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Trump criticised for tweet on London mayor after bridge attacks


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The US Ambassador To The UK Makes A Fool Out Of Trump By Praising London Mayor: " Lukens showed the world that Donald Trump might be president, for now, but American values aren’t dead. "

YcDxi2JG_normal.jpg U.S. Embassy London


I commend the strong leadership of the @MayorofLondon as he leads the city forward after this heinous attack. – LLukens 3/3 https://twitter.com/MayorofLondon/status/871270734835965952 



"In the Met area the number of ARV officers on duty at any time is to increase by 50%. These officers train in mounting armed operations with the City of London force and British Transport police."

Armed police officers in the London Bridge area after the attack.


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57 minutes ago, Opl said:

The US Ambassador To The UK Makes A Fool Out Of Trump By Praising London Mayor: " Lukens showed the world that Donald Trump might be president, for now, but American values aren’t dead. "

YcDxi2JG_normal.jpg U.S. Embassy London


I commend the strong leadership of the @MayorofLondon as he leads the city forward after this heinous attack. – LLukens 3/3 https://twitter.com/MayorofLondon/status/871270734835965952 



"In the Met area the number of ARV officers on duty at any time is to increase by 50%. These officers train in mounting armed operations with the City of London force and British Transport police."

Armed police officers in the London Bridge area after the attack.


And what does Trump do when he wakes up Mon morning?




Actually attacking the Mayor of London. I hope the British Government cancel the state visit. The transcripts of what Khan had said were quite clear. America you voted this POS in, you need to get him out fast. Notice how the USA do not know the origins or details of the attackers, because the UK is not sharing intelligence anymore. Trump has just attacked the wrong major ally. DISGRACEFUL.

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At last some sanity. It is a small gesture but  It is a start in the right direction.



More Than 130 Imams Refuse To Perform Attackers' Funeral Prayers Following London And Manchester Incidents

"We seek to clarify that their reprehensible actions have neither legitimacy nor our sympathy."



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Trump says what real men should be saying. He is not political correct because political correct does more damage than good. He has balls enough to speak the truth even though it offends. He has what is becoming a lost virtue of true men. Standing up against all odds and saying what others know but are afraid to say.

Oh yes. Real men. You mean idiots with big mouths who constantly lie and con. Real men.
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According to presidential advisers Sebastian Goooooorka and Kellyane Conway, we're not supposed to take Trump's tweets seriously, unless Sarah Huckabee Sanders tells us we should? I'm confused.


Trump wants you to take his tweets seriously. His aides don’t.


“They are not policy,” Sebastian Gorka, a senior White House national security official, told CNN’s Chris Cuomo about Trump’s tweets. “It's not policy. It's social media, Chris. It's social media. You know the difference, right?”




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Perhaps if the Mayor had asked All descent Muslims to be observant of Islamic Millitants they suspect being amongst them , and report any even slight suspicion to the Police he would have immunity to critics.Hes scared he would be a target I suspect.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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Perhaps if the Mayor had asked All descent Muslims to be observant of Islamic Millitants they suspect being amongst them , and report any even slight suspicion to the Police he would have immunity to critics.Hes scared he would be a target I suspect.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

He has before. This is his latest comment which I am sure you won't bother reading.


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Too mild to avoid the critics. Where as Mention of Isalamic Terrorists Couldn't get more mild imo.

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2 minutes ago, Ace of Pop said:

Too mild to avoid the critics. Where as Mention of Isalamic Terrorists Couldn't get more mild imo.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Too mild to avoid the irrelevant criticism of the critics.  The point of that part of his speech was to enlist cooperation, not to engage in Muslim-bashing.

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Too mild to avoid the critics. Where as Mention of Isalamic Terrorists Couldn't get more mild imo.



Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


We obviously have different thoughts on what is 'mild' in a statement from a senior politician.



"Along with the overwhelming majority of the Muslim population, I am disgusted by this act. I want to send a crystal-clear message around the world: the sick and wicked ideology of these evil extremists is no form of Islam that I recognise. I unequivocally denounce them and their twisted beliefs. "






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11 hours ago, jackh said:

1000% believe it! The facts do not lie! UK is doomed to Sharia law unless you people wake the f*%K up.

You "1000%" believe it and "the facts do not lie"...

I rest my case!


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yeah he's an idiot....

but he "believes" Co2 causes Climate Change.  as of Sunday it's all but 100% official.... 
the real news had to be broken first with a wink (Spicey's poker face on the Easiest Question Possible)...

followed by Pruitt on a Sunday talk show. who nailed it 99.9999% down.  come on! it's over!

and unlike "Bernie"..... and the Clintons...... and Obama.... with their window dressings.... and sharing their 'responsible' feelings with us all... Trump might actually be helpful at some point.... to scale....  and that would make America Great Again.

and get him reelected.... by a landslide with the green added in......


it continues to be... as it was all along...a private VC thing...governemt doesn't do applied science... the Manhattan Project... the Moon and the Space Station.... were special gigs. Microsoft, Facebook and SpaceX are what we got. with the Manhattan Project almost standing all alone as the analogy on this.... but the others do come to mind... [ along with Tang and Teflon cooking pots... but which was always just more silly talk, like JFK saying we should go to the moon by 1970... when in fact the Air Force had a plan entitled exactly the same thing before Kennedy even got elected to the Senate as far as I know].

the ****same**** applies to negative emissions tech. in spades.  Bernie and Obama never even got that specific on it... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  WHY? because they are TOTAL fakers..... just some little print in the Paris accord to make it barely passable.. but still a fraud (JAMES HANSEN).

James Hansen. not Trump not Bannon. 

and we are ****not**** being double bambozzeled... Trump is a New Yorker.      

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1 hour ago, Ace of Pop said:

Perhaps if the Mayor had asked All descent Muslims to be observant of Islamic Millitants they suspect being amongst them , and report any even slight suspicion to the Police he would have immunity to critics.Hes scared he would be a target I suspect.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

You mean, like in Manchester?


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11 hours ago, Opl said:

The US Ambassador To The UK Makes A Fool Out Of Trump By Praising London Mayor: " Lukens showed the world that Donald Trump might be president, for now, but American values aren’t dead. "

YcDxi2JG_normal.jpg U.S. Embassy London


I commend the strong leadership of the @MayorofLondon as he leads the city forward after this heinous attack. – LLukens 3/3 https://twitter.com/MayorofLondon/status/871270734835965952 



"In the Met area the number of ARV officers on duty at any time is to increase by 50%. These officers train in mounting armed operations with the City of London force and British Transport police."

Armed police officers in the London Bridge area after the attack.


Well l was disappointed it took like some fifty rounds to kill 3 Musey terrorist scum, one of the bullets was stopped by an innocent member of the public.

OK mr mayor no need to be alarmed. :whistling:

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I find the hysteria coming from the right over these terrorist attacks odd. The right defends Trump, who is quick to lash out at the mayor of London over these tragic acts of violence, but the much larger problem of terrorist acts committed by our own home-grown terrorists is ignored by both Trump and his supporters. White people in the U. S. identifying as "Christian" have committed far more acts of terrorism and are responsible for far more deaths post-9/11 than Islamic extremists, yet the right is silent on that much larger problem. Since September 12, 2001, right wing extremists have been responsible for killings at the rate of almost 3-1 compared to Islamic extremists, yet Trump does nothing. In fact, he repeatedly retweets from white supremacist Twitter accounts like WhiteGenocideTM, approved of a white nationalist as one of his delegates from California, accepted campaign donations from white nationalist and white supremacist organizations, refused to reject the endorsement of the KKK, and continues to refuse to vehemently condemn both these individuals and organizations or to come out forcefully against their doctrines of hatred and fear. This is a man who is comfortable doing nothing as these individuals and groups threaten the rights and lives of innocent Americans. But he wants to criticize the mayor of London?


You people have your priorities screwed up. 


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3 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:


I find the hysteria coming from the right over these terrorist attacks odd. The right defends Trump, who is quick to lash out at the mayor of London over these tragic acts of violence, but the much larger problem of terrorist acts committed by our own home-grown terrorists is ignored by both Trump and his supporters. White people in the U. S. identifying as "Christian" have committed far more acts of terrorism and are responsible for far more deaths post-9/11 than Islamic extremists, yet the right is silent on that much larger problem. Since September 12, 2001, right wing extremists have been responsible for killings at the rate of almost 3-1 compared to Islamic extremists, yet Trump does nothing. In fact, he repeatedly retweets from white supremacist Twitter accounts like WhiteGenocideTM, approved of a white nationalist as one of his delegates from California, accepted campaign donations from white nationalist and white supremacist organizations, refused to reject the endorsement of the KKK, and continues to refuse to vehemently condemn both these individuals and organizations or to come out forcefully against their doctrines of hatred and fear. This is a man who is comfortable doing nothing as these individuals and groups threaten the rights and lives of innocent Americans. But he wants to criticize the mayor of London?


You people have your priorities screwed up. 


The most important contribution Trump is making is being courageous enough to start a much need dialogue regarding the risks that arise from having a Muslim population in ones own country.

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14 hours ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:

Hmmm...let me just ponder that a moment....


Trump: Running a planet.


iReason: Cutting and pasting snippets from Wikipedia.


You know, I think I will go with Trump...

Why is that not surprising? 


Facts? Nah, I'll stick with Trump. A guy who can't even run his Twitter account without being criticized by his own people.

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15 minutes ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:

The most important contribution Trump is making is being courageous enough to start a much need dialogue regarding the risks that arise from having a Muslim population in ones own country.

I see. No one else on the planet has ever brought up the subject of terrorism before. Gotcha. Aaaand you prove my point about ignoring the greater threat. Absolutely brilliant.


And no, discriminating against an entire segment of the world's population, the vast majority of whom are peace-loving people who are, in fact, the principal targets of Muslim extremists is not "courageous". It is bigoted.


Here's a question for you...you seem more than happy to brand all Muslims as a threat due to the actions of a few for the simple reason that you can't identify who among the Muslim population represents an actual threat. Well, we have over 12,000 gun homicides in the U. S. every single year. So, using your logic, we should run every single gun owner out of the country for the simple reason that there is no way to determine who among the gun owners represents a threat. Of course, in the alternative, we could either resort to "extreme vetting" before permitting anyone to purchase a firearm, or we could issue a travel ban on all gun owners to reduce the risk.


Now, before all the righties get their panties in a wad, I support the Second Amendment. I have owned several guns in my life and enjoyed both hunting and target shooting. I'm simply using the "logic" on display by the right to illustrate how ridiculous their position is. For any position to be valid it must hold up in all situations, not cherry-picked to suit one's purposes.


Next time, before you make an inane blanket statement, try thinking it through.

Edited by Traveler19491
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10 minutes ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:

The most important contribution Trump is making is being courageous enough to start a much need dialogue regarding the risks that arise from having a Muslim population in ones own country.

It doesn't take much courage to be a bigot.  Unless you think this guy is courageous....



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25 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

The right defends Trump, who is quick to lash out at the mayor of London over these tragic acts of violence, but the much larger problem of terrorist acts committed by our own home-grown terrorists is ignored by both Trump and his supporters.

With respect I wouldn't say it's ignored it's very much on the agenda. 

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14 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

I love how people are more outraged at Trump's tweet than at the actual terrorists. Absolutely disgusting.

They're not outraged, they are just regurgitating the views programmed into them by the MSM.


I have spent the bulk of my life in predominantly Muslim countries.


I have many close Muslim friends who I interact with regularly.


I have over the last four decades worked with hundreds of Muslims as both colleagues and clients.


An open and global discussion about the risks arising from having a muslim population in one's own country needs to be had.


How else may those risks be effectively managed?


Discussion of risk is not bigotry, nor is it racism.



Edited by fatdrunkandstupid
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3 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

With respect I wouldn't say it's ignored it's very much on the agenda. 

With respect, you couldn't possibly be more wrong. Where are Trump's tweets against white nationalist/supremacist violence? Where are his public statements demanding increased Federal involvement in suppressing this violence? Where is his commitment of both dollars and manpower to fighting this problem? Where are the public statements of concern from GOP Senators/Congresspersons about this problem? Where is the vitriol from the right wing echo chamber? Where are the denunciations from Jones, Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, et al?


I'm sorry, but your attempt to assert that the right has more than a passing nod to this enormous problem is lame at best, laughable at worst. No, the right will never contribute either the resources or the support to attacking this problem for the simple reason that a not inconsiderable portion of their support comes from these very same people, and to insinuate that they have anything more than a very slightly passing acknowledgment of it is disingenuous.

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10 minutes ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:

They're not outraged, they are just regurgitating the views programmed into them by the MSM.


I have spent the bulk of my life in predominantly Muslim countries.


I have many close Muslim friends who I interact with regularly.


I have over the last four decades worked with hundreds of Muslims as both colleagues and clients.


An open and global discussion about the risks arising from having a muslim population in one's own country needs to be had.


How else may those risks be effectively managed?



I suppose much the same as you are regurgitating the views programmed into you by the right wing echo chamber.

I have spent the bulk of my life in predominantly Christian countries

I have many close Christian friends who I interact with regularly.

I have, over the last four decades, worked with hundreds of Christians as both colleagues and clients.

An open and global discussion about the risks arising from having a Christian population in one's own country needs to be had.

How else may those risks be effectively managed?


Now, given that a vastly greater number of terrorist deaths have been inflicted by white individuals self-identifying as "Christian", perhaps you can see just how blatantly ignorant and bigoted that sounds. Do try thinking before you post.

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