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Police rush to London Bridge after reports of van hitting pedestrians


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Absolutely crazy. How long before there is a british version of Fort Hood.

Did you read the article? What an idiotic comment. Imam Hafiz a fine bloke , waiving proudly the Union Jack and serving Queen and country. More Englishman than you'd ever be I'd reckon.   

One thing though about the Fort Hood massacre though. Nidal Hassan was already under military investigation, but they did nothing.


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5 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 "The segregation of women at his public meetings is now the norm."


No, it isn't.


It happened once at one meeting in an Islamic centre in Tooting in 2016. Not at his request, but simply because it is the tradition of that particular mosque that men and women use different entrances.


The tradition of some other, but by no means all, mosques.


And many synagogues, come to that.

In the meantime, the death toll from the latest Islamic terrorist atrocity is up to 7.


Anyway, back to your important input about synagogues.

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Just a remember;


"Astonishing" two in three British Muslims would NOT give police terror tip-offs


This alarming revelation suggests that more than 100,000 British Muslims could sympathise with suicide bombers and people who commit terrorist acts.


The survey also discovered that more than half of Muslims think that homosexuality should be illegal in Britain and 23 per cent of Muslims want Sharia to replace British law in certain parts of the country."

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11 minutes ago, citybiker said:


I admire her ballsy, no nonsense diplomatic speech which basically hit the nail on the head.

Many, including I want to see these strong words followed by even stronger actions.

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I am glad she said that but, Theresa May is not the person to be leading Britain now and neither is that Marxist, Jeremy Corbyn. May looks and acts like she’s the middle-aged headmistress of a Middle School, not the Prime Minister of Great Britain. Britain needs a Churchill. Instead they have Mrs. Chips.

Edited by stander
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4 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

And again, no word of ISLAMIST terrorists. More mealy mouthed words


And what about on here?


I'm proud to be an aetheist.


Stand up and be counted, I say! 

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1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

What really gets us limeys who care about their countrymen and women are the limp wristed liberal politicians who lack the courage and the will to do anything about it except come out with the same old shit every time there is an atrocity. 'We remain united, our thoughts are with, our hearts go out, buy some more candles etc etc blah blah blah.'


It's not just a matter of fear. Like your people were buying parachutes after 9/11 my daughter in law will never let my grand daughter visit a pop concert while she still has control over her.


We want it stopped by whatever means necessary, that's all there is to it.




Just saw May on the box wobbling on with the same old **** that she came out with the last time someone murdered people because no one in authority has the balls to do what is necessary to stop them.


What strikes me about this is that it was only 8 minutes before the armed police turned up and sorted them. Obviously they have a team on standby because it is near Parliament. What if the attack had been in somewhere far away from the big city?


Time to pull finger, politicians, and get real.

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32 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Does he call them Muslim terrorists? Does he call them Islamic terrorists? No.


Why not? Is it nor relevant that it is always these people? Of course it is. He should say that he is appalled that yet another atrocity is committed in the name of his religion. Makes me sick to hear the mealy mouthed comments.


Why do these people always pick soft targets? Cowards, that's why!

I don't think the word 'coward' is correct, and I certainly don't think it helps in seeing the problem clearly.


These individuals are deluded, violent adherents to a sick, twisted, brutal medieval religion called Islam. But they are prepared to end their existence in order to further the goals of that religion, and I don't see that as an act of human cowardice; I wouldn't be prepared to do that for any mythical belief.


We must accept that they do this because they have been taught to utterly believe in it, insane as it seems from our perspective. And we need to understand how they have come to believe in it to that extent, because they're serious. 


Calling them cowards may make us feel superior, but it deflects us from addressing the problem.


They kill people and die in the process; we sit around singing "Imagine ...  nothing to kill or die for... no religion too ... "


And who's winning the game right now?

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3 hours ago, Flustered said:

Where did the OP (ThaiVisa) make this statement?


Anyone who thinks that Chrsitians are welcome or indeed tolerated in Muslim countries should go there and try to practice the religion. See how tolerant the local Muslims are.

Read the thread - the OP in question was the person who made the following statement:


3 hours ago, Senior Player said:

Considering that Christianity, along with the Bible, is banned in the majority of Muslim countries there wouldn't be anything to observe.


I am currently writing this from a predominantly Muslim country (according to Wikipedia, the population is 86% Mulsim). I am not a religious person, but were I so inclined, there are at least 6 Christian churches in the city I work that I am free to worship in.




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3 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

I don't think the word 'coward' is correct, and I certainly don't think it helps in seeing the problem clearly.


These individuals are deluded, violent adherents to a sick, twisted, brutal medieval religion called Islam. But they are prepared to end their existence in order to further the goals of that religion, and I don't see that as an act of human cowardice; I wouldn't be prepared to do that for any mythical belief.


We must accept that they do this because they have been taught to utterly believe in it, insane as it seems from our perspective. And we need to understand how they have come to believe in it to that extent, because they're serious. 


Calling them cowards may make us feel superior, but it deflects us from addressing the problem.


They kill people and die in the process; we sit around singing "Imagine ...  nothing to kill or die for... no religion too ... "


And who's winning the game right now?

I am


Watch what happens

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24 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

The Muslim community will tell you that they are against these bombings, and this type of action is not part of their religion. They will tell you they know that the bomber/s were not part of their congregation. But i bet they know who they are though, and are terrified to divulge any information due to fear of reprisals.

Yes, we will see elders from the Muslim community condemn the actions of these terrorists. unfortunately as I see it their sincerity is questionable as they could be doing more to out those with anti British sentiments and those who have no tolerance for those who do not believe in their faith from their community.

Edited by Basil B
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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

We fight the terrorist murderers, not the Muslim community who have been condemning the terrorists for many years.


We enlist the help of the Muslim community, help which the security services say they already provide, not antagonise them so that help dries up, as happened following internment in Northern Ireland.


We support those who have taken back control of their mosques from the extremists, not demand that mosques be closed, demolished or bombed as some have in this topic.


Some have said that we are at war; they are correct.


But we are at war with terrorists, not ordinary Muslims. Muslims are our allies in that war.


Remember, ISIS and their ilk have killed far more Muslims, of all sects, than they have non Muslims.

Why do you say terrorists and not Islamic Terrorists who are the subject of this thread?


These three were ISLAMIC Terrorists, not Christians or Jews or Buddhists or Sikhs or atheists or agnostics....They were Muslims as have been the vast majority of cowardly terrorist attacks over the years all in the name of Islam.


These ISLAMIC terrorists will stop at nothing to spread their interpretation of Islam.


As another FM pointed out, the reports of Muslim members in the community coming forward to tell the authorities about these terrorists have proven false. No record of these reports exist. The Muslim community hides and looks after it's own even if they do not agree with what they are doing.


It is Islam first, the UK second.

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22 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

No reasonable person could deny that it is right thing to do. Normally we expect police to use the minimum force to eliminate the threat. In these cases, when confronted with individuals/ groups with weapons ( vehicles/huge knives), killing people on the streets, lethal force in entirely justifiable. This is a far cry from the way the Lee Rigby murder was able to be resolved ( and in that case, would anyone have blamed the police had they determined that lethal force was necessary).

When people engage in these acts, they deserve ( and fully expect) to die in the act. Many would say, myself included, Godspeed. While it is regrettable that intelligence is lost, but hardly an issue given the circumstances.

An instant kill prevents these gutless bastards from activating any triggers before they check out. Unfortunately it also prevents what SF refer to as 'aggressive interrogation' which, where possible, provided the edge during immediate follow up.


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I am glad she said that but, Theresa May is not the person to be leading Britain now and neither is that Marxist, Jeremy Corbyn. May looks and acts like she’s the middle-aged headmistress of a Middle School, not the Prime Minister of Great Britain. Britain needs a Churchill. Instead they have Mrs. Chips.

IMO rather premature to criticise TM at this stage.

I'll await until I see credible tangible evidence.

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8 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Corbyn just failed to call an Islamic terrorist an Islamic terrorist and has just lost any chance he had to win the election.

To do so may lose him vote from some of his most loyal supporters...

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7 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Corbyn just failed to call an Islamic terrorist an Islamic terrorist and has just lost any chance he had to win the election.

It is ridiculous and he ignores the views of his own natural constituency/base. He needs to go...immediately. Nice man but at the end of the day quite pathetic as a propspective PM

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3 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

My British friends.

If your country could survive the V-1 fling bombs and the V-2 attacks in 1939 and 1940, a few "terrorists"  won't stop you  now.

Just remember, as the T shirt from that time sad, "Keep Calm and Carry On".

Your parents grandparents did it, and so can you.

I myself was in Vietnam or 5 years, and I survive the TET offensive in Saigon and one attack on the communications site I served at.

I remember shining a flashlight (Torch to you) to see that I was  standing in a pool of about 3 cm of blood from a wounded friend at that time.

Don't let your fear defeat you, that's what terrorists want,

Been there, and got the T-shirt as the saying goes.





A really really pleasant post.


My Mum was bombed out 3 times in London- used to listen for the distinctive sound of the 'doodlebugs' as they were called. Dad was a pilot.

The British character shone through ( keep calm and carry on is a nice sentiment - was never actually used) 


Things have changed- in my many years of teaching in the East End of London- my College ended up with 89% Muslim students- and I would teach girls who I only knew through their eyes in a slit in a veil. 


Parts of London are more extreme Muslim ( Sallafist) than many Muslim countries. Governments have hammered home that the multicultural dream is working- and woe betide if you say anything against the utopia.


Sadly it has not worked- whole communities are set apart - especially women who speak no English.


I think you are correct however- Great Britain has a long and proud history, we don't give in too easily- but it is the homegrown jihadist - those who enjoy the freedoms that a civilised society brings- who in the name of their extreme death cult religion will be our undoing. 

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22 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

Things have changed a lot since I was in England.

Interesting vdo.

sooner or later, and I reckon it's probably going to be sooner after all the incidents, enough people are going to be sufficiently PO to make that rally 20 times larger, and the cops aren't going to be able to stop what happens after that.

If there is any "blitz" spirit left after 50 years of PC indoctrination, the Brits are finally going to stand up and say "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it any more"


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38 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Read the thread - the OP in question was the person who made the following statement:



I am currently writing this from a predominantly Muslim country (according to Wikipedia, the population is 86% Mulsim). I am not a religious person, but were I so inclined, there are at least 6 Christian churches in the city I work that I am free to worship in.




RR (55?), OP means the Original Poster, or starter of this particular thread.  In this instance this was a topic started by Thai Visa themselves.

You bring this on yourself really.

I assume you're in Indonesia if it's 86%. Muslim (Mulsim?  Really?), the most populous Muslim nation on earth.  If it kicks off there, do you honestly think they would care if you were religious, a Christian or a Buddhist?  You are not Muslim and that would be enough to terminate you.  Infidel.

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6 minutes ago, peterb17 said:

A really really pleasant post.


My Mum was bombed out 3 times in London- used to listen for the distinctive sound of the 'doodlebugs' as they were called. Dad was a pilot.

The British character shone through ( keep calm and carry on is a nice sentiment - was never actually used) 


Things have changed- in my many years of teaching in the East End of London- my College ended up with 89% Muslim students- and I would teach girls who I only knew through their eyes in a slit in a veil. 


Parts of London are more extreme Muslim ( Sallafist) than many Muslim countries. Governments have hammered home that the multicultural dream is working- and woe betide if you say anything against the utopia.


Sadly it has not worked- whole communities are set apart - especially women who speak no English.


I think you are correct however- Great Britain has a long and proud history, we don't give in too easily- but it is the homegrown jihadist - those who enjoy the freedoms that a civilised society brings- who in the name of their extreme death cult religion will be our undoing. 


Britain survived the Nazi onslaught, yet it may be destroyed by the Leftist/Muslim/immigrant alliance's hold on its political narrative. 


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14 minutes ago, stander said:

I am glad she said that but, Theresa May is not the person to be leading Britain now and neither is that Marxist, Jeremy Corbyn. May looks and acts like she’s the middle-aged headmistress of a Middle School, not the Prime Minister of Great Britain. Britain needs a Churchill. Instead they have Mrs. Chips.

Gender and looks have no bearing on her ability to do the job; that's down to leadership which she has in spades.

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 Fact you never see a Muslim Army going to fight for christians anywhere,  many children do not get reported for Radical views becasue secretly the parents admire their children's  views, There is an idiot couple who are in the papers today in the uk , Their son went to Syria, not to fight though. Oh No, and they sent money to him while there, Now they are bleating that he walked through a Minefield to escape  isis.

So how do you account for the many Muslims serving in the armed forces of western countries?
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So, in the last two months and two weeks we have innocents run over and killed and a policeman stabbed to death in Westminster.  Then men, women and children blown to kingdom come in Manchester.  Then at least one young lady stabbed multiple times and mutilated by freaking animals amongst the rest of the victims in Borough last night.


Up next: a candlelit vigil, the usual Cobra emergency response committee meeting, some landmarks lit up and a few songs to reassure us that we all stand together.  Utter bull dung, then repeat at the next atrocity, which shouldn't be long in coming.


There's only so much the general populous will put up with.  Actually, I wouldn't be averse to seeing some severe backlash, and why shouldn't I?  

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2 minutes ago, saminoz said:

RR (55?), OP means the Original Poster, or starter of this particular thread.

You bring this on yourself really.

I assume you're in Indonesia if it's 86%. Muslim (Mulsim?  Really?), the most populous Muslim nation on earth.  If it kicks off there, do you honestly think they would care if you were religious, a Christian or a Buddhist?  You are not Muslim and that would be enough to terminate you.  Infidel.

If the best you can come up with is spelling and terminology (check the forum rules - it is forbidden to highlight or change the text of any other poster in any way, including putting their words in bold) then you really should do me a favour and follow through with your threat to put me on your ignore list.


3 hours ago, saminoz said:

You're on ignore now as you clearly have nothing interesting or worthwhile to say.




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