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Phuket Police formally charge British boyfriend for death of Sophie Anderson


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1 hour ago, JamJar said:


Of course he did it on purpose. Was someone else responsible?

The bike? The road? The car in front? No, it was Danny Glass.

On purpose? That is nothing less than insulting defamation. We've seen already that you're full of yourself and hate, and speak self-proclaimed judge. Stay in good company of  the others disgraceful individual here smearing the image of the deceased.

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36 minutes ago, Redline said:

This looks very much like a race issue~might as well be blunt about it.  If it were applied this way across the board, they would have prisoners living in shipping containers due to over overcrowding.  Phfffff

As the driver of the lorry was charged and is Thai along with Mr Glass who is English , how exactly is this a race issue?

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14 minutes ago, Goldieinkathu said:

As the driver of the lorry was charged and is Thai along with Mr Glass who is English , how exactly is this a race issue?

Come on mate, you can't be letting facts get in the way of racist rant.

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@Count, you ask a good question, does anyone know if Mr Glass had a valid driving license, this went through my mind too.


It seemed totally unfair to me that the lorry driver should be charged with reckless driving after seeing the video but as he was then it seems only fair that the same should apply to Mr Glass.

I don't know the laws here but presume that some charges have to be made in order to take the matter to court to have an official type of inquiry . It will be interesting to see what the judge makes of the video's and other evidence.

Would it be likely that Mr Glass had to take a breathalyzer or a drug test after the accident?



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44 minutes ago, psyvolt said:

He drove like a goose and killed his g/f, I hope he spends a good few years behind bars. Whether it was on purpose or not, it's called taking responsibility for your actions. 

I hope that you or any member of your family will never be part of an accident where the responsibility (not a crime) can be placed on you, even if just summarily over the Internet. You speak as if it's an impossible event, but guess what, it is not.

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8 hours ago, Borzandy said:

The ridiculous of the police in the best, how an uneducated police man can find it was not an accident and what happened about the car parked on the wrong lane.


6 hours ago, JustNo said:

Shame on you BiB, you let Thais get away with murder in the form of reckless driving in cases FAR worse than this, but when a farang is involved you have no qualms in locking him up, leaving a 5 year old now without a mother and a father. This man had been through enough, his life is in tatters, and now you throw the book at him when there wasn't much 'recklessness'  in this case as it is. I forgot, he isn't minted and you didn't get a brown envelope on your desk. Sort it out Thailand, you are a shambles when it comes to 'justice' 

Send 3 and 4 pence, we're going to a dance :blink::laugh:

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14 hours ago, z42 said:

Utterly ridiculous and unnecessary. The same standards are not applied across the board (Red bull a-hole, Praewa, Anna Reese,drunken ChMai cyclist killer, and the pickup driver fined1000 baht for mowing down 2 cyclists while leaning down to get his hat off the floor).

All I see here is a pathetic flexing of muscles and abuse of power.

I wonder what investigation was undertaken to reach a conclusion of reckless driving. I suspect minimal at best.


An utter disgrace imo (the singling out of certain people i mean)

First off this is Thailand and you should know by now how things work in Thailand (power/money = win).  Second he is being charged, he has not been found guilty yet and no fine sentenced so how can you say anything about the same standards.  Let's wait and see what happens.  I'm guessing he will get the same as the other expat a 2 year suspended sentence.  


It's funny how Thailand can never win. People complain that the police dont do their job, but when the police do their job and it involves an expat they complain it's not fair.

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15 hours ago, rooster59 said:

It’s two people on a scooter,

3 people unfortunately... two of which passed away. What a tragedy!

The 5 years old girl will hardly recover from this. As for the guy, what can I say... remorse will be his hardest punishment for the rest of his days...

RIP mum and child

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13 minutes ago, Italian guy said:

3 people unfortunately... two of which passed away. What a tragedy!

The 5 years old girl will hardly recover from this. As for the guy, what can I say... remorse will be his hardest punishment for the rest of his days...

RIP mum and child

Which 5 year old girl would this be exactly?

"Is it me?" :laugh:

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1 hour ago, happyas said:

Maybe pedantic,but if you also choose to look carefully there is not a 18 wheel truck in the video.


I don't understand why sambum regards this post worthy of a like. Such childish behaviour. 

Most of the news articles describe as an eighteen wheeler.

The vehicle may have even more wheels than described. But why such a pedantic post and childish like to it in such a serious matter?

It seems that some are desperate to derail this thread with any old nonsense.

Yes he made a mistake, but the mistake was his and he is responsible.

When I rent a motorbike in Thailand, I have third party insurance(to covers others to whom I might do damage) in addition to my usual travel insurance. That is an example of acting in a responsible manner.

Mr Glass seems to be doing everything to avoid his responsibility and now wants everyone to bail him out.

I would have a lot more respect for him if he admitted that it was his reckless driving that was responsible.



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6 minutes ago, Goldieinkathu said:

Which 5 year old girl would this be exactly?

"Is it me?" :laugh:

"leaving her 5-year-old son Shaye without his mother" You're right smartass, it's not a girl but a boy, and this makes a hell of a difference.

It seamed to me a tragic event but now that you opened my eyes I realize how happy it actually is. Thank you!

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12 minutes ago, JamJar said:


I don't understand why sambum regards this post worthy of a like. Such childish behaviour. 

Most of the news articles describe as an eighteen wheeler.

The vehicle may have even more wheels than described. But why such a pedantic post and childish like to it in such a serious matter?

It seems that some are desperate to derail this thread with any old nonsense.

Yes he made a mistake, but the mistake was his and he is responsible.

When I rent a motorbike in Thailand, I have third party insurance(to covers others to whom I might do damage) in addition to my usual travel insurance. That is an example of acting in a responsible manner.

Mr Glass seems to be doing everything to avoid his responsibility and now wants everyone to bail him out.

I would have a lot more respect for him if he admitted that it was his reckless driving that was responsible.



DELETED  - MY BAD - :mfr_closed1:

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1 minute ago, Italian guy said:

"leaving her 5-year-old son Shaye without his mother" You're right smartass, it's not a girl but a boy, and this makes a hell of a difference.

It seamed to me a tragic event but now that you opened my eyes I realize how happy it actually is. Thank you!

Indeed , "the facts" do make a lot of difference, a fact that seems to be overlooked by half the posters in this thread.

You're welcome!

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1 minute ago, Goldieinkathu said:

Indeed , "the facts" do make a lot of difference, a fact that seems to be overlooked by half the posters in this thread.

You're welcome!

This is a trivial fact and you're just wasting your time (and mine). 

If you want to explain to me NOW what difference THIS PARTICULAR fact makes in THIS PARTICULAR circumstance you're welcome Watson. 

Try to be convincing and not pathetic, Watson!



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1 minute ago, Italian guy said:

This is a trivial fact and you're just wasting your time (and mine). 

If you want to explain to me NOW what difference THIS PARTICULAR fact makes in THIS PARTICULAR circumstance you're welcome Watson. 

Try to be convincing and not pathetic, Watson!




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Just a suggestion italian guy and jamjar in particular before you both start making bigger fools of yourselves;

Read the previous threads where this whole saga has already been done to death.

228 posts here initially;

 121 posts on this one



And this one..another 38 posts:


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1 hour ago, Italian guy said:

3 people unfortunately... two of which passed away. What a tragedy!

The 5 years old girl will hardly recover from this. As for the guy, what can I say... remorse will be his hardest punishment for the rest of his days...

RIP mum and child

If you watched his video the pain in the Glass is not in any way remorseful now and less likely to be in the future. He pitties himself. Why don't you contribute to his legal fees while your at it?

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2 hours ago, happyas said:

Just a suggestion italian guy and jamjar in particular before you both start making bigger fools of yourselves;

Read the previous threads where this whole saga has already been done to death.

228 posts here initially;

 121 posts on this one



And this one..another 38 posts:



What is the relevance of your post? Especially when you appear to agree with me that it is not the truck driver who is necessarily at fault and Mr Glass does not appear to suggest that the truck driver is at fault.


The CCTV(and his own words) proves conclusively that he wasn't trying to avoid a "parked car".

As to what he would be charged with in the UK that isn't the issue. I haven't broached the legal side of what has occurred. I have simply stated that he is at fault, not the car in front for "stopping suddenly" as Mr Glass appears to suggest.


So why exactly have you mentioned me in your post?


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2 hours ago, PomPolo said:

Moderator close this thread it is going nowhere bad accident many people with an opinion par for the course thoughts and wishes with the dead girls family PomPolo

Sent from my C103 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Isn't that your opinion?

It's a discussion forum and an opportunity to exchange information.

As long as everyone stays civil, why would you PomPolo, want the thread closed??

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4 hours ago, paz said:

I hope that you or any member of your family will never be part of an accident where the responsibility (not a crime) can be placed on you, even if just summarily over the Internet. You speak as if it's an impossible event, but guess what, it is not.

So do I, which has nothing to do with this story,  due to the fact that there is a criminal element by Glass driving like an idiot.

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Danny Glass is responsible for the accident and nobody else. But that doesn't mean he deserves prison in Thailand.    He should get some help from the British embassy and get back to the UK and get some professional help,  He choose to live here and posting youtube videos that generates a small income  , but he's probably very broke . Time to stop this "adventure" now.





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20 hours ago, z42 said:

Utterly ridiculous and unnecessary. The same standards are not applied across the board (Red bull a-hole, Praewa, Anna Reese,drunken ChMai cyclist killer, and the pickup driver fined1000 baht for mowing down 2 cyclists while leaning down to get his hat off the floor).

All I see here is a pathetic flexing of muscles and abuse of power.

I wonder what investigation was undertaken to reach a conclusion of reckless driving. I suspect minimal at best.


An utter disgrace imo (the singling out of certain people i mean)

I agree totally, , they can not arrest the red bull brat, but want to incriminate this poor man for an accident.

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1 hour ago, psyvolt said:

So do I, which has nothing to do with this story,  due to the fact that there is a criminal element by Glass driving like an idiot.

Reasoning like you do there would be no road code, just criminal law. 

Typical thinking of the hang them high brigade, which can't grasp the concept of intent as well many other that fortunately exist in law.


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How many inexperienced bike drivers in Thailand...??? Definitely farangs behaving badly  on Thailand roads....not to mention those who never drives a bike before... except Thailand..


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3 hours ago, balo said:

Danny Glass is responsible for the accident and nobody else. But that doesn't mean he deserves prison in Thailand.    He should get some help from the British embassy and get back to the UK and get some professional help,  He choose to live here and posting youtube videos that generates a small income  , but he's probably very broke . Time to stop this "adventure" now.





everyone has to be held responsible for their actions and hes no different, whilst i dont think his action were deliberate  he certainty was negligent that caused 2 deaths, one of the videos he post didn't do him any favors as i thought he came across very matter a fact and a bit uncaring.  

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1 hour ago, gigman said:

How many inexperienced bike drivers in Thailand...??? Definitely farangs behaving badly  on Thailand roads....not to mention those who never drives a bike before... except Thailand..


then they will meet their maker. its their choice to ride a bike, no one else.

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