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Too many ministers and too many changes: Education reform ‘has gone nowhere’

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we are making very fast progress in AI.  it's the speed that is difficult to grasp.  

how long did it take for Facebook to pop up once storage costs dropped enough to make such an app feasible?


after the point where costs crossed a certain point.... decades?

no. it was made into a movie that timelined in months as the story period... not even years. that's the way things happen now.... with our science and technology on the scale that it is today... 


but it still needs people... 

producing students who (1) stop being students as soon as they leave school or university and (2) weren't students even when they were in school or university... isn't a good way to deal with this accelerating change which will directly affect all exports and the pricing of those exports in particular no matter how cheap the Thai Baht is kept.

this 'next time'....... a broken Thai Baht ****won't**** be a blessing. 








except for "tourism"



Edited by maewang99
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Fortunate or unfortunate, Thailand was not colonized by a more advanced country and didn't benefit from the education structure more in line with those countries. Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, India and even Vietnam inherited a good education system left behind by their colonial masters. 

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6 hours ago, Moti24 said:

These ministers of education are just ministers, many of whom have not set foot in a school since they graduated from grade 12, or more likely, grade 9.  Not many teachers look upon their career as their vocation in life, they just go through the motions of trying to appear professional, but in reality, they are anything but.


The biggest drawback in schools is the "Every student will pass" concept.  Students that understand that they will never be rocket scientists, just give up; they can't see the point of working hard to improve their education, some of whom are quite capable.  They have no incentive to do well because they will pass anyway.  Don't expect the parents to help as a lot of them drop their kids off at school at 6am and pick them up as late as 8pm, sometimes later.  Those who are interested in their child's education, send them to after school and weekend classes; those students are sleeping on their desks on Monday morning.


Thai culture encourages people to help each other; that is apparent in schools, with students copying homework on a daily basis, and generally cheating in exams.  The teachers actually condone this, and don't even turn a blind eye.  I have even seen teachers giving answers to students in final exams.  I have failed students in final exams, only for their marks to be changed in the administration office to reflect a pass.  This happens in every school, so if you have kids in school here, I suggest you keep a close eye on every part of their education, homework included.


About 11 years ago, I was at an education seminar.  I asked the guest lecturer why all students passed, and why weak students weren't held back in the same year.  I was told that within the next 1/2 years, that would be happening in schools.  True to those words, that directive was implemented, but the criteria for being held back for a second year in the same grade was that students should fail every subject.  Well, all students graduated because they all passed physical education.


If any of you are expecting any changes to the current education system, don't hold your breath.  In reality, the education system doesn't want changing, it wants completely renewing.  But, we all know, that'll never happen.

Well said sir spot on i have a step daughter in school here She is not smart but she does not have to be. When she does her homework she just asks her friends for the answer The same as in exams They even sit in classroom with their phones  and text their friends in the classroom doing the same exams for the answer. What a bloody joke. Teachers see it and just put that Thai smile on and nod their head in approval. Where i come from  if you want to go to university u are offered places in that university on the OP score that you get after u sit for an exam. eg )OP 1  to OP 4 You be offered Medicine, Law etc at different universities and so it goes down the scale to OP21 which are the lower coarses such as IT etc Here it dont matter if the students get 1s and 2s which is a pretty low score and they still will get into university. So you think the kids are going to try hard here when they know they will pass anyway? Just looking at what u wrote how they all passed because they passed physical education lol Spot on again. Now I Can understand why Thai universities are not ranked in the first 500 top universities in the world . Not one of them are. As you can see they will talk till their blue in the face about the education system but nothing will change As long as that Thai smile is on the students  face and everyone is happy because son/ daughter are going to university WHO cares But the trouble is after university is finished after 3 or 4 years and all the students pass their exams and get their degrees, is that most of them will be working in dept stores or hardware stores Sad really

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20 minutes ago, Rhys said:

....in the end....it is their system....bless them...

... in the end ... it is the country's folly. Ridiculous to put the rose coloured glasses on and be so blissfully ignorant. It might not be my country, but the people here who mean something to me are no doubt pleased for any support they can get to right the tragedy that is their education system.

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5 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Fortunate or unfortunate, Thailand was not colonized by a more advanced country and didn't benefit from the education structure more in line with those countries. Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, India and even Vietnam inherited a good education system left behind by their colonial masters. 

Dont think Thai budgets dont spend a lot of their schools They do Have a look at some of the school buildings they are nice Its just that some of this money does not go to the schools Many ministers have big pockets and they can carry a lot of cash Corruption is the word

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12 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

Dont think Thai budgets dont spend a lot of their schools They do Have a look at some of the school buildings they are nice Its just that some of this money does not go to the schools Many ministers have big pockets and they can carry a lot of cash Corruption is the word

A great building doesn't make a great school!

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Good, but brief article.  He knows what he's saying and mostly what should be done, but I'm pretty sure his hands are tied and he's pissing in the wind.
Talk to western educated people who are ever spend time in the thai educational system...or any western educated thai that has spent time in it and they'll tell you... it's not looking good.  

Anyway, good luck to the people who try.

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20 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Fortunate or unfortunate, Thailand was not colonized by a more advanced country and didn't benefit from the education structure more in line with those countries. Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, India and even Vietnam inherited a good education system left behind by their colonial masters. 

You can add Hong Kong to that list as well. I think that one of the reasons that this might be so, is because the colonizers introduced a secular based education system to their colonies.


The great march forward in Europe began when the yoke of religion was lifted, coupled with the new scientific approach that went with it. It has been noted by myself, during my travels, that the stronger the religious bias in education, the more stifled it is.


Monopolistic governance and religion often seem to work hand in glove. Here's an intriguing quote from Seneca the Younger, a Roman philosopher:


''Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and the rulers as useful''.


Even Hitler is known to have used religion to his own evil ends.





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typical of the thai system which revolves around the theory ''we are never wrong and even if we are we will never admit it'',this lack of responsibility and just showing up for a paycheck, puts your childrens education and health at risk,a broken system run by children....sad

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