there a gargantuan P.A. system cranked to the max - but there was a loud recorded soundtrack playing in the background. Even when I stood right next to a child musician, I couldn't hear what he/she might be playing. That's Thailand personified. I'd sooner eat sand out of an ashtray than go in to a disco to get assaulted by harmful sounds.

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If it's too loud, your too old

Funnily enough, looking at the results so far the under 30's have 3 who don't like loud bars and 3 who do.

It actually appears that age has nothing to do with it!

76% either can't stand noisy bars or prefer quieter bars

only 13% love to have their eardrums shattered

If I'm going to a bar with a good band and is just for the music (Blues Factory, give DT a plug)then I don't mind it a little on the loud side.

If I'm just out for a drink and I have to shout to be heard, it's above my tolerance level and I will go elsewhere.

I know of many farang of the same mind. Bar owners please note.

In Pattaya, the bar complex in front of the Pattaya memorial hospital, near corner of 2nd Road and Pattaya Klang is an example. The band is just awful and tries to compensate by cranking up the volume. I vote with my feet but the owners of the usually empty bars take absolutely no notice!

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I am firmly in the 0-30 group and love goin out pubbing and clubbing, however, I still think that the vast majority of Thai nightclubs play their music far too loud. It's gotta be a bad sign when you have ringing ears for 24 hours following a night out.

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I am firmly in the 0-30 group and love goin out pubbing and clubbing, however, I still think that the vast majority of Thai nightclubs play their music far too loud. It's gotta be a bad sign when you have ringing ears for 24 hours following a night out.

I find that wadded up tissue in the ear canal does wonders...sumtimes one cannot avoid the auditory onslaught and one must be prepared...

not that I go 'clubbing' much, being an old fart...I sure do like watching young girls dance, though (slaver)...

(let's have a poll... 'is tutsi a disgusting middleaged reprobate?')

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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I am firmly in the 0-30 group and love goin out pubbing and clubbing, however, I still think that the vast majority of Thai nightclubs play their music far too loud. It's gotta be a bad sign when you have ringing ears for 24 hours following a night out.

I find that wadded up tissue in the ear canal does wonders...sumtimes one cannot avoid the auditory onslaught and one must be prepared...

not that I go 'clubbing' much, being an old fart...I sure do like watching young girls dance, though (slaver)...

(let's have a poll... 'is tutsi a disgusting middleaged reprobate?')

absolutely mate, your a disgusting old pervert. :D

but there aint nothing wrong with that tutsi, so perv on old mate. :D:o

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It all depends...if it's a club, sure, blast on. In a bar (i.e. an actual regular pub), though, if you're there to chat & drink then less volume would definitely be preferable. The Rock Pub is an exception, though, can't get enough of the good stuff :o

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I never enjoy music in a bar that doesn't allow you to converse. I dont believe the posters here who say they enjoy it. How can anyone enjoy saying "what"? all night? :o

Loud music has it's place...at concerts, where it is the intended attraction.

Music should be in the background in a bar.

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My partner frequently drags me along to Gullivers on Khao San rd, I insist that we go late so I only have to spend the minimum amount of time in there, still, after only 2 or 3 hours we come out and my ears are ringing, it used to take a whole night of 8 hours of dancing and consuming to get ears ringing like that back in the UK...

What does that say? Am I too old now at 29? Or is the <deleted> music in Gullivers turned up too loud??

Not only are my ears ringing but my throat is sore too, another by-product of the overly noisy music :o

I personally love loud music but it doesn't have to make conversation impossible, does it?...

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